that plane in qustion has a badly written dp-file. Open the respective dpfile and check the effects/systems section
It should read like this
; System = Nose Structure
The last line is of interest. If it doesn' t have the twin comma at the end, it will behave as your culprit. You have to check every single sytem.
After that, save the changed dp-file and delete the CDP-file and you are done.
FVB says:
The prob is in the DP file.
1) Go to your aircraft file and delete the CDP file (this is a computer generated copy of the DP file) and will do no harm in deleting. If you do not when you change the DP file the old CDP will be loaded.
2) Open the DP file and scroll down to the EFFECTS section. At the end of each effect is a line which usually ends in eg break,,2.
3) Go through each EFFECT and delete the number from each one. Save the file when edited.
4) You will now have an aircraft which can be shot down and crash as a 'whole' aircraft.

Mercure sez:
To stop the cloning open with wordpad the .DP file of the considered plane and remove in the EFFECTS.X the last figure in the last effect.x line, when it appears to be one at the end of the line, between two coma.
(Why can't I just copy/paste exemples???)
Then do not forget to delete the .cdp file

Jaxon sez:
The key is indeed in the *.dp file.
Your plane is probably not a stock one.
But the *.dp file is based on one of the stockers.
In there it looks like this:
; System = Rudder
Note the last line: if this part is 100% destroyed, it will break and part 12 of the model will visibly break off.
If your plane`s 3D model does not support parts breaking off, you need to delete these numbers,or a complete copy of the model is shown as the broken part:
; System = Rudder

Happy flying,

Bearcat sez:
Try removing all the "Location = XXXXXXXX" from the effects also......these parameters are intended as additional instructions to the sim on where to position the listed effects (like geo-coordinates in scenery locations). Ideally, this should be a location in the center of the damage box, but not always.
For example, you might use these location parameters to tell the sim to locate engine damage effects (fire and smoke) at the back of the nose box instead of at the center of the box, for a more realistic look of fire extending from the cowl flap line rather than the propellors.
If these numbers are not well placed in the box correctly, you can get oddly placed damage effects and doubling still, in spite of removing break parameters.
In the absence of these location parameters, the sim will default the effects to the center of the damage boxes automatically without a fuss.
I just took a second look at this dp....its improperly formatted. At least 18 parts have incomplete LIBRARY parameters. They must be completed.
For example:
; System = Starboard Elevator

Should be like this:
; System = Starboard Elevator
Open another dp like the stock P39 and look at the formatting for a complete setup. All "LIBRARY,," must be completed with an FX filename between the ending commas.