Quote Originally Posted by Dimus View Post
Always applied patches so far to avoid the time for reinstall and installation of all addons. Performance wise this version is the best so far for me. I have however run into a glitch. I can not save flights, I get a CTD. At LM the otherwise helpful posters (not LM people) could not help me so now I am considering a fresh install of 2.4.
I started running into this same problem today . Updated to v2.4 and now when I access the menu and save a flight I immediately get a CTD . Also when trying to save a flight from the keyboards I also get a CTD . I've thought about fresh install but cringe at the thought of reloading a lot of AC and scenery(especially the ORBX) I thought I might have had this problem with v1.4 but thought it got corrected in v2......