View Full Version : Folland Gnat Update

September 28th, 2015, 08:54
For those who were interested in the SimShed Gnat, here are some current images. A few things to fix, but mostly ready to zip up and post for download. These are obviously of the Red Arrow Team Aircraft. The Yellowjacks aircraft just needs to be converted to "dds" format which I'll get to later today. The startcart has also been updated as well just not showing in these pics.





September 28th, 2015, 08:57
If anyone who has this airplane and has fixed the urge for the airplane to increase speed with the throttle at idle, please let me know. Even with brakes on it tends to creep along.

September 28th, 2015, 12:02
There's an FSX-friendly version of this aircraft at Simviation - modified by Mr. Scrub.


September 28th, 2015, 13:51
If anyone who has this airplane and has fixed the urge for the airplane to increase speed with the throttle at idle, please let me know. Even with brakes on it tends to creep along.

Looks like the thrust table (1506) in the .air file is off.

pilto von pilto
September 28th, 2015, 14:56
You know I'm all over this rather inappropriately. :encouragement:

September 28th, 2015, 20:45
There's an FSX-friendly version of this aircraft at Simviation - modified by Mr. Scrub.
I took a look at it, but I'm not sure (other than some effects that were added) what else makes it different from the original. There's no difference in the air file or config file that is an improvement as it still retains the problem with high rpm and "creeping" that the original has. The openings on either side of the panel remain and while he included some textures to fix transparency problems with the canopy and reflections in the VC for Accel users I never had a problem with that and I run FSX/Accel. . .so "FSX Friendly". . .?? not so sure. Now if he had reworked the mdl file, made a lot of stuff in the cockpit workable, corrected some inherent texturing problems I could see it. Honestly I've done more to completely redo the exterior. . .adding finer detail work than the original, the VC by completely redoing the gauge panel and replacing the out of date gauges and so on. So if anyone wants the airplane I'll post it, otherwise I'll keep it to myself and folks can opt for the FSX Friendly version that Scrub did.

September 28th, 2015, 23:17
Hi falocon409

I would welcome an opportunity to fly your version of the Gnat. I tried Mr Scrubs' version but it didn't work too well for me. The only Gnats I have seen with flames coming out of the back end were in a Hot Shots ? movie.

September 28th, 2015, 23:20

No disrespect to Mr Scrub but I'd like a copy of your version too Ed;)


September 29th, 2015, 02:45
Hi Ed,
I would appreciate a copy. Great work!

Peter W:ernaehrung004:

September 29th, 2015, 03:00
Couldn't be bothered to chase my original download so went to Simshed and pulled it again. If the download counter there is correct.. this little baby has been pulled 11874 times!!!
It does load 'on the run' so to speak and will creep a little with the brakes off. It's holding fine with the brakes on here. I see continuous vortices no matter what the attitude or speed are.. double vortices if G is pulled. Also see them on the ground if a vaguely sharp turn is made. Not a major problem. I may throw Bjoern's L39 airfile at it to see how it goes but the native file isn't bad. Nice to see it again after a long lay-off;)

September 29th, 2015, 03:58
. . . . . . .It does load 'on the run' so to speak and will creep a little with the brakes off. It's holding fine with the brakes on here. . . . . . . .
Dave this creeps more than just a little with the brakes off. As a matter of fact, if I release the brakes it will reach take off speed on a long runway.

September 29th, 2015, 06:15
Hi Ed:wavey:

Honestly.. it's nowhere near that bad here. Initial load-up and it's off like a good'un but when it's been stopped, it does creep but not to the degree you're seeing and it holds on the brakes. Must be how we have our rigs setup.

September 29th, 2015, 06:29
Hi Ed:wavey:

Honestly.. it's nowhere near that bad here. Initial load-up and it's off like a good'un but when it's been stopped, it does creep but not to the degree you're seeing and it holds on the brakes. Must be how we have our rigs setup.
I took Bjoern's suggestion and looked into the airfile. For me this is comparable to a "Bull in a China Shop". However I looked at several other aircraft of similar size and type and found that the table he referenced did show some areas that appeared out of wack so I saved a copy of the original and made changes. Nothing made any difference. . .as a matter of fact you would think I hadn't made any changes at all. So I replaced the original air file with a few of the others I was comparing it to. . .also no difference.

My statement that it reached take off speed was a bit of an exaggeration. . .actually on a 9000' ft runway it maxes out at 56kts. With brakes on it continues to creep ever so slightly, but release the brakes and it immediately begins picking up speed. I looked at the aircraft.cfg file but saw nothing there that seemed adversely high. I did notice though that at idle the rpm gauge shows about 4900rpm. . .which to me seemed crazy high. . .but maybe not.

September 29th, 2015, 08:13
Yo Ed:wavey:

I went back and had a look at the creep and this time round, it did creep faster. Hell knows why. I then chopped to the Red Arrows model. This went forward at a start but stopped ok when I braked it. It then crept forward slowly on it's own and stopped. Went back to the 4FTS and this crept faster. Can't see any obvious reason for one doing it and the other one not. The mdl's are different but they use the same airfile and cfg. Odd!! I've dropped the L39 airfile in there so will give that a run.

EDIT: Thrown the L39 airfile in there and now they all creep!!.


September 29th, 2015, 08:44
Yo Ed:wavey:

I went back and had a look at the creep and this time round, it did creep faster. Hell knows why. I then chopped to the Red Arrows model. This went forward at a start but stopped ok when I braked it. It then crept forward slowly on it's own and stopped. Went back to the 4FTS and this crept faster. Can't see any obvious reason for one doing it and the other one not. The mdl's are different but they use the same airfile and cfg. Odd!! I've dropped the L39 airfile in there so will give that a run.

EDIT: Thrown the L39 airfile in there and now they all creep!!.

Oh well! Guess there's a gremlin afoot somewhere.

September 29th, 2015, 13:34
I think the original dev wanted to get flight performance right and tuned the engine for that. Which unfortunately means that the engine is overpowered on the ground (the Gnat is rather lightweight, right).
Try lowering thrust and airframe drag. If that messes up the FDE too much, more long-winded in-depth work will be required.

October 1st, 2015, 07:25
Release on the work I've done on the Gnat has been postponed for the foreseeable future. No discussion is necessary. TY