View Full Version : BayTower RV-7 Help

September 11th, 2015, 05:02
Hi all, I am at my wits end here and was wondering if anyone might be able to offer some help.

I purchased the BayTower Studios RV-7 and installed it and everything went fine, but for some reason my wings and tail are missing. I tried the BayTower Studios forums, but they are offline and have been for a few months (maybe that should have been my warning). I tried sending numerous messages to their Facebook page, and have not received a response. I emailed Flight1, they told me to go to the BayTower forums. So finally I search google, and see that others had this problem back in 2011 (http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/showthread.php?45610-Baytower-RV-7-coming-s**n!-Now-released-as-beta!!/page3). Apparently the answer is on their forums, but their forums are not accessible.

Does anyone know how I can fix this problem? I see in the "btsRV7config.exe" that there is an option to fix missing wings, but every time I use it the program crashes (Win 10). Am I totally out of options here? I'd really appreciate any advice that anyone might have to offer. Thanks!

September 11th, 2015, 07:24
I had same issues when I upgraded to Win10 and was bummed because the RV-7 is one of my favorites. I downloaded the package (again) from BayTower and reinstalled via F1 installer. I also think had to rebuild the DX10 Scenery files.

The biggest problem was remembering all the info to run the F1 installer.. I hope this helps..


September 11th, 2015, 09:27
I don't know either. Danny (I think was his name) has been out of flightsimming for some time. The forums are dead, they've been dead for a few years I think.

The RV7 was going to have further development if I recall.... kinda vapourware now. A great little bird though in FSX. Some have it working in P3D too - I couldn't get it though.

September 11th, 2015, 13:56
Well thank you both, I do appreciate the help. I've also tried the F1 installer again with no luck. Thankfully Flight1 offers refunds within 30 days so if I can't get it sorted by then at least it wont all be for nothing. Frustrating, though, as the baytower website (not forums) was updated relatively recently to reflect the new, lower price (the reason I bought it), so the developer is still there and selling the product, just not offering support.

Thanks again!