View Full Version : T6, Harvard SNJ question

August 30th, 2015, 16:14
I have a question for the T6 fans out here....
I hope someone can answer it....

Today i watched a video of the South African air force, using Harvards. In the video a pilot tied a red windsock to the tail wheel of the plane before it took off....
Can someone shed some light as to why this was added....
Thank you....

Here is the Video.

August 30th, 2015, 18:40
The windsock is tied to the tailwheel to alert ground crew, ATC, and other aircraft that the pilot flying solo is a low time pilot. Often used on a students first solo flight. If you notice the instructor climbs down from the back seat, ties the windsock to the tail, and then the student in front taxi's out for takeoff by himself. Its a practice used by the South African Civil Aviation Authority. I don't know where it originated or which other countries use the windsock 'student identifier'.

August 30th, 2015, 18:55
Thanks for the info.