Would Anyone Else like to see an X-Plane Discussion Board here - Page 5
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Thread: Would Anyone Else like to see an X-Plane Discussion Board here

  1. #101
    Master of Disaster
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    Jul 2005
    Worthless Blue Contributor!
    [quote=Boomer;126488]There is a Spitfire & a Hurricane that are almost to the standards of FSX. Both are payware though. You can get them both for less than you would pay for a single FSX plane.



    Bought the Hurri. It's about FS9 level.
    If government was the answer, it was a stupid question!

  2. #102
    Quote Originally Posted by MudMarine View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Boomer View Post
    There is a Spitfire & a Hurricane that are almost to the standards of FSX. Both are payware though. You can get them both for less than you would pay for a single FSX plane.



    Bought the Hurri. It's about FS9 level.
    Yeah, I didn't see anything on that site that impressed me enough that I would spend money on it. No videos or real pictures of their products that I saw.

    I did find a pretty nice Spitfire for $15 with working guns. http://www.myvirtualhanger.com/SPITFIRE_PICS.html

    Can you post a few shots of the Hurricane so I could maybe get a better idea of what it looks like?? Does it have weapons?

  3. #103
    It is going to take awhile to learn this.

    Just the key strokes are so foreign to MS flightsims series. That is my major stumbling block.

    After getting away from just the defaults and populating scenery, adjusting screen settings it looked good. And it was smooth.

    It looks as if I will have to try to find files for Thrustmaster Cougar HOTAS or learn the how to program it again, it is amazing how fast you loose it if your not doing files.

    An X-Plane forum IMHO is needed. I could see spending a lot of time there.


  4. #104
    I have tried X-plane 3 times. I really,really, tried to let it grow on me cause I FSX has really caused me alot of grief over the years. I recently bought the lastest version with the gigs of scenery and IMO looks horrible.
    I took off from my home airport and got lost. The autogen is slung around like a childs playpen. Farms next to factories next to fields next to fuel tanks. The keystrokes alone took me hours to try to make sense of. Vr pits are laughable if there even is one. To date I gave spent over $150 on X-Plane versions trying to support ANY competition to MS. I have done my part and he will not see another dime until a major overhaul is done. Instead of trying to tweak the engine into something it wil never be, they need to start over from scratch. Like IL2,Falcon, their time has come and gone. Still fun to play with but way behind the tech curve.

  5. #105
    I installed my X-Plane last weekend and had a lot of fun flying. I didn't have any problem with setting up my X-52(?) Joystick and throttle and found its interface to be pretty straight forward for controls and visuals. The real world weather updates were the best, I was flying around the Portland area in my Texan with scattered storm cells that changed from rain to snow and in intensity. It was a bumpy ride with the turbulence and I had fun crabbing into the wind on some short runways in the hills. Flaps full down, sideways, and I could really "feel" the changing in lift from the wind. Lots of stuff to see with trains and smoke from factories and such. I also did some forest fire patrols and put a few out, hard to fill the bird with water skipping across some of the lakes.

    All in all I am really impressed. I installed a freeware program G2XPL that creates googlemap textures for the area you are flying over on the fly. I couldn't get it to work though, I am not sure if it is because I am running Vista64 or X-Plane 9.3b, but if anyone has experience with this let me know because I would really like to get it working.

    X-Plane has a ways to go in lots of areas, but is miles ahead of FSX in others. :ernae:

  6. #106
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    The land where dust is manufactured and people are high temp tested!
    I had a blast flying patterns at Scottsdale airport in Phoenix in the stock 182, (which is a great bird in quality. Could you imagine these guys doing the next release of XP with about 7 planes of this level of quality?)

    If you guys get a chance, download the demo of Photoreal Arizona. It has a section of Scottsdale in it. (You can find it at the XPlane website in the sales banners).

    Humble Poly bender and warrior of Vertices

    Alienware Console i7 3770 CPU 3.40 GHz / 16 Gigs of RAM / GTX660 GC w/2 Gigs of VRAM / Windows 7 64 Ultimate
    Running 3X Samsung 840 SSD HD's, 200 Gig each, 500/500 Read/Write

  7. #107
    I got X-Plane 9 in the mail today. Had some problems installing it, it failed to copy several files on a couple of the discs, but seems to be working ok. After my maiden flight in the C-172, I went to X-Plane.com and downloaded updates.

    And now I finally have a Phantom to fly!

    Attachment 78716

    So far, the program isn't bad. I still need to set up some keys but it's coming along.


  8. #108
    I bought it...Looked at the learning curb...Downloaded and installed the demo... Got totally lost as to get the thing into the air...Uninstalled it and returned my copy...

    FSX is struggle enough at times....I have no desire for more in my life right now....LOL

  9. #109
    Join Date
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    The land where dust is manufactured and people are high temp tested!
    Man.. I still havent flown that Phantom... arrgh..

    Humble Poly bender and warrior of Vertices

    Alienware Console i7 3770 CPU 3.40 GHz / 16 Gigs of RAM / GTX660 GC w/2 Gigs of VRAM / Windows 7 64 Ultimate
    Running 3X Samsung 840 SSD HD's, 200 Gig each, 500/500 Read/Write

  10. #110
    Any word if there is going to be an X-plane thread? Please don't make me hang out at those " other " forums. :help:

  11. #111
    ..... so far you have ONE thread.....
    François A. 'Navman' Dumas
    Retired - FSAddon Publishing
    Umbria, Italy


  12. #112
    Retired SOH Administrator
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    Sunshine State
    I fly X-Plane once in a while.... I have a problem with keys I got lost/confused (I am using FS a lot!) If only they can work as my FS keys! (I cant figure out how to convert the keys yet!)

    Would be nice to have an X Plane discussion here! (LIKE A ONE STOP SHOP)...




  13. #113
    Quote Originally Posted by Chacha View Post
    I fly X-Plane once in a while.... I have a problem with keys I got lost/confused (I am using FS a lot!) If only they can work as my FS keys! (I cant figure out how to convert the keys yet!)

    Would be nice to have an X Plane discussion here! (LIKE A ONE STOP SHOP)...

    Check the Xplane.org forum, there is a "key chart" you can download and you will have in front of you all key combinations..........it takes about 5 minutes to "pass" the main controls, flaps, gear etc....to your joystick or yoke buttons, with that working you´ll manage the sim very well. Then you can check each key as you fly or whatever....its as easy as FSX or easier!!!!!!!:hand:

  14. #114
    Quote Originally Posted by Francois View Post
    ..... so far you have ONE thread.....
    Can we sticky it or put it in an area of its own labeled X-Plane? :whistle:

  15. #115
    For all of you that are wanting an X Plane forum....

    We are looking into it...I will again bring it up to the staff and see if we can push a decission along....

  16. #116

  17. #117
    Working on it right now....:woot: You are :welcome: LOL

  18. #118

    X-Plane Temp Forum

    OK Folks...What we would like to do as this is getting much attention is to make this a Sticky till we see if there is enough generated intrest for its own forum..That too would require another mod to start it up...

    So..Lets see how it will go for now...

    Consider this the *Official* X-Plane Temp Forum.....( for starters)

    Tell all your friends...:gossip:

  19. #119
    Quote Originally Posted by JIMJAM View Post
    Instead of trying to tweak the engine into something it wil never be, they need to start over from scratch. Like IL2,Falcon, their time has come and gone. Still fun to play with but way behind the tech curve.
    Bear in mind that you are using FSX as a benchmark. The culmination of 20+ years of development & millions of man hours.

    To draw a parallel you are comparing a F-16 to a para glider from a expenditure & R&D standpoint.

    The fact that X-plane is as good as it is is a testament to how good a sim it is. They have made great strides with a relatively small community.

    Look at the payware add on "Inside Passage". While not up to FSX standards it is easily FS9 quality.

    If there is an influx of fresh dev blood from FS IMO you will see great things from XP.
    Regards, Bob

    Core i7-9470 4.4GHz 8MB Cache | Dual 2GB NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960 | 16GB DDR3 SDRAM at 2300Mhz | 500GB Samsung Evo SSD | 2TB Seagate Barracuda | 1200 Watt Power Supply| Win 7 Ultimate 64 bit

  20. #120
    Xplane is Not to be compared with FSX at the moment.....right now they are a different kind of breeds!!!!.....so if you set up some time for Xplane, what I think you should do is: learn as much of it as you can, slowly but surely. Check out the many forums, payware addons, freeware planes and all other goodies, and fly......In itself it´s a "little world" of its own with many surpises, some very nice and some just ok......I fly it mostly on sundays, why?, I don´t know but its enjoyable and it sure makes me smile.........those 60Gig of world scenery sure take space hu??????......I am staring with some scenery design there and hope to put out an "FSAdventureSky" Flight in the near future..Zoooooooooooooom!!!!!:whistle:

  21. #121
    Can we please have an X-Plane section and then move this thread out of the FSX area?
    FSX and FS9 are not dead. The future of FS has not stopped. It has just been more clearly defined.
    We are there now. It is back in our control. It is up to us what we do with it.

  22. #122
    because I don't have small pictures
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Hutchinson, KS
    Just my two cents......

    As I've said before, I'd like to see an X-Plane forum here at SOH in addition to the CFS, FS9 & FSX forums.


  23. #123
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    The land where dust is manufactured and people are high temp tested!
    Someday, when I get caught up (heh heh) I want to convert one of my planes to XP9. I think that would be a blast. Sure would be cool to figure out a very easy, clear cut way of doing a conversion with a check list so that we could distribute it to all the Devs and then everyone would be 'even keel' with how its done and we can get some nice birds in there. (There are already of course. We would just add some to the lists :d ).

    Humble Poly bender and warrior of Vertices

    Alienware Console i7 3770 CPU 3.40 GHz / 16 Gigs of RAM / GTX660 GC w/2 Gigs of VRAM / Windows 7 64 Ultimate
    Running 3X Samsung 840 SSD HD's, 200 Gig each, 500/500 Read/Write

  24. #124
    Bush Viking
    Join Date
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    Backwards in Civilization
    I too would like to see an X-plane forum at SOH - there are good reasons for me to not even want to bother any further with the alternative. In so many threads the condecending tone held "over there" towards newcommers / FS veterans makes me imagine violent acts - trying to calm down a bit in my life.

    The People here are good uns, and reading through each days new posts relaxes me. I would much prefer a pleasant and INTELLIGENT forum than a bunch of opinionated....<insert your favourite derogerative term here>.

    Odd though that the unthinking loyalty to variations in persuits essentially so similar would be so dichotomous !

    Flightgear is shaping up to be something special though - if it ever comes to that I believe i will rather plegde my unthinking and unquestioning love, worship and devotion to the gods of GNU :karate:

  25. #125
    Yeah there are a few pompous there.

    I have seen some posts here that suggest that this is a MS FS site only. IMO thats totally wrong. SOH a community of aviation enthusiasts irrespective of preffered sim.
    What make SOH so popular is the environment created & attitude of its members. Thats why an X-Plane forum would do especially well here. Once word of said forum filtered to the XP sites I wouldnt be surprised if we got some converts
    Regards, Bob

    Core i7-9470 4.4GHz 8MB Cache | Dual 2GB NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960 | 16GB DDR3 SDRAM at 2300Mhz | 500GB Samsung Evo SSD | 2TB Seagate Barracuda | 1200 Watt Power Supply| Win 7 Ultimate 64 bit

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