Quote Originally Posted by PhantomTweak View Post
I think, maybe, your trouble may be a space, believe it or not.

The syntax looks like this:

title=Lone cruiser
unit.0=CG-49, 0, 0

Look on the unit.X= line. Note that there's no space between the 9 in CG-49, and the comma following it.
I've found that a space there can cause what you're experiencing. I won't swear that spaces between the spacial coordinate numbers and their comma's won't have the same effect, but I'm not certain of that. Note that there also is not a space between the unit.X= and the ship's title.

Another thing to take note of is that the ships designator following the = sign MUST be exactly, preceisely, as it appears in the ship's sim.cfg file in the sim's Simobjects\Boats folder. Just as an example (and it doesn't match my previous example, sorry) is:


Note the Title= line. The entry in the AICarriers.cfg file, or whatever .cfg file you use (I'll get to that in a second), must be an exact copy of that. I always use the copy-n-paste system to ensure I get them right.

As to .cfg files: It's a BAD idea, IMHO to keep adding more and more entries into the original, basic, aicarriers.cfg file. Why, you may ask?
I am glad you asked. If you keep adding more and more [formation.X] entries into your original aicarriers.cfg file that came with the download, it will very quickly become so long as to be unusable. You will end up having to search through page after page of the menu in the sim to find the Formation you want. Takes a rediculous length of time.
What you want to do is create new .cfg files for each set of formations (which can also mean a single ship, btw) you will want to use. Like for example, a .cfg file for all your Nimitz boats, one for all your Soviet carriers, one for the WWII type carriers, etc etc. Store all the different .cfg files in a folder under the AICarriers\conf.d folder. Like ...\AICarriers\conf.d\Store, or whatever you want to call it. Then, you can place the .cfg file you want to use into the conf.d folder, and when you want to use a different one, just remove the one in the conf.d folder, and copy another one into the conf.d folder. Less is better, in this case.
Don't MOVE .cfg files into the conf.d folder, COPY them in there from your sub-folder. That way, when you go to change them out, you can just delete the one in the conf.d folder, and copy-n-paste another in there.

Hope this helps a little get you started using AICarriers.
I hope you're using AICarriers.NET, not the original, JAVA based version, by the way...

Have fun with it!

ok thanks for your reply , whilst I deeply appreciate the work that the makers do it would be really helpful for the AI Carriers info to be included , it would make it so much easier , thank you