A new entry has been added to Add-Ons Library, category CFS 3 American Skins

Description: NOTE: This 1.1 version replaces the original 1.0 version, which had one too many folder levels in the individual skin ZIP files!

This pack contains five skins for the B-29 in the commercially available Firepower add-on by A2A Simulations. They are not compatible with the freeware B-29. The skins concentrate on the famed 509th Composite Group and fill in a couple of gaps for post-war B-29s:

- B-29 44-86292 R-82 'Enola Gay', 509th Composite Group, 1945

- B-29 44-27297 N-77 'Bockscar', 509th Composite Group, 1945

- B-29 44-27353 Arrow-89 'The Great Artiste', 509th Composite Group, 1945

- B-29 44-86438 'Flying Parts', 92nd Bomb Group, 1950

- Washington WF552 (B-29 44-62326), Royal Air Force, 1953

To check it out, rate it or add comments, visit 1945 & Beyond Skin Pack for the Firepower B-29 v1.1
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