Old timers like me, simulloyd and gray eagle, will remember 2016 and all the efforts we put into this NAS, my first and most ever complex scenery. A lot of improvements in computers have been done since then. We have all learned a lot but I think it's still quite an achievement and so do others who have asked me for a link to it because the FREE dropbox links in the old thread are all dead. So, for anyone who has never seen this and is interested, it is native FSX but will maybe work in P3D as well. Maybe I'll upload it and try and see or someone else can and let me know here. This is the final version and I don't intend to do any updates to it having moved on. Without further ado...


I don't have a powerful computer by any stretch but much better than I had in 2016 when this was developed. I have 1TB HDD and 16GB RAM on an older Dell 990 desktop with an AMD video card that is not the most powerful. Nevertheless, I have this beautiful scenery in my P3D V4.5 with no fluttering at all and 27-30 fps with ORBX Bob walking around.

For those of you like me who now fly in Prepar3D V4.5, here are a few shots of the beautiful NAS Alameda I just uploaded: