View Full Version : Piglet's OV-10 Bronco starting problem

January 10th, 2016, 08:24
I'm enjoying working through Piglet's models but the Bronco won't work for me. Are there any engine start instructions anywhere? The aircraft loads with the engines running whereupon they slow right down and stop. All suggestions gratefully received!

January 10th, 2016, 08:35
Tom, my only suggestion would be to start the flight with a default twin with all switches set and then switch to the Bronco. If it continues to run, save it again with the Bronco and it should be fine from that point on.

January 10th, 2016, 08:51
As I recall, both Tim's Bronco and the Mohawk had the ctrl-shift-f4 FSX bug. Basically you have to have mixture (even though there is no mixture on these planes) set to full rich to get them to run.

It's been a while since I flew them for what it's worth.

January 11th, 2016, 16:16
Not really a bug, the mixture becomes the condition lever in a turbo and must be pushed to full. It has been a while since I last flew them but I think they may reduce power at half condition also.


January 29th, 2016, 10:41
Thanks all for the suggestions, but none worked. :banghead: It turns out I had to comment out the default flight from fsx.cfg and FSX defaulted to Friday Harbour, microlight etc. Loading the Bronco and changing airfield etc gave me a running, starting (if necessary) Bronco after that. Things had been so bad the default King Air 350 and PC-7 weren't behaving either when I tried them. :dizzy:

Funny enough, the OV-1 never gave any problem and it has twin turboprops too...

January 29th, 2016, 14:30
Thanks all for the suggestions, but none worked. :banghead: It turns out I had to comment out the default flight from fsx.cfg and FSX defaulted to Friday Harbour, microlight etc. Loading the Bronco and changing airfield etc gave me a running, starting (if necessary) Bronco after that. Things had been so bad the default King Air 350 and PC-7 weren't behaving either when I tried them. :dizzy:

Funny enough, the OV-1 never gave any problem and it has twin turboprops too...
Glad you got it running Tom. Only problem I have with either of those two is trying to get the OV-1 to stop creeping while in idle and then to slow down on landing, lol.

January 29th, 2016, 23:33
I found the same until prop pitch was brought down. The OV-1 does a great reverse thrust, but don't stall the Bronco on final...:pop4: