View Full Version : You can never have too many VTOLs ...

August 21st, 2015, 05:45
So one more is coming, Yak 36 freehand, first soviet VTOL plane, first flown 1963; experimental plane, four built in all, gave birth to the Yak 38 operational variant


3D model is shaping up nicely.

For the VC I have little to none infos so I'm going to adapt the HT_Yak38, courtesy of Harri Thaha & Hadi Tahir.

For the FDE I am waiting for Rob to come back from the holidays and perform his magic.

May use some beta testing and paintjob; any volunteers?



August 21st, 2015, 12:43
I'd be happy to help beta test and try my hand at painting if you have a template.
Adapting the Yak-38 VC (and hopefully adding additional functionality) is likely the best option right now. I'll see if I have anything in my resources that may provide further background.

August 21st, 2015, 13:23
Adapting the Yak-38 VC (and hopefully adding additional functionality).

Yup, the nose pipe being visible, but that's it for now.

More shots and beta version available HERE (https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=4B4745D8612A4C3!366&authkey=!ALLRHKN3suE-3Bw&ithint=folder%2cjpg).

A basic paintkit is included; model uses speculars and bumps as well.

Thanks for contributing; please report to Mc5834@hotmail.it (Mc5834@mclink.it) .


August 22nd, 2015, 06:38
I like this, nice!

August 30th, 2015, 13:04
work progressing well


VC adapted just fine from ht_yak38, with some new additions.
still some work to do on the textures.
anyone has images of stencils from russian aircrafts?

September 22nd, 2015, 16:29
Okay, new VSTOL implementation in the making for this YAK36 model ......
Based on my latest Harrier codings.

Main problem is guessing how this Russian VTOL "prototype" would actually have behaved flight-dynamics-wise IRL; because they wouldn't have been as stable as Harriers, or have advanced features like engine water-inject (to boost power) and VIFF-ing nozzles positions.


September 23rd, 2015, 06:55
Okay, new VSTOL implementation in the making for this YAK36 model ......
Based on my latest Harrier codings.

Thank so much for joining. :icon29:

BTW, the plane needs no carrier, LOL :jump:


September 23rd, 2015, 08:23
Brilliant! The beta is loads of fun,and so ugly you've just got to love it.
Fight dynamics wise, the early days of the development program were pretty bletcherous, like the kestrel, it was all a steep curve compounded by soviet engineering, hot gas re-ingestion, marginal excess thrust and perfectly miserable soviet MTBF's. By the time of the Yak-38 development, the soviets were running a fairly decent, if heavy, complicated and some what unreliable flight control system, and the Yaks had been described as 'rock steady' in VSTOL and transition, though still hampered by marginal powerplants. The Yak's sent to 'stan on the rohmb trials were so marginal at kabul, they had to fly at night with stunning warloads like thirty rounds in a gun pod, or a rocket pod with four rockets, and enough gas to attack the kebab shack at the end of the runway. The early Med deployments were similarly hampered by terrible engine performance on hot days, and lift engines that would not start if the temps and RH rose higher than a Kubinka january standard day. But, these aircraft were really technology demonstrators.

September 25th, 2015, 02:25
Just received the new FDE from Rob, terrific job as usual. :triumphant:
A couple more days of testing and the final version will be out.

September 30th, 2015, 03:13
The Yak-36 V2 is final, available now at IS4G (http://www.isoliti4gatti.it).


If you can read italian here's a full report: http://invirtuale.blogspot.it/


October 2nd, 2015, 08:07
Thanks! This is quite fun... Here I am, practicing carrier landing on the HMS Invinclible (http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/local_links.php?linkid=17452&catid=114) and the Kiev (simviation.com/1/search?submit=1&keywords=ht_kiev02-1.zip):



The VC is a bit crude, but she's fun to fly, FSX native, the VTOL flight dynamics are very smooth and the commands very responsive... Thanks for the hard work gents.

October 10th, 2015, 03:02
:applause::applause: Me Likey, beaucoup!
How about a carrier to go with that. A submarine Carrier, SSCVNL hull designation, I think.
Updated ECHO shotgun
Still fiddling, so a beta something, no further comms req'd

October 10th, 2015, 08:03
