View Full Version : Alternate skin for Stuart's IJN Akagi & Kaga by Miccasharon!

August 11th, 2015, 09:59
A new entry has been added to Add-Ons Library, category CFS 2 Ships Add-Ons

Description: This pack contains alternate skins for Stuart's IJN Akagi & Kaga.

This skin is based on drawings that I found on the web.

Coz of lack of my skills of painting, documents and photos at that time, it's not 100% historically accurate. Sorry about it.
Specially, this time, very hard to find photos of these ship during the period.

Installation: Just copy and paste each texture file to texture holder of each ship.

Do not forget to make a copy of original file for backup.

Copyright of Original textures belong to Stuart.

Stuart, Thank you for your kind permission for repaint.



To check it out, rate it or add comments, visit Alternate skin for Stuart's IJN Akagi & Kaga.zip (http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/local_links.php?linkid=20024&catid=42)
The comments you make there will appear in the posts below.

August 12th, 2015, 03:24

You did an outstanding job on this, and the model detail is fantastic, Stuart! :very_drunk:

August 13th, 2015, 12:42
Coz of lack of my skills of painting, documents and photos at that time, it's not 100% historically accurate. Sorry about it.

Please, miccasharon, don't keep saying this. Your work is excellent.

It might not be 100% historical but clearly the attention to detail is there. Its the immersion factor that you bring with your work. In the end that is what people want. The work that you and Dombral do with these ships only help to improve our experience. We appreciate all of it.

So please stop short changing yourself. Keep up the excellent work.

August 13th, 2015, 13:47
Thank you Yuki your new skins look great. Also, thanks goes out to Stuart for creating such great models.


August 15th, 2015, 03:57
Hi guys,

Thank you for your kind words.
It's nice to hear you guys enjoy the new dress for Stuart's excellent ships.

Here I uploaded alternate ship config for Stuart's IJN Akagi & Kaga to allow your plane take off from lower or middle, main upper flight deck.
It's almost impossible to take-off from middle deck but with small & light planes, it's not so hard to take-off from lower deck.


August 21st, 2015, 06:52
Well done Yuki-san, very nice job. It is a challenge working with the IJN as many changes happened during the pre and during the war years on paint schemes, camoflage and other details on each ship. At times individual ship yard contractors could not supply exactly the same shade or tone of colour which made it even more interesting for us now to re create them due to war time difficulties of supply. Your work looks very good, please keep working on them and Stuart's ships are fine as well.