View Full Version : Back in the Saddle

February 20th, 2016, 13:56
I am currently updating the BPF with MR scenery files and revamping the missions to fit the new Rhumba DEMs.
Also adding Stuart's EMBs for target practice in the later Iceberg II missions.

It is always somewhat slower to revamp than to build from scratch.

Bear with me.


February 20th, 2016, 14:21
:triumphant:Welcome back Lee, so glad to see you back in the Basement!

Take your time, it's not a race.

You might want to check out Allen & Captain Kurt's reworking of the OH F6F-3 (Hellcat MkI) & F6F-5 (Hellcat MkII), it's much easier to put new paints on them now.

February 21st, 2016, 02:26

Great to see you back! Please take your time. :jump:

February 21st, 2016, 10:59
:triumphant:Welcome back Lee, so glad to see you back in the Basement!

Take your time, it's not a race.

You might want to check out Allen & Captain Kurt's reworking of the OH F6F-3 (Hellcat MkI) & F6F-5 (Hellcat MkII), it's much easier to put new paints on them now.

No race here. It is going to take some time to revamp the missions. The campaign config file is done for Iceberg I and Iceberg Oolong.
I have Chris's new scenery and airbases installed and am having a great time just flying around in a Seafire III enjoying his marvelous work.:encouragement:
One of these days I will quit admiring and start working on the missions.......:very_drunk:
Chris has given us a very target rich environment.
I am flying over his noships scenery right now, visualizing some destroyable ships and boats.
Later this week I will remove the noships gsl and do the wships gsl and see if there is room to put some MB ships to shoot at in the mix.

Got one of each of Allen's and Capt Kurt's Hellcats downloaded.

Will your FDG2 skins fit, or are you doing new skins to fit these?

February 21st, 2016, 16:05
I can run CFS2 normally, and missions load and flying is fine, but I cannot get into MB.
The screen loads and then I get a CTD in Windows 7.
I get a "Runtime error" in XP then CTD.

How do I correct this?

February 21st, 2016, 16:29
Bad add-on?

February 21st, 2016, 16:54
Bad add-on?

All I added was MR's scenery for Sakishima Gunto and the necessary ships.

I am wondering if the missions are calling for the old scenery and layouts and causing problems.

Some of the missions to Miyako Jima are showing the old scenery under MR's new.

I think I will install a pristine CFS2 and rebuild BPF in it by hand editing out the scenery references in the MIS files.

February 21st, 2016, 17:34
Hi Lee,

I am happy to hear that you are enjoying flying around the Gunto.

There shouldn't be anything innate to the new scenery that should be causing any issues.

But I never say never anymore.

Were you careful adding runway entries to the airbases.dat file?

I am pretty sure that if you accidentally delete the end of file marker at the end of the file- the little square doohicky- it will cause a CTD.

Keep us posted on your progress.


February 21st, 2016, 17:42
Forget my last. I just went in and deleted it from my airbases.dat file and it had no effect.

Could have sworn that it caused a run-time error. I used to make a note of it in my old readme files. But stopped for no particular reason I can think of.


You might check it anyway.

February 21st, 2016, 19:19
BTW, Lee,

Any objects that are part of missions you created involving these fields will show up mixed in with the Sakishima Gunto scenery. As will any objects associated with any older or newer versions of the Miyako Jima airfields and/or any any objects associated with any older or newer versions of airfields on the surrounding islands. Its shouldn't take any more than a simple scenery folder deactivation to make the other sceneries disappear. You shouldn't need to do a brand new install. Unless you are so inclined. ;^)


February 22nd, 2016, 02:51
BTW, Lee,

Any objects that are part of missions you created involving these fields will show up mixed in with the Sakishima Gunto scenery. As will any objects associated with any older or newer versions of the Miyako Jima airfields and/or any any objects associated with any older or newer versions of airfields on the surrounding islands. Its shouldn't take any more than a simple scenery folder deactivation to make the other sceneries disappear. You shouldn't need to do a brand new install. Unless you are so inclined. ;^)


I moved the first MIS file into my pristine install along with aircraft, objects, scenedb, scenery, textures, and mdlnames.
I haven't moved the info folder and airbase.dat yet.

I am able to get into MB on this install. I originally attempted to just delete out the MB objects; AA guns, etc., with MB by hi-lite and delete, which worked until I try to save the mission.
As soon as I hit save, CTD.
SO, I then went into the MIS file and deleted all ground objects in the mission there, saved it and reopened CFS2MB.
All is good, ground objects are gone.
I add in one AA gun to your emplacements and hit save: CTD.

Today, I will open an new mission and build the ground objects into a layout file on your scenery and see if it saves.

Many of the old airbases, except for the one Achim built, are done in MB with MB runways, objects, and buildings, so it is not just disabling scenery files.
They are in layouts, which I think I deleted all that apply in my original BPF install.
In this pristine install, none of those are involved.

BTW, I moved all of the BPF missions and campaigns from the original BPF install and still cannot get into MB there.
Today I will also go in and disable all scenery back to the original settings and see if I can then get into MB.

In between all of this, my walk, which I have built up to 45 minutes straight, lost 17 pounds in body fat, with 20-25 pounds to go by this time next year.
I want to get back down to my active duty military weight of 215-220, a lean, (not so) mean, (not so) fighting machine, Marine weight.
At my height, I don't want to get any lighter. I would look anorexic below 210-215.

I'll let y'all know what my CFS2 mods do over the course of the day.


February 22nd, 2016, 02:54
Hello Lee,

The Hellcat skins will only fit the FDG bird. I was aiming for that "Donationware quality Virtual Cockpit" feel when I did them - but this bird has significant distortion issues too!

I did release a couple of BPF skins a while back for the OH stocker, & they may fit OK. Otherwise I will happily recreate whatever skins you need/like for the revised OH stock F6Fs that Allen & Captain Kurt produced, just send me a mail & I'll get to it.:running:

February 22nd, 2016, 03:04
Hello Lee,

The Hellcat skins will only fit the FDG bird. I was aiming for that "Donationware quality Virtual Cockpit" feel when I did them - but this bird has significant distortion issues too!

I did release a couple of BPF skins a while back for the OH stocker, & they may fit OK. Otherwise I will happily recreate whatever skins you need/like for the revised OH stock F6Fs that Allen & Captain Kurt produced, just send me a mail & I'll get to it.:running:

Right now, no need. I am HAPPY with the skins and aircraft in BPF.
Once I get the MB situation resolved and get at least the first set of missions for Iceberg I done and in a campaign, I will look at the different flying experience using the Capt's and Allen's Hellcats in USN colors. If they are better at the tasks at hand, I will hit you up for some RN clothing...

February 22nd, 2016, 15:03
Welcome back Lee,

It's good to see you around.

I did some testing for MR and there is an issue I had forgotten to mention to him. (sorry)
But as I read your post it crawled it's way back to my frontal lobe.

An airbase .dat entry.

name=JN SG Ishigaki 4
base_lat=N24* 20.61
base_lon=E124* 11.16

The lat and lon entries with the *

Change these and see how it works for you.


February 22nd, 2016, 15:50
Right now, no need. I am HAPPY with the skins and aircraft in BPF.
Once I get the MB situation resolved and get at least the first set of missions for Iceberg I done and in a campaign, I will look at the different flying experience using the Capt's and Allen's Hellcats in USN colors. If they are better at the tasks at hand, I will hit you up for some RN clothing...

My F6F-5s uses the stock F6F .air file more or less. I put my time into fixing the the texture distortions that the stock model had and adding in the back side windows that the F6F-3 and early F6F-5s had. I did a F6F-5 with and with out the back side windows. Not sure if Capt did any changes to the .air file but feel free to make any changes you need for your missions.

February 22nd, 2016, 16:15
Welcome back Lee,

It's good to see you around.

I did some testing for MR and there is an issue I had forgotten to mention to him. (sorry)
But as I read your post it crawled it's way back to my frontal lobe.

An airbase .dat entry.

name=JN SG Ishigaki 4
base_lat=N24* 20.61
base_lon=E124* 11.16

The lat and lon entries with the *

Change these and see how it works for you.



Good catch,

However, I have it entered with the *'s and everything seems OK. It shows up in my airbase drop-down list anyway.

BTW, do you recall that erasing the EOF (end of file) marker form the airbases.dat would cause a run-time error?

I could swear that it did. I use to even include a cautionary note about it my readmes.

But could get no joy on it yesterday when experimenting.


February 22nd, 2016, 16:20
All I added was MR's scenery for Sakishima Gunto and the necessary ships.

I am wondering if the missions are calling for the old scenery and layouts and causing problems.

Some of the missions to Miyako Jima are showing the old scenery under MR's new.

I think I will install a pristine CFS2 and rebuild BPF in it by hand editing out the scenery references in the MIS files.


Did you try deactivating the Sakishima-Gunto scenery folders and see if it made any difference?


February 23rd, 2016, 02:34

Good catch,

However, I have it entered with the *'s and everything seems OK. It shows up in my airbase drop-down list anyway.

BTW, do you recall that erasing the EOF (end of file) marker form the airbases.dat would cause a run-time error?

I could swear that it did. I use to even include a cautionary note about it my readmes.

But could get no joy on it yesterday when experimenting.


Hey Chris,

Well well, deleted the square and all was well. Even made a simple mission, added some AAA and still ok. :disillusionment:
For years I've read about the square being a eof marker, same as you. It was always paramount that it had to be there?! Go figure.

I still put it back again anyway. Can't really call it a long term test and I'd miss seeing the little guy.

On the subject of the asterisk, my eye just caught it so I decided to change the format and make it the same as the other entries.
But again, the same as above. No ill effects. It displayed in MB ok and showed the asterisk in the display box.
Mission saved and loaded without a hitch.

Sorry Lee, this probably will not help out your situation.
It's some other gremlin, somewhere...

It may help to open "Event Viewer". Sometimes it will give a clue to what may be happening. Look for the red X.

Start button/Control Panel/System and Security/Administrative Tools/Event Viewer/Applications


February 23rd, 2016, 13:44
I did a completely new install.
MB works fine.

Added aircraft and ships, noticed several ships had empty panel and sound folders, added txt files into empties.
MB works fine.

Added objectsDB and scenedb for add-ons.
MB works fine.

Added Sakishima Gunto files.

Deleted Sakishima Gunto scenery files in scenery.cfg.
Did not remove GSLs.

Changing GSLs from w/ships to no ships to stock ships and will let y'all know...

February 23rd, 2016, 14:00
Perhaps, it is an old DEM4, or other glitch with LOD7, DEM8?
All of my PTO installs MB CTD.

NONE of my ETO, MTO installs MB CTD.

SO, I am going to move the DEM4 from the ETO/scenery install into the PTO/BPF install and see if that does it.
Or, look on my external storage for the DEM4 patch that came out.

I will deactivate the Rhumba mesh in the newest install and see if that works.

February 23rd, 2016, 15:51

That is puzzling to be sure.

It definitely sounds as though there is an issue with the Sakishima-Gunto scenery.

All 3 folder are in their proper order in the scenery library?

Sakishima Gunto
Sakishima-Gunto Water and Landclass
Sakishima gunto Masks and Excludes

When you get a chance delete each of the three scenery folder one at a time starting with the Masks and Excludes folder. Don't just deactivate, delete.

Sorry for the hassle DD. The last thing you needed, eh?


PS: Even if you were missing something in the GSL call out I don't think it would cause a crash. I'd think at most you'd get a missing scenery object message.