I have had DCS loaded on my computer for some time now, but was never quite able to get it to run properly due to all the adjustments that needed to be made. For example, setting up the flight controls...buttons, axises (or is it AX I), TDS (whatever that is...I now know), etc., etc. For those of you that have not yet gotten into DCS, it is a whole different (and intriguing) world from P3D / FSX. The AI shoots back with lethal accuracy!

I've spent a number of hours over the past week (retirement has its benies) setting up the F-18, learning some (really just scratched the surface) of the controls / commands, and practicing flying and runway landings. After doing all that, I thought I would take a stab at the first short "mission" in the F-18 selection list. First 10 times, killed at some point during the mission. Each time you learn some new control you need to program or some other thing you need to do to survive. Finally, after much toil and sweat, I got a Mig-29 kill with an AIM-7.

Following the kill, I returned to the carrier, did one approach and boltered! Back to the drawing board...I need to practice my carrier landings now.

This sim makes you work!