View Full Version : Graphic Card Upgrade for Windows XP Home

April 6th, 2016, 16:44
Seems Nvidia stopped providing driver updates for my older GeForce GTX 285 quite some time ago. What ever problems I come up against on my computer, I am always asked if I have the most to date video drivers. The answer is NO. That being said, I'm looking for a newer graphics card (Nvidia chip) that is still supports Windows XP 32 bit with driver updates every now and then. A newer OS (64 bit), may be in the pipeline later this year, but not right now.

EDIT: I'm thinking because my XP is 32 bit, that anything beyond 1 GB memory on the graphics card is a waste?

My current specs are as follows:

The specs below are just copied for the EVGA site; not sure if they are totally accurate.

EVGA 01G-P3-1190-TR GeForce GTX 285
1GB 512-bit DDR3
PCI Express 2.0 x16
HDCP Ready SLI Supported Video Card

Core Clock 675 MHz
Effective Memory Clock 2538 MHz (effective)



April 6th, 2016, 18:25
There is almost never a 'real need' to have the latest/greatest graphic drivers....
So often their only benefit is to enhance and/or accommodate newer games.
The rule 'it it ain't broke don't fix it' very definitely applies.

That being said.... hold off on new cards, etc until you have a new machine and 64bit OS to suit ....then go wild.

There's nothing too horrendous about a GTX285 .... I still have one on one of my machines [2 generations old] .... since then the newer replacement card was a GTX590 and now the new machine has a GTX980.

The Resident Evil 5 benchmarking demo saw the 285 with an average fps of 106 fps ....the newer card 590 was 144 fps. The new machine [all new] gets 250.8 fps [but it cost me $7 grand all up]...;)

The 'fun' thing is ..... none of them copes totally with FSX.... it's the proggy that is still the same dog, not the hardware/systems...;)

Edit ...just saw the specs.....short answer...another gig of ram wouldn't hurt in the interim...;)

April 7th, 2016, 01:53
I've been down the road of chasing video drivers and what I found is that once you have a driver that works really well, stop chasing. If you are planning on a new computer in the next 6-12 months, don't waste money upgrading anything on your current computer.

April 7th, 2016, 02:46


I've been down the road of chasing video drivers and what I found is that once you have a driver that works really well, stop chasing. If you are planning on a new computer in the next 6-12 months, don't waste money upgrading anything on your current computer.

April 7th, 2016, 03:33
Win XP 32 is a huge bottleneck for both sims (FSX & P3D),mainly for it's low deserving memory for virtual address space (2 gigs instead of 4 for 64 bits).
Anyway,back to your question,my answe is no. Stay as you are,and think about a full refresh,with a 64 bits system.
There's no need of a moster to enjoy the simulators,but yes,unfortuately every 3-4 years there is the possibilty you have to retouch something ,if you do not like fly in a slideshow.

April 7th, 2016, 08:09
Thanks for the input guys. I know I was grasping for straws on this one, but it was worth a try. The entire family switched over to tablets and cell phones for internet access, and have not looked back, and don't miss the desktop computer at all; no standing in line to use it. So, that is where most of the computer budget will be directed to from now on. So, my current rig will most likely be my swan song for desktop computers and flight simming in general. Bummer for sure....

Wife wants the desktop computer and the desk it sits on moved out into the garage, to free up some square footage within the house for some new soft furniture. The times they are a changing....


April 7th, 2016, 08:38
Should add that my responses are being typed on my small cell phone; something unthinkable for me even a few months ago. But I have adapted quite quickly.

In any case, I don't know about you, but my garage is the kiss of death for anything that finds it way in to it. It's just to dusty in there for electronics to survive. And I know that there is no room in the garage for the desk. It's the kiss of death I tell ya...


April 7th, 2016, 09:34
Thanks for the input guys. I know I was grasping for straws on this one, but it was worth a try. The entire family switched over to tablets and cell phones for internet access, and have not looked back, and don't miss the desktop computer at all; no standing in line to use it. So, that is where most of the computer budget will be directed to from now on. So, my current rig will most likely be my swan song for desktop computers and flight simming in general. Bummer for sure....
Wife wants the desktop computer and the desk it sits on moved out into the garage, to free up some square footage within the house for some new soft furniture. The times they are a changing....

Time to trade 'the Wife' in on a current generation model!

April 8th, 2016, 15:11
Time to trade 'the Wife' in on a current generation model!

That's moot.......My wife would have traded me in a long time ago. Seems version 1.0 of me came with no tech support, so the wife still can't figure me out....:adoration:


April 8th, 2016, 17:00
Simple solution....move the desktop AND yourself into the garage....and ignore the dust...;)

April 8th, 2016, 19:11
Simple solution....move the desktop AND yourself into the garage....and ignore the dust...;)

Yeah, I think that's what she has in mind. On the plus side of things, my dog spends most of his time in the garage too as it's a lot cooler in there than out in the yard. My dog is very tolerant of me....most of the time.....:adoration:
