View Full Version : A FLAGGON of FISHPOT's fit for a FITTER...

March 27th, 2016, 23:24
Brett Hoskins old gems...not too gawd awful at all. One big lump of soviet iron, Su-7's, Su-9, Su-11, Su-15 (FLAGGON-A/D/F), special animations on door, water rudder and tailhook commands- missiles and drop tanks on the Su-15, ifin I'z recollect correct. All except FLAGGON-F have long, fast take-off and landing speeds, and yes, the FITTERS were very heavy on the controls
At the beta phase, gong hey fat choi.



March 27th, 2016, 23:58
Just downloading them now, Thank You very much Lazarus.

March 28th, 2016, 18:08
Thanks for the updates. :)

March 28th, 2016, 19:53
Cheers, all. Despite their age (in flightsim years) the models are superb, particularly the Flaggon-F and Fitters, and we're not likely to see any new ones.
Still fiddling with lights, materials and drag chutes for the general issue. The textures and cockpits still need some attention, but in good time.
Jan's Su-17/22, Il-28 and Alpha's MiG-23 close behind, as well as RD-4 'Tatyana' and RN-26 'unmentionable devices'. Sadly, Yao's MiG-19 looks beyond economical repair due to age issues with animation coding- some FS6-7 vintage tags that don't translate, and unusual material layouts:dejection:Ah well.
Overlook the bumps and warts, it fills in some of the holes in inventory.

March 28th, 2016, 21:05
Was wondering Lazarus, since you seem to have a handle on Soviet hardware, if you have come across any fs2002-2004 versions of the Yak-28 Brewer/Firebar aircraft ? Years back someone was working on a model but my searches keep turning up blanks.

Fly High...Punch Holes in the Sky

March 28th, 2016, 21:31
A very pretty but perfectly awful warplane- horrid engine out manners, aileron reversal at speed, sluggish handling, long T/O and landing runs, wretched cockpit, and you had to jack the whole thing up to re-arm it-I want one! Unfortunately, that project seems to have stalled long ago, though the page is still up...pity. Keep hoping Mr. Tahir takes a stab at that one

March 29th, 2016, 06:34
Appreciate your quick reply Lazarus.
You're bang-on on two accounts, the Yak-28 was a great-looker but a dreadfull flier !...and it doesn't look like one will appear in FlightSim in the near future. Will have to be content with tooling about Europe in the portly SO Vautour with Red-Stars added. Not quite as interesting as the Yak-28 with all those 'pointy bits'
Had a look at that site link..interesting selection of aircraft and in advanced stages of design. Pity!..maybe he just had too much on the go all at once.

Thanks again for your help

Fly High...Punch Holes in the Sky