View Full Version : Anyone ever have this issue w/Instant Scenery 3

April 3rd, 2016, 15:24
Hi everyone.

Sorry if this is not posted in the right forum, but I know some designers hang out here and I'm looking for some help with IS3.

IS3 suddenly won't "see" my scenery object libraries - they won't appear in the drop down menu unless the libraries reside in the sceneryglobal/scenery folder. Worked fine having them in Addon scenery and elsewhere in FSX for the last 3 years.

When I try to open a scenery placement file in IS3 (previously made with IS3), I receive a message indicating the libraries are not active in FSX, yet I can see the already placed objects, the object bounding box and can manipulate the placed objects in IS3.

To date I have tried to uncheck the libraries and rebuild the scenery indices in FSX and I've also deleted the fileindex.dat and filelist.dat files in the scenery indexes folder. Fsx will build a new scenery config but still no success with IS3 recognizing those or even libraries which are active elsewhere in FSX. The only libraries I can choose in IS3 are those residing in the global scenery folder. I have also unchecked and re-checked the appropriate boxes in the IS3 options menu.

Any suggestions on how to correct this? Thanks.

April 4th, 2016, 01:23
Hi everyone.

Sorry if this is not posted in the right forum, but I know some designers hang out here and I'm looking for some help with IS3.

IS3 suddenly won't "see" my scenery object libraries - they won't appear in the drop down menu unless the libraries reside in the sceneryglobal/scenery folder. Worked fine having them in Addon scenery and elsewhere in FSX for the last 3 years.

When I try to open a scenery placement file in IS3 (previously made with IS3), I receive a message indicating the libraries are not active in FSX, yet I can see the already placed objects, the object bounding box and can manipulate the placed objects in IS3.

To date I have tried to uncheck the libraries and rebuild the scenery indices in FSX and I've also deleted the fileindex.dat and filelist.dat files in the scenery indexes folder. Fsx will build a new scenery config but still no success with IS3 recognizing those or even libraries which are active elsewhere in FSX. The only libraries I can choose in IS3 are those residing in the global scenery folder. I have also unchecked and re-checked the appropriate boxes in the IS3 options menu.

Any suggestions on how to correct this? Thanks.

I recently upgraded to the latest version of IS and have the same problem, IS not picking up libraries. I even copied a whole bunch of objects etc to a special Library folder but still no luck, sorry to say but I am not sure what the problem is. I have the program on the back burner while I rebuild FSX.

April 4th, 2016, 06:39
I have not tried the latest version in FSX (only P3D_V3.2), but in P3D it seems to be fine. Maybe here's where these constant changes in the dll for P3D start messing with other Sims? If you have the last version, I'd revert back to that for now.

April 4th, 2016, 07:02
Yep, same here Ed!
It's a pain in the butt, I installed my first batch of scenery all fine and dandy; then with a second separate file added further objects etc.
When however I restarted FSX, I found that my original scenery additions were in place, but not any from the second lot!
Only way around it that I could find was to add everything to the first file. Far from ideal, but ark east I have the objects in view now!
Hopefully the developers can come up with a fix!

April 4th, 2016, 09:47
Thanks guys.

Sorry to hear some are having the same issue.

FWIW, I'm still using version 3.0 as I'm a late comer to P3D and didn't feel the need to fix what wasn't broken. (I believe the updates only provided P3D compatibility)

Hopefully Konstantin will have an answer in their forums soon, otherwise I guess I'll have to try a re-install of IS3.

April 4th, 2016, 17:20
Well....as reasonably prompt support for IS3 can be hit and miss these days, I decided to dig deeper into this myself and was able to FIX this issue, albeit temporarily.

In W7 go to users>username>Appdata>roaming>Flight1>InstantScenery and you'll find a text document debugging log. I noticed that IS3 was scanning the scenery.cfg in the parent FSX folder, which we know is just a backup as the actual scenery.cfg used in the sim resides in C:>ProgramData>Microsoft>FSX. (I have FSX installed on separate D: drive)

So...playing a hunch, I backed up the scenery.cfg in the main folder FSX folder and replaced it with one in actual use, from ProgramData. Fired up the sim and IS3 and...voila, all object libraries active in the sim are now recognized by IS3.

This is only a temporary fix as one would have to copy the actual scenery.cfg over on every change to it. Hopefully Konstantin will join the party at some point and clarify as to why this has suddenly occured.

Curious to see if others have this same phenomena happening?

April 5th, 2016, 17:19
OK. Did some more investigating and I found the issue. Here's a good one for software developers.

For whatever reasons, some addon I installed recently decided to drop a P3D.exe file into the parent FSX folder (version 2.5.12946). I would imagine this was confusing IS3. I have yet to even try the P3D demo, so this has to have resulted from the install of an addon.

As soon as I discovered and deleted the file, IS3 recognized all of my object libraries.

I hope I can track down which company's installer did this - it doesn't seem like a very good practice and I would suspect Lockheed Martin may not approve either.

Hope this may help anyone with this type of problem in the future.

April 6th, 2016, 10:03
This inquiry is also ongoing in a thread at the 'official' IS3 support forum: http://www.fsdeveloper.com/forum/styles/default/xenforo/clear.png

http://www.simforums.com/forums/for...=is3-suddenly-wont-recognize-object-libraries (http://www.simforums.com/forums/forum_posts.asp?TID=55397&title=is3-suddenly-wont-recognize-object-libraries)

...and at FSDeveloper:

