A Kwestion on Bombsite Akyourasee
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Thread: A Kwestion on Bombsite Akyourasee

  1. #1

    A Kwestion on Bombsite Akyourasee

    I dun went and redid a new panel setup for Pstrany's Hudsons and dun went and used the bomb site from the Alpha Sim Whitley as part of that thar new panel set. Now I have a kwestion about the akyourasee of that particular item.

    It is cowleebrated for 5, 10 and 15 thousand feet or meters at differing air speeds. Now, if I am flying at 5 thousand feets and the things that I want to blow up is at 4,500 feets...that means that I am really only 500 feets above the thing that is supposed to go boom....which I have found to be a real problem with using the bomb sites.

    Should I add a Radar Altimeter to the panel and bomb site so a person can tell just how high they are from the ground below them to make the bomb site more akyourate. And should I use a simpler AP system, such as the one from the Concorde gauge set, instead of one of them high flahootin AP boxes, such as the Bendix King AP gizmo. Just something that will allow you to set altitude and direction?


  2. #2
    Yew should git an edukayshun. Yer I-kew has dropped 15 points durin' the last 24 hourys

  3. #3
    Nah, just got my family reunion coming up and need to brush up on my Hillbilly so all those uneducated hill jacks can understand me. To better blend in during the family photo, I have taken some black electrical tape and used it to "remove" 3 of my front teeth, have soaked a white "muscle" shirt in ketchup and mustard, sewn a Rebel Flag patch onto my John Deere hat, purchased a "Dukes of Hazard" belt buckle the size of a 1953 Packard hubcap, and have been practicing my spitting, scratching and armpit-farts. Yep, I sure do love family reunions....that special time each year when a young couple in love finds out that they are directly blood related!


  4. #4
    Hi Obio,

    Why don't you just install a bomb site that works?

    Should be one on the OH'ed TBD.


  5. #5


    Obio, I've got no input regarding the bomb site question, but when it comes to family reunions and hooked on phonics I can relate. My brother went an extended family family reunion awhile ago and showed me the video. I swear it looked like a cast party for HeeHaw. :costumes:


  6. #6
    Hey OBIO, ...

    I use two(2) sights, ...w/ a single(1) BS panel for both.

    Low altitude (200 mph IAS) on "Page Up" key.
    High altitude (155 mph IAS) on "Page Down" key.
    Bomb-sight panel on "F9" key.

    1. Line up the target and set alt.
    2. Select app. bomb-sight for alt.
    3. Bring up BS panel.
    4. Activate AP, ...set wing leveler and set alt. hold at attack alt.
    5. Add trim to true heading.
    6. Set engine controls for selected sight IAS.
    7. Open doors and arm bombs.
    8. Steer w/ rudder.
    9. Release bombs at the attack alt. hash-mark.
    10. Smile, ...you just blew the sh*t out of sump'em.

    Let me know if ya want the set-up...
    ...I toil in the shadow of Masters...

    RTB ...Blue Devil ...Out.

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