New Camera Views for FR R5D
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Thread: New Camera Views for FR R5D

  1. #1

    New Camera Views for FR R5D

    Would appreciate anyone out there that can create camera views to make two new ones for the Flight Replicas R5D/C54.
    One is of the Radio Operators seat and other is the Navigators Seat.

    I was able to rename one of the cockpit views from Navigators seat to Radio seat (this view is looking from the Navigators seat at the Radio operators seat.)

    The other camera view I changed from Radios to Navigators seat - I still have to pan to the right to see it

    Thanks to anyone that can make camera views per sample for FR R5D. Thanks

  2. #2
    Parameter reference:

    Copy a previous entry for a virtual cockpit camera, change the running number, give the camera a new name, assign a new GUID, adjust the values for "initialxyz" (hint: It's the offset from the coordianted defined for the eyepoint in the Aircraft.cfg) and "initialpbh" and you're done.

    No rocket science and absolutely no black magic.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Bjoern View Post
    Parameter reference:

    Copy a previous entry for a virtual cockpit camera, change the running number, give the camera a new name, assign a new GUID, adjust the values for "initialxyz" (hint: It's the offset from the coordianted defined for the eyepoint in the Aircraft.cfg) and "initialpbh" and you're done.

    No rocket science and absolutely no black magic.
    Well, I had to read a few pages of your rocket science tome and managed to change one existing view (I relabled the existing title to Navigators station)

    I your referenced micro$ link
    initialpbh Boeing 747-400( InitialPbh = 0, 0, 95 ) >>> no info on what 0,0,95 means.
    Cessna Skyhawk 172SP( InitialPbh = 5, 0, 270 ) >>> same here
    DeHavilland Beaver DHC2( InitialPbh = 0, 0, 0 ) >>> here too.
    Extra 300S( InitialPbh = 10, 0, 0 >>>ditto

    None of above really explains what the variables are for
    however, when I looked at the actual camera views in the aircraft.cfg
    Fortunately, the author of the aircraft cfg for the FR DC-4 made notes as to what those x,y,z variables do.
    //InitialPbh = 17, 0, 0 //degrees pitch, bank, heading pos to the right max -180 to 180 The info to the left of the // explains what the variables are for
    InitialPbh = 17, 0, 097 //degrees pitch, bank, heading pos to the right max -180 to 180 I change the last value to 097 and the the images turned more to the right thus
    the view you see.
    I would like to of changed something in those variables that would allow a zoom back just a little so as to take in more detail. Not sure what to fiddle with to do that.

  4. #4

    Zoom value

    Change this value...

    "InitialZoom = 0.3"

  5. #5

    Position values

    Both sets of these variables place the observer position.

    InitialXyz = 0, 4.0, 23.0 << left or right of the center-line, height above or below center-line, distance forward or aft of the center of the model

    InitialPbh = 10, 0, 180

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Seahawk72s View Post
    Change this value...

    "InitialZoom = 0.3"
    It already is.
    Title = "Navigators Station"
    Guid = {5b0fed04-131c-4f17-81b9-5aa0e670a9c7}
    Description =View of Navigators Station
    Origin = Virtual Cockpit
    SnapPbhAdjust = Swivel
    SnapPbhReturn = FALSE
    PanPbhAdjust = Swivel
    PanPbhReturn = FALSE
    Track = None
    ShowAxis = FALSE
    AllowZoom = TRUE
    InitialZoom = .3 >>>>> already at .3
    ShowWeather = Yes
    //InitialXyz = 0.6, -0.4, -0.5 //lat, height, long,
    //InitialPbh = 17, 0, 0 //degrees pitch, bank, heading pos to the right max -180 to 180
    InitialXyz = 0.6, -0.4, -0.5 //lat, height, long,
    InitialPbh = 17, 0, 097 //degrees pitch, bank, heading pos to the right max -180 to 180
    XyzAdjust = TRUE
    Category = Cockpit

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by gray eagle View Post
    I would like to of changed something in those variables that would allow a zoom back just a little so as to take in more detail. Not sure what to fiddle with to do that.
    Move the eyepoint back, i.e. adjust the z-value (third number) for initialxyz.

    Initialzoom can be as low as 0.1 or maybe lower if you can live with the fisheye effect.

  8. #8
    Here is current view of Navigators station

    What would I tweak to change the view to this? A few instruments are in view at top and the part of the chair. (A little more detail)

    Here is the current camera data

    Title = "Navigators Station"
    Guid = {5b0fed04-131c-4f17-81b9-5aa0e670a9c7}
    Description =View of Navigators Station
    Origin = Virtual Cockpit
    SnapPbhAdjust = Swivel
    SnapPbhReturn = FALSE
    PanPbhAdjust = Swivel
    PanPbhReturn = FALSE
    Track = None
    ShowAxis = FALSE
    AllowZoom = TRUE
    InitialZoom = .1
    ShowWeather = Yes
    0, 4.0, 23.0
    XyzAdjust = TRUE
    //InitialXyz = 0.6, -0.4, -0.5 //lat, height, long,
    //InitialPbh = 17, 0, 0 //degrees pitch, bank, heading pos to the right max -180 to 180
    InitialXyz = 0.6, -0.4, -0.5 //lat, height, long,
    InitialPbh = 17, 0, 099 //degrees pitch, bank, heading pos to the right max -180 to 180
    Category = Cockpit
    Last edited by gray eagle; December 27th, 2017 at 11:37.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Bjoern View Post
    Move the eyepoint back, i.e. adjust the z-value (third number) for initialxyz.

    Initialzoom can be as low as 0.1 or maybe lower if you can live with the fisheye effect.
    How much back (in numbers) is the question.

  10. #10


    It looks like you already tried changing the initial zoom.

    From .3 to "InitialZoom = .1"

    Now you actually need to move the observer sideways.

    InitialXyz = 0.6, -0.4, -0.5 //lat, height, long -- (try 0.5, 0.4, 0.3, etc.)

    Then if you want to try looking up a bit.

    InitialPbh = 17, 0, 099 ---- (Try 14. 12, 8, etc)

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Seahawk72s View Post
    It looks like you already tried changing the initial zoom.

    From .3 to "InitialZoom = .1"

    Now you actually need to move the observer sideways.

    InitialXyz = 0.6, -0.4, -0.5 //lat, height, long -- (try 0.5, 0.4, 0.3, etc.)

    Then if you want to try looking up a bit.

    InitialPbh = 17, 0, 099 ---- (Try 14. 12, 8, etc)
    I really appreciate your help and concern with my issues here. I will try your suggestions and see what happens.
    Thanks a million


    Here are results.
    Based on this info:

    Title = "Navigators Station"
    Guid = {5b0fed04-131c-4f17-81b9-5aa0e670a9c7}
    Description =View of Navigators Station
    Origin = Virtual Cockpit
    SnapPbhAdjust = Swivel
    SnapPbhReturn = FALSE
    PanPbhAdjust = Swivel
    PanPbhReturn = FALSE
    Track = None
    ShowAxis = FALSE
    AllowZoom = TRUE
    InitialZoom = .3 >>>>> already at .3
    ShowWeather = Yes
    //InitialXyz = 0.6, -0.4, -0.5 //lat, height, long,
    //InitialPbh = 17, 0, 0 //degrees pitch, bank, heading pos to the right max -180 to 180
    InitialXyz = 0.3, -0.4, -0.5 //lat, height, long,
    InitialPbh = 8, 0, 113 //degrees pitch, bank, heading pos to the right max -180 to 180
    XyzAdjust = TRUE
    Category = Cockpit

    I get this:

    When I zoom back a tad this is what I would like to get - show a little more detail (Top and bottom). What would I have to adjust to get this view?

    EDIT I changed to ZOOM to 0.1 and same results are in the first pic.
    Last edited by gray eagle; December 27th, 2017 at 15:31.

  12. #12
    [QUOTE=gray eagle;1118560]I really appreciate your help and concern with my issues here. I will try your suggestions and see what happens.
    Thanks a million


    Here are results.
    Based on this info:

    Title = "Navigators Station"

    InitialZoom = .3 >>>>> already at .3
    ShowWeather = Yes
    //InitialXyz = 0.6, -0.4, -0.5 //lat, height, long,
    //InitialPbh = 17, 0, 0 //degrees pitch, bank, heading pos to the right max -180 to 180
    InitialXyz = 0.3, -0.4, -0.5 //lat, height, long,
    InitialPbh = 8, 0, 113 //degrees pitch, bank, heading pos to the right max -180 to 180

    When I zoom back a tad this is what I would like to get - show a little more detail (Top and bottom). What would I have to adjust to get this view?

    InitialXyz = 0.3, -0.4, -0.5 //lat, height, long, Change 0.3. Keep moving over to the left or from your point of view backwards.
    Try 0.2, 0.1, 0.0, -0.1, -0.2 etc.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by gray eagle View Post
    How much back (in numbers) is the question.
    Trial&error is your friend.
    If you go into the FSX key assignments dialog and assign a key combination to "Reload Aircraft" (or "Reload User Aircraft" or "Aircraft (Reload)" or whatever it's called), you won't have to use the aircraft menu to reload the plane after you make changes to the aircraft.cfg. Change a value, save, reload aircraft, check result, rinse and repeat.

    By the way: You can also try lower numbers for initialzoom. Well, maybe except a straight zero.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Bjoern View Post
    Trial&error is your friend.
    If you go into the FSX key assignments dialog and assign a key combination to "Reload Aircraft" (or "Reload User Aircraft" or "Aircraft (Reload)" or whatever it's called), you won't have to use the aircraft menu to reload the plane after you make changes to the aircraft.cfg. Change a value, save, reload aircraft, check result, rinse and repeat.

    By the way: You can also try lower numbers for initialzoom. Well, maybe except a straight zero.
    I did try 0.1 and that didn't make much difference. at least for me.
    Thanks for the info = good stuff.
    EDIT: info provided above ^ from seahawk helped some.
    Actually, I did assign a reload aircraft key(s) for P3d but forgot to use it.

  15. #15
    I settled for this

    Title = "Navigators Station"
    Guid = {5b0fed04-131c-4f17-81b9-5aa0e670a9c7}
    Description =View of Navigators Station
    Origin = Virtual Cockpit
    SnapPbhAdjust = Swivel
    SnapPbhReturn = FALSE
    PanPbhAdjust = Swivel
    PanPbhReturn = FALSE
    Track = None
    ShowAxis = FALSE
    AllowZoom = TRUE
    InitialZoom = 0.31 //>>>>> already at .3
    ShowWeather = Yes
    //InitialXyz = 0.6, -0.4, -0.5 //lat, height, long,
    //InitialPbh = 17, 0, 0 //degrees pitch, bank, heading pos to the right max -180 to 180
    InitialXyz = 0.0, -0.4, -0.5 //lat, height, long,
    InitialPbh = 8, 0, 113 //degrees pitch, bank, heading pos to the right max -180 to 180
    XyzAdjust = TRUE
    Category = Cockpit

    I would know how to make one (view) from scratch but at least I know how to mess them up
    Thanks to all for the help.

  16. #16
    This is what I changed mine to:

    Title = "Navigator Seat"
    Guid = {293f904a-fbd9-4ddd-8486-09acb3937a83}
    Description =View from navigator's seat
    Origin = Virtual Cockpit
    SnapPbhAdjust = Swivel
    SnapPbhReturn = FALSE
    PanPbhAdjust = Swivel
    PanPbhReturn = FALSE
    Track = None
    ShowAxis = FALSE
    AllowZoom = TRUE
    InitialZoom = .7
    ShowWeather = Yes
    InitialXyz = 1.00, -0.15,-0.8 //lat, height, long,
    InitialPbh = 10, 0, 57 //degrees pitch, bank, heading pos to the right max -180 to 180
    XyzAdjust = TRUE
    Category = Cockpit

    Notice InitialPbh. I changed the pitch to 10. Works for me.

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by edakridge View Post
    This is what I changed mine to:

    Title = "Navigator Seat"
    Guid = {293f904a-fbd9-4ddd-8486-09acb3937a83}
    Description =View from navigator's seat
    Origin = Virtual Cockpit
    SnapPbhAdjust = Swivel
    SnapPbhReturn = FALSE
    PanPbhAdjust = Swivel
    PanPbhReturn = FALSE
    Track = None
    ShowAxis = FALSE
    AllowZoom = TRUE
    InitialZoom = .7
    ShowWeather = Yes
    InitialXyz = 1.00, -0.15,-0.8 //lat, height, long,
    InitialPbh = 10, 0, 57 //degrees pitch, bank, heading pos to the right max -180 to 180
    XyzAdjust = TRUE
    Category = Cockpit

    Notice InitialPbh. I changed the pitch to 10. Works for me.
    Could you show me a picture of that view please?

  18. #18
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails C-54.jpg  

  19. #19

    This is view corrected

    Title = "Navigators Station"
    Guid = {5b0fed04-131c-4f17-81b9-5aa0e670a9c7}
    Description =View of Navigators Station
    Origin = Virtual Cockpit
    SnapPbhAdjust = Swivel
    SnapPbhReturn = FALSE
    PanPbhAdjust = Swivel
    PanPbhReturn = FALSE
    Track = None
    ShowAxis = FALSE
    AllowZoom = TRUE
    InitialZoom = 0.31 //>>>>> already at .3
    ShowWeather = Yes
    //InitialXyz = 0.6, -0.4, -0.5 //lat, height, long,
    //InitialPbh = 17, 0, 0 //degrees pitch, bank, heading pos to the right max -180 to 180
    InitialXyz = 0.1, -0.4, -0.5 //lat, height, long, >>>>> Changed from 0.0 to 0.1
    InitialPbh = 17, 0, 113 //degrees pitch, bank, heading pos to the right max -180 to 180
    XyzAdjust = TRUE
    Category = Cockpit

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by edakridge View Post
    Nice views...thanks.

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