I got tired of workin on my route, so decided to take a spin on one of my favorites that I've downloaded. This is the Orin Line By Edwin van Birgelen. Its in the Wyoming an Nebraska powder river basin........"COAL COUNTRY"

Crawford Hill is one harder points on the line to get over, with helper engines a must on alot of trains.

A few shots of another loaded coal train headed east

Ok, gettin near the crawford hill, slowed down to pick up or helpers on the spur up ahead

The crew must have had to run into crawford for a snack.....so we'll just back in an get everything ready to roll. Notice the fuel tender in between the two helpers. It feeds both units so they don't have to worry about runnin to the yard for fuel

The crew showed up about the time we got ready to go
a shot of them pushin......

an us pullin!!!1

I'll skip on to the hill itself ...comin out of the first part of the s curve....you can see the end of our train in the back ground

comin out the second part of the curve, you can see the end just about where our lead unit was in the last shot

This shot kinda gives ya an idea how steep a 2% grade is. Notice we're in notch 8 an only makin 22mph

Finally made it over the crest

An now it's time to same bye,bye to the helpers. we uncoupled at speed (about 40mph) to save time

The helpers crew has brought thier's to a halt an will be headed back down the hill to wait for the next train to come along.