A new entry has been added to Add-Ons Library, category CFS 3 American Aircraft

Description: C-47 60th TCG (MAW)

C-47 60th TCG (51st TCW, USAAF) saw action in the MTO in 1942-45 (Middle East and Southern Italy)
This stand alone aircraft represents a C-47 60th TCG, 51st Troop Carrier Wing used extensivelly for special
operation in Greece, Rumania, Yugoslavia, and Albania (1943-1945).

The C-47 60th TCG is a stand alone aircraft made using ETOs C-47 RAF - Flight Model By: gregoryp,
AvHistory.org; Painted by: Bravo4 - as the template; repainted by PRang

It contains a modified .xdp for selected loadouts and for the dim lights required for the typical low level missions.
Make sure you have "supply container" and "trooper_stick" files (included) in your weapons folder
They are files found in ETO > weapons folder.

Thanks to the guys from ETO and everybody involved in the original
Thanks guys.

Hope you enjoy them. They were made for MAW; but, should work in ETO (not tested)
Always open to comments and suggestions. Please contact me thru' SOH Forum or PM
This aircraft fly well on my Machine and have not caused any problems.
***But use them at your OWN RISK***

PRang (February 2011)

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