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Dream Premonition or Incantation

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It was some 79 days ago I awoke from a strange dream. The dream was specifically about a Pandemic that kills 90% of the world population.

The dream was so real that upon waking I was able to recall it completely. Hours later I was still able to recall all of the details. This is something I know is not normal for a dream. Typically if you do not consciously commit the dream to memory as soon as you wake up you lose all knowledge of it.

Hours and days later I found myself questioning the details so I wrote down some dates. What is the significance of the dates?

60 days or March 26th
20 days more or April 12th

This was the time frame of the start of the Pandemic, the incubation period and the window at which a person should become well or die.

Let me start the the specific details. Note I am writing this down because of a specific reason which will come out later.

A simple grade school teacher, a family man enters a market in Shanghai, China. He becomes infected with a new virus that has never been encountered before. 3 days after contracting this virus he is contagious with no signs that he is yet sick.

I asked in the dream why Shanghai, China? I was answered with it is a well populated area with lots of potential of spreading internationally. China has been the birth place of a number of Bird Flu Epidemics so logically it fits when developing the end scenario for the world by disease. You see the intent was specifically that this Pandemic would reduce the world population of humans by 90%.

The teacher during the 60 day incubation period, transmits the virus to family members, students, friends and casual acquaintances. There is no evidence that he is sick until the 60th day after being infected. After the 60th day signs start to show and he is admitted to a local hospital where not knowing their plight the faculty and staff are infected themselves.

Some time after the 80th day (20 days) he succumbs to his illness.

During that 20 day window more and more people start to appear at the hospital. After the 30th or 40th day it is inundated with new patients. At the same time new cases are spreading around the world. There is a mad dash to contain and control but it will be of no use. The cards have been cast and the process has start that cannot be stopped.

When questioned if I myself would be affected I was told yes you will contract the virus but you will be in the 10%. I was granted immunity it seems or so I think.

Days later I was still asking where did this all come from.

Was it just a Dream from the mind of a sick individual who hates the general world population and how they mistreat one another? This country against that country, this race against that race, this religion against that religion.... You get the picture and you see it for yourself. In writing I believe it is called “Mans inhumanity to Man”.

Was it a Premonition of what is to come shared with me by some external force?

Was it an incantation? My loathing of the world I so great at times that it could very well be I was exerting energy to start the Pandemic. Do I really have that power? I don't think so.

Yes you see the condition of the world in general makes me sick.

Don't misunderstand me I like people it is the actions of groups of people who cannot get along or that hate each other that make me hate them. Irony?

I am reminded of a line in the Austin Powers movie Goldmember where Michael Caine says “There's only two things I hate in this world. People who are intolerant of other people's cultures and the Dutch.”

So why am I writing this down for the world to see into my mind?

A couple of days before day 60 arrived I was sick with a fever for a week. I got better as you can tell.

Now here I am writing this with a fever of 101.4 on day 79 or 19 days more...

So I ask myself again





The next few days will tell.

And where was this supposed to start again?

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