I bought the Milviz P-38 Redux yesterday (I have the FSD one as well) with high hopes but have 3 issues:
1) There is no RXP GPS integration
2) the fps performance is too much for my PC (the first plane ever for me to say that, I accidentally loaded the plane in a desert with no buildings as far as the eye can see - no mesh, no landclass, nothing and yet it performance, with the engine off, indicated the textures? were simply too much).
3) Colin says there are "TONS" of repaints but there are only a few - does he mean the old FSD paints are compatible?

Can anyone shed some light on any of these issues?

I have recently been using the RXP GNS 530 GPS in the A2A Cessna 172, the Carenado Cessna Skymaster 337 and RealAir's Lancair Legacy and Duke V2.
I am asking here because even though it says it offers "RXP integration" in the product description there is none because as Colin says here "I can't really help you on the RXP integration" lol. The product once installed actually has no integration at all - you have to do it. I spent 3 hours last night to no avail.

Also I saw Chuck Jodry the coder said this on the release "Complete instructions and sample panel cfg's are in the Milviz forums , both at Avsim and for registered clients at Milviz" - I could not find any at all.