View Full Version : Any news on the Vertigo Studios T-33A?

March 7th, 2016, 04:56

I've visited the VS website and their Facebook page, and although I see loads of WWI development, I do not see anything recent regarding their T-33. This product has been in development since at least 2011 or 2012 (okay, not as long as the B-25!), and although there have been some nice screen shots of the VC (a year or so ago, I believe), I have not seen anything indicating this project is still progressing towards a release. Would love to know if this project is still on any kind of track to be completed and released, since another (AWESOME, I might add) developer was considering the T-33 a few years ago (above and beyond the A2A version which as we know, will be a long time in the making due to the complex systems and engine modeling), and they decided not to progress based on the excellent initial shots of the VS offering.

Does anyone have any insight on the current state of this project?


March 7th, 2016, 05:15
VS only updates the FB page, from what I've seen so far. Their normal webpage hasn't been updated since almost a year.
And it's still not possible to access their store @ pcsimstore, which is offline since several months.

March 7th, 2016, 05:18
Yeah...that is what I have found as well. Perhaps Deano will see this and give us an update.



March 7th, 2016, 09:06
I just messaged Deano and he wrote back, "Nothing new on that one at the moment, I'm still busy working on the other aircraft. As soon as its looking like its getting ready I'll give you a shout."

So it is not forgotten and still in the queue.

March 7th, 2016, 20:06
Thanks Frank...Not an ideal answer, but better than having it cancelled!


September 8th, 2016, 09:59
Many moons have passed, and still the VS T-33 remains in the shadows - Deano's work on the Panther is beautiful, I'm sure his T-Bird would be same if it came to fruition.

Meanwhile, maybe we'll "modernize" Piglet's excellent T-33, as we just did with the old AlphaSim F-80? Activate reflectivity features in the model, add specular and bumps, and TacPack to make one version usable as A "Fighter Lead-In" school jet. Option for two 50 cal MG's, practice bombs, rockets.

September 8th, 2016, 10:43
....we are certainly at the point where one of 2 outcomes is needed (and at this point, it nearly doesn't matter which...we just need one or the other):

1. Proclaim that the VS T-33A is in active development, is the VS priority (vs. the WW I rabbit-hole), and begin once again actively engaging with the customer base after a 5-7 year hiatus and showing recent WIP shots and committing to a release plan (sorry, I know that sounds very...uh...businesslike).


2. Announce that the project is dead, so that the hobby can then move forward and someone else can make a viable decision to create the T-33A as payware.

It truly pains me to say it (Deano's VC shots have been spectacular), but thus far, the sole "real-world" impact of this project has been to effectively block any other developers (namely MilViz) from producing this much needed airplane. A2A has been toying with idea for a few years (via a few external screenshots), but we all know how that goes...no F-104C or F-4 to date.

Still hoping the VS bird is being worked as a real priority, but when you don't comment or give/show progress reports for months/years...can't blame people for getting sick of listening to crickets.


September 8th, 2016, 17:56
. . . . .Still hoping the VS bird is being worked as a real priority, but when you don't comment or give/show progress reports for months/years...can't blame people for getting sick of listening to crickets.Kent
I agree. After awhile you learn to read between the lines and you're usually pretty accurate. This one is most likely in some form of development, but unless they have a couple of developers for each and every project on the table (which I'm sure they don't) then the T-33 is a looooong way off. Kind of in the category of "Don't hold your breath".

As for Tim's T-33, it was converted to a native FSX model quite a few years ago and has actually enjoyed a pretty nice resurgence since that time. Now if the guys who worked the F-80 want to expand on that work. . .more power to em', but it's in pretty nice shape as it is.

September 8th, 2016, 18:00
I've done a few paints for the FSX native version of Piglet's T-33 and like Ed said, there's really not much else to do for it as it's quite nice as is.

September 8th, 2016, 18:07
Planning it now... ;)

September 8th, 2016, 18:49
Seems there are several updated versions of Piglet's T-33 for FSX. Which one is the preferred?

September 8th, 2016, 19:51
Here ya go.


There are also additional liveries from me (search falcon409), I believe HenryW did some as well as John Detrick. I know there were others but not sure who.

September 9th, 2016, 06:24
Here ya go.


There are also additional liveries from me (search falcon409), I believe HenryW did some as well as John Detrick. I know there were others but not sure who.Thanks, but that got me nowhere.

Looked for entries matching t-33a, searching for any words in keywords, attributes, title and description
Categories: FSX Aircraft and child categories
Found 0 matching entries

I should have been more specific. If you do a similar search on Flightsim for any T-33a for FSX, it comes up with several variations by different people.


The one I installed had older gauges which were not "trusted" by FSX, so I wasn't sure if that was the latest and greatest or not.

Anyways, it would be nice to know which is the preferred version FSX gauges.

September 9th, 2016, 06:30
If you can wait a couple of weeks...we're going to do a Redux T-33A +TACPACK. Similar to F-80X Redux.

September 9th, 2016, 06:40
Excellent. I can wait. The real world is keeping me busy at the moment anyway. :adoration:

September 9th, 2016, 06:41
Thanks, but that got me nowhere.

I should have been more specific. If you do a similar search on Flightsim for any T-33a for FSX, it comes up with several variations by different people.


The one I installed had older gauges which were not "trusted" by FSX, so I wasn't sure if that was the latest and greatest or not.

Anyways, it would be nice to know which is the preferred version FSX gauges.
Ok, your flightsim.com took me nowhere also. Go back to the SOH search function, in the upper left "Text Search" type in radioman123 and click ok it will give you the ONLY definitive T-33A FSX Native Aircraft

September 9th, 2016, 07:27
Aren't search engines fun. Give me a SQL search query anytime. :dizzy:

Yes, that was the one I had installed that had to list each and every gauge in the FSX.cfg [trusted] section.

Okay, so now I know.


September 25th, 2016, 07:37
BTW - does anyone know the status of Vertigo Studios?

Their website has been in maintenance mode for some time, and I haven't seen anything new on FB. Are they still in business?

September 26th, 2016, 02:01
BTW - does anyone know the status of Vertigo Studios?
Their website has been in maintenance mode for some time, and I haven't seen anything new on FB. Are they still in business?
The original talk was that they were taking a year off to restructure. Some who have an inside with Deano report that he is working on models, others say that nothing is being done right now other than them looking at whether or not they will be back at all. The lack of any updates or any activity on their FB page can be taken any number of ways I suppose and unless someone, namely Deano posts a definitive answer to any of this, it's all conjecture at this point as far as I'm concerned.

To me, taking time off to retool and work out problems can be good for any company, but the longer it goes there's always the possibility that they will decide it isn't worth the hassle, but like I said, it's all conjecture and not based on any facts.