Greetings from West By God Virginia
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Thread: Greetings from West By God Virginia

  1. #1
    SOH-CM-2023 Deathwind's Avatar
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    Greetings from West By God Virginia

    Probably don’t remember me but thought I’d say hi. Sure wouldn’t mind getting back involved with Cfs2. Was in the hospital but I’m out. Still don’t know what’s wrong. Blood Pressure went up like a rocket. Fluid filled my legs up so full the veins busted. Hospital wanted to keep me for two three days but I didn’t make it long. I arrived that night and was out of there by 6am. Yup told em I was going to the house so that’s what I did. Still kicking. Legs still swell but I take a durectic. My skin is bad though stays red inflammation dry I itchy and I end up scratching the blood out. Sleeping in a chair hard breathing in bed. I put on over ten pounds all at once after I got from the hospital. Something wrong. Missing cfs2

  2. #2
    Welcome back! Your vascular issues sound like mine only more severe. Try to sleep with your legs above your heart level and be well!

    Shadow Wolf 07
    "De Oppresso Liber"

  3. #3
    SOH-CM-2023 Deathwind's Avatar
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    Thanks! Hope you’re getting better. I need to find out what’s wrong. Laying down I think I’m suffocating sometimes or out of breath especially at first. Been sleeping in a recliner. Sitting hurts my back because I got Scoliosis. Need to ditch the cigarettes. I smoke like they’re going to quite making them. Got bills including medical. Just got a job right before this hit then I had to take time off I just said I’ll get another job but I’m trying to get Medicaid and they giving me the fits. Bill collectors calling . I ain’t got a fighting chance doesn’t seem like. Anyway I hope to be back modding or playing cfs 2 soon. Still looking for my payware stuff I’ve had for years.

  4. #4
    Sounds like when it rains it pours. Hope it all works out for you.

    Captain Kurt
    "Fly, you fools!" Gandalf the Gray

  5. #5
    SOH-CM-2023 Deathwind's Avatar
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    Thanks Captain. I appreciate your concern. Blood work said my heart was okay and kidneys but something ain’t right I think beats funny now then or starts racing but usually calms down when I jump because it’s scary many feels like it’s beating to hard most time. Out of breath sometimes.,probably better stop smoking if I’m going to make it much longer. I don’t know I think the doctor is hesitant to send me specialist because I no insurance yet. They denied me because I didn’t send a document or something from my last employer stating they don’t owe me any more money. If I’m not working why would they be owing money for . It’s like they try killing people to save a buck I think. Going try appeal it. Got my w2 from them so maybe that might work I don’t know. Kids won’t message me. My oldest will if I message her first but she’s like answer your questions that’s it no messages Otherwise.,I was good to them. They never stepped foot in a room I wouldn’t greet them try talk but I don’t know. Hurts i never thought things like this would hit u especially all at once. Still find a way to laugh and crack jokes. I guess by nature I’ll never be suicidal or anything like that. Just wish I’ll be okay. I got places to go and people to see I hope.

  6. #6
    SOH-CM-2023 Deathwind's Avatar
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    I’m sure I missed a lot of goodies since I been gone. If I’m able I’ll install cfs2 on my desktop that’s all I got left I didn’t bring it with me to California. Still works. Keyboard went bad couldn’t start the pc up until I unplugged that thing. Went Walmart got another and no issues so far. Other keyboard looked like a five dollar job from a Chinese sweatshop anyway never did like it the numbers letters wore off just looking at them. Might be able to transfer my cfs2 stuff from the laptop. The screen is bad in the middle but it fires up last time I tried it. Might be going to jail if I don’t pay my bills but it is what it is. I worked all my life landed a job right after High School been working for years. Done some traveling but this last chapter In life ain’t been good. I hadn’t had any luck since she took off to California and got a job without talking to me first. Had a nice house here and a good job working for Volvo now I might be going under and don’t have a pot of my own to piss in so to speak. Anyway it’s good hear from everyone. I never forgot anybody. Wished I’d behaved a little better last time I as here but I was a miserable old sole from how things were going. Anyway I’m not too ornery now unless I’m hungry and their ain’t no grub in the doggie dish.

  7. #7
    SOH-CM-2023 Deathwind's Avatar
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    I did find some of my payware for CFS 2 many still missing. Going through boxes in the basement all piled up feeling bad because with all my troubles I have a ear infection on top of it wasn't all that fun.I found the original box cd's with manual. Some abacus add ons like midway and one the Pacific Theater I don't remember what that one was about the entire pacific or What. I just know the planes are the finest piece of craftsmanship that can be found. Joking they are more suitable for CFS1. I found Just Flight Pearl Harbor and Battle of Briton. Aerosim Zero Fighters which might be good since it was also made for cfs3. Aerosim Army fighters and another I forgot by Aerosim.

  8. #8
    Really sorry to hear about you medical problems Deathwind. Try to hang in there, as a two time cancer survivor I know it's a tough hill to climb.
    Do not fear the enemy, for they can take only your life. Fear the media far more, for they will destroy your honour.

  9. #9
    SOH-CM-2023 Deathwind's Avatar
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    Thanks Stony. Beats me I'm not getting the testing needed to get better or find out what's wrong. Medicine I'm on can cause skin issues as well but my Doctor said I had those issues before. I had a rash but that was the blood vessels now that's gone but my legs are inflamed like really red my feet are purple. Dry skin and scabs . Filling up with fluid still even causing my knees to hurt. Skin is hard in places and my legs fill really tight when the fluid fills back in. Hell they never had me to fast and take blood work. I could have diebeties or anything. Had it before once I was on metaformin or something and that gave me the ****s if I remember right. Got to fork out over a $100 just to visit the doctor and still in as bad as shape as ever after several visits. I'm betting sinceI don't have insurance they are probably hesitate to send me to a specialist. Hell I'm only 51 I should be getting started not killing over. If i do i hope to see the kids once anyway.

  10. #10
    SOH-CM-2023 Deathwind's Avatar
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    Howdy Folks it's me again. Yes that ornery worthless knucklehead. Sorry. Legs seem to be getting somewhat better. Waiting on a job call. Installed CFS2 my second disc had some scratches but Abandonware has it so I downloaded that. Great to be back. Hope to be around awhile if I don't get myself killed over the Pacific here.

  11. #11


    To defend yourself against scratched disks, make several "virgin" installs (eg: PTO - stock and Rhumba, ETO and MTO - Rhumba), zip them up and stash them in a safe, backup library.

    Don't worry. I am building some PTO missions in which you can "get killed" as often as you like
    "De Oppresso Liber"

  12. #12
    SOH-CM-2023 Deathwind's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadow Wolf 07 View Post
    To defend yourself against scratched disks, make several "virgin" installs (eg: PTO - stock and Rhumba, ETO and MTO - Rhumba), zip them up and stash them in a safe, backup library.

    Don't worry. I am building some PTO missions in which you can "get killed" as often as you like
    Thanks for the advice. I’m using a desktop that’s never had it installed before because I quit playing CFS2 for several years due to married life etc. i must have been a little rough with discs when i was a young buck. I believe I was working in a furniture factory making $4.75 a hour when I bought cfs2. Hehe imagine that. Anyway I found another copy on abandonedware and it doesn’t cost anything. CfS3 and 1 are available as well. Lots of older games are there. After I installed it I made a copy and pasted it in another location for playing and adding mods. I leave the original install alone just keep it there in case I need it for another install etc.

  13. #13
    SOH-CM-2023 Deathwind's Avatar
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    Screen on my laptop I was using in California is broke so the entire middle of the screen is unusable. Don’t know who broke it but I never dropped it or anything. I expect someone dropped something heavy on it. Anyway I have a transfer cable I’m able to pull my junk off of it to my desktop with. I uploaded some mods here I can download without remaking everything so I’m just glad to be back into it.

  14. #14
    SOH-CM-2023 Deathwind's Avatar
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    Howdy Pilgrims! It’s I. Looking for a good patrol boat U.S. side which one do u recommend the most.

  15. #15
    SOH-CM-2023 Deathwind's Avatar
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    JMK_PT117 looks like a good one to me

  16. #16
    SOH-CM-2023 Deathwind's Avatar
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    Does anybody know a way to keep the engine running for aircraft to be used only as ground objects.

  17. #17
    Where's the tumbleweed emoji ...

    The only way I can recall is to use Simonu's "Traffic" C47 & B24 vehicles to mimic ground traffic with rotating props

    Link to Simonu's C47

  18. #18
    SOH-CM-2023 Deathwind's Avatar
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    Thanks UncleTgt! I was experimenting with the static aircraft from the B 24 guy from the folding wings package. You have two choices wings folding or unfolded with engine on or off. I used a overhaul modal with his cfg and airfile but the engine wasn't running though everything else was fine.

  19. #19
    SOH-CM-2023 Deathwind's Avatar
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    Greetings Gals Guys It's and Whatnot's . Been testing out some stuff and as you know not everything is as advertised. Now this isn't a complaint as I'm certainty in admiration of everybody's talent here and certainly know we all screw things up me probably more than others. I'm just stating what I've seen and that's all. I'm not asking anybody to fix, delete or do anything. First the unofficial patch dp file for the stock A6m2 Zero appears to be off as you will notice your plane lose it's ability to fly far easier than it should after taking damage and Ive seen a couple times after flack burst my wings were intact but they were black lacking texture. I haven't seen these issues using the other dp files for it. I haven't tested all the dp files from the patch. I recommend doing so if you plan on using any. the Overhaul A6m5 claims the prop spin has been corrected on a couple different occasions but it's certainty flawed compared to the other overhauled aircraft I've tested . Best i can tell you get one look basically regardless witch prop spin texture u use. U can see that by using the one in it or using the stock it's all the same with that plane. Last but not least I tried out the new CK Wildcat and admit it's kinda purty but the breaking parts logic isn't really there or at least correctly there. The way I tested this was buy going to qc choosing 8 Japanese aces in all Japanese fighters to shoot me down. I just go to the outside the plane view cut back the throttle like u would taking your wife shopping instead of a buddies house who's having a party with women in attendance. Your just not exited about getting there anyway. I just watch as the Japs shoot the plane and i started seeing whole pieces of the plane breaking which isn't normal. Fix for that would be to do away with the parts breaking off in the dp file by replacing all the breaks that are followed by a number. Just simply use break. Nothing breaks off but that's normally how they go down anyway.

  20. #20


    As a californian, (it was once a good place)... I am extremely jealous of anyone that lives in West Virginia, my wife is from Kentucky.

    Two things help a lot for Cardiovascular Health.. Fish Oil (omega 3).. and more recently they found a great response in clinical trial with Pomegranate Juice in actually repairing blood vessels (bitter but you can mix it). The new pomegranate data showed it alleviated damage on already formed plaques in veins

    The fish oil stuff is huge, I was a Molecular Biologist/Microbiology for many years (before I became an old fart) in academia and big pharma... The Seminars on omega-3 I went to in grad school that a Prof at my University gave were convincing , really convincing. Try to get the (slightly more expensive) ones that use salmon and are higher in omega 3 and take 1-2 every day... It's not just long term, I'm a smoker and I see the effect short-term, I KNOW when I forgot to take it because my lungs tell me.

    The best anti-inflammatory (anti cancer) anti-oxidant out there, the seminars showed with histology and gene expression in rats, even with a poor diet high in mammalian fats, it was the ratio of good/bad fats that was important... Fast food crap diets with more omega-3 and the CV symptoms were still gone...

    Another thing.. way back in the 80s my biochem prof did a deal on the bad rap on eggs/cholesterol. Bottom line is cholesterol is secondary, the initial vein damage is due to sugar and vegetarians who don't get enough cholesterol develop neuroses, the neurons require it - basically analogous to insulation over a wire.. the other thing is eggs are basically the PERFECT food.. which shoulda been obvious since it is a cell, it has all the required components in the right ratios, including Lecithin which eliminates cholesterol.

    Stay away from energy drinks and take potassium for high blood pressure, taurine in monster drinks almost killed me (not exaggerating) and one full year of panic attacks/claustrophobia as I finally got off them forever... taurine damages the heart.,. caffeine and aspirin are actually good for it...

    Believe it or not Cocoa (chocolate) is very good for you - powerful antioxidants there.

  21. #21
    SOH-CM-2023 Deathwind's Avatar
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    Anybody else having trouble keeping their password here? i had to get a new twice today. I've had a couple more recently.

  22. #22


    You might try deleting the SOH cookie(s) in your browser, then generate & save the new one.

    Feb. 1 2024:
    Greetings from West By God Virginia

    Probably don’t remember me but thought I’d say hi.

    If I remember correctly, you were here in 2009.
    Screen name was: "Death from Above".

    Is this correct?

    ~~ CFS2 Fulfills my need to "peacefully" blow things up ~~

  23. #23
    SOH-CM-2023 Deathwind's Avatar
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    Just had to make another password. Deleted the cookies that doesn't seem to help. Just starting doing this recently as before I kept the same password for like forever now its treats me like I'm using the wrong password when I am not. System is trying to kick me out or somebody wanting me gone. NO I wasn't here in 2009. I was here well before then back in the days CFS2 was King. Don't remember my handle back then. 2009 my first Daughter was born in April. I wasn't into gaming at that time not because of lack of interest but rather I noticed after I got married the spouse wasn't to keen on me staying on a computer she kept vying for my attention. My joy stick wore out along about that time so I did what was best for me at the time just get out business.

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