View Full Version : Hercules?

January 24th, 2016, 15:14
Just wondering if there is an FSX native C-130 out there anywhere that is not the Captain Sim one?

January 24th, 2016, 15:25
Milviz is working on a Juliet if I'm not mistaken.

January 24th, 2016, 15:26
As far as I'm aware of, nothing other than the CS version currently available. There is a C-130J-30 in development by Milviz. You can see the WIP shots on their Facebook page.

January 24th, 2016, 21:22
That's pretty much what I figured, but thanks for the confirmation.

January 24th, 2016, 23:41
Just wondering if there is an FSX native C-130 out there anywhere that is not the Captain Sim one?

I think maybe not "soon" but enjoy this (as You see it will be MV C-130J):

https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xta1/t31.0-8/12513794_1041076272603414_3139164436702334266_o.pn g


https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/t31.0-8/12484644_1041076332603408_6873166812184949707_o.pn g

January 25th, 2016, 13:35
Just wondering if there is an FSX native C-130 out there anywhere that is not the Captain Sim one?

This one is worth the price you'll have paid ;-) You can find the download link at the bottom of this thread http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/showthread.php?92648-FSX-Lockheed-C-130-Hercules-zip

I have the Capt Sim version too, and I still find fault with it: The C-130T models Flt Engr's overhead panel is marked as having a GTC ( from early up to the F and R models) instead of the APU the T has (harrumpf!) . It's a good thing I got it in their annual 9.99 sale ;-)

January 25th, 2016, 20:28
I have that one, I flew the crap out of it in FS9 so when I saw it got the native treatment I jumped on it. But, the ramp no longer opens, at least in FSX_SE. Something about the concorde visor keys no longer functioning, or something like that.....