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May 31st, 2015, 06:11
A WARNING ABOUT MS UPDATES FOR WINDOWS 10 - SimForums.com Discussion - Page 1 (http://www.simforums.com/forums/a-warning-about-ms-updates-for-windows-10_topic52577.html)


May 31st, 2015, 07:03
Interesting. My FS box (Win7) does not have any of those updates currently installed. This laptop (Win 8) has only the last one KB3035583 installed. In the article he says "VERIFY EACH KB NUMBER BEFORE CONTINUING". This implies either 1) you should have all of them or none of them, and/or 2) You should not take any action unless you have all four of them installed.

May 31st, 2015, 07:06
Verify each means...check each one to be sure you are uninstalling the correct one.
It's not either-or....simply...if you have any/all - uninstall...;)

May 31st, 2015, 07:08
Verify each means...check each one to be sure you are uninstalling the correct one.
It's not either-or....simply...if you have any/all - uninstall...;)

Yeah, that could be it. Would be bad if you uninstalled the wrong one (oops). Just Googled the one I do have, and it's the one that will "advertise" Win 10 when it's released.

May 31st, 2015, 07:16
Duck over to the ghacks site in the link....it'll add more light...;)

Running several VMs means I get to have all sorts of fun with updates....;)

May 31st, 2015, 07:17
Oh my. I want spend my time flying or working with my system, and not fighting the OS. I think they really went one step too far with that now.
Thanks for the h/u.


May 31st, 2015, 07:47
Oh dear. One more thing on this planet I need to look at. What a pain.

My Desktop with Win8.1 only has KB3035583, and I haven't seen any performance hit. The wife's laptop running Win7 has them all, and in some instances there were multiple updates. I'm not sure I even need to worry about it or even consider removing them.

What is maddening is that I monitor all the Windows updates on both computers, and if MS says its "Critical" or "Recommended" it gets installed. The "Optional" updates get further scrutiny, and in one instance I had to do a rollback to a restore point since the update screwed up the wife's laptop.

Maybe I should stop all updates, disconnect from the internet, and go live in a cave... :running:

May 31st, 2015, 08:03
Thanks for the heads up on this, and the links.

I've been scratching my head as to why my system has been slow at times for the past few weeks, with lots of unexplained disk activity.

Now I know why! :angryfire:

Very sneaky of Microsoft to do this, and especially when it affects system performance!



May 31st, 2015, 08:07
Hmmm. I suspect this is another paranoia alarm, so it's out with the tinfoil. The only thing slowing my Win7 rig right now - okay, slowing the web connection - is the kids watching Minecraft videos.

May 31st, 2015, 08:18
Made a batch file to check for the updates using powershell. When I did that I found all four of them on the Win7 FS machine and three on the Win8 machines. However, I too have seen no abnormal CPU usage.

May 31st, 2015, 08:27
A WARNING ABOUT MS UPDATES FOR WINDOWS 10 - SimForums.com Discussion - Page 1 (http://www.simforums.com/forums/a-warning-about-ms-updates-for-windows-10_topic52577.html)



Do you work in IT?

I do. That link link is complete humbug.

Please don't scare people about these things. Let the IT people do it.


May 31st, 2015, 08:34
i dont understand all of this stuff,but i dont want my brand new system to slow down so i cant fly or anything..what i dont understand is this,,,if i find and remove these 4 updates..or just the one..whatever...will i not be able to have the win 10 update later?

May 31st, 2015, 08:35
Well.. I've had a look and I have 1 of those KB's installed.. KB2990214. When you click on it.. the blurb says 'Install this update to resolve issues in Windows'. It also says this at Microsoft until you look further down the page when it says this KB allows you to upgrade from Win7 SP1 to another version of Windows. I'm not quite sure what resolving an issue (or issues) in Windows has to do with upgrading from one version to another but this appears to be the case. Does this mean I have to uninstall this KB or do I let sleeping dogs lie??


May 31st, 2015, 08:35
Me neither....no drop whatsoever, though I only found KB3035583.

May 31st, 2015, 08:50
Both my machine (win7 64) and my wife's (win7 32) had all four updates installed. They are now gone. We had both noticed excessive disc accesses, slower performance (especially in games with lots of lagging and mini freezes) and slow browsing recently. We also checked our bandwidth usage over the last month and saw unexplainable spikes in the traffic which could be why we have slightly exceeded our bandwidth limit this month!

May 31st, 2015, 09:44
Both my machine (win7 64) and my wife's (win7 32) had all four updates installed. They are now gone. We had both noticed excessive disc accesses, slower performance (especially in games with lots of lagging and mini freezes) and slow browsing recently. We also checked our bandwidth usage over the last month and saw unexplainable spikes in the traffic which could be why we have slightly exceeded our bandwidth limit this month!

I´ve noticed the same issues----gone now.

May 31st, 2015, 09:49

Do you work in IT?

I do. That link link is complete humbug.

Please don't scare people about these things. Let the IT people do it.


Johan----why do you attack me?
I found this discussion,noticed issues on my machine and only wanted to inform everyone.

May 31st, 2015, 09:53
I've installed the update a while ago and never noticed anything abnormal.


May 31st, 2015, 09:58
Johan----why do you attack me?
I found this discussion,noticed issues on my machine and only wanted to inform everyone.


That post was definitely not intended to be an attack. I'm sorry and apologize if it came across that way.

There's a lot of scare mongering going on, don't be fooled by it.



May 31st, 2015, 10:22

Windows updates go through a serious amount of checks. None of them are 100% fool proof, but most if not all are harmless. On the condition that you keep your machines up to date and healthy. That also means that all drivers of all elements and peripherals should be kept up to date. If one of those conditions is not fulfilled, you might run into problems.

Is that Microsoft's fault? No it isn't.

Beware of scare mongering or complot theories about Mickey$oft. I don't like them as a firm, I don't like their politics, but I work with their products for a living and I know that certain communities (Linux, Mac, Android) do their utmost to keep people scared of M$ updates. You know why? Because if you don't install the updates, you'll be vulnerable to attacks. And thereby the aforementioned communities prove their points.

If you have a windows based system, you have to abide by the rules. Rule number one is to keep your system up to date. Whatever other people tell you. Period.

If any M$ update slows your system down, then most likely some other part of your rig isn't up to date. Simple as that.

This post is not about an opinion, it is about 20+ years of experience in the sector. And no, I do not get paid by Mickey$oft at all.


May 31st, 2015, 10:44
I have noticed Windows 7 slow down after the monthly round of updates - for a little while. Once the OS has rebuilt its indexes, lookup tables, photo album, shopping lists, diary, whatever - all of which are done in the background - it goes back to its normal handy self. Behaviour like this is nothing new and very short-lived in my experience. The tinfoil is still in the drawer.

May 31st, 2015, 11:10

Windows updates go through a serious amount of checks. None of them are 100% fool proof, but most if not all are harmless. On the condition that you keep your machines up to date and healthy. That also means that all drivers of all elements and peripherals should be kept up to date. If one of those conditions is not fulfilled, you might run into problems.

Is that Microsoft's fault? No it isn't.

Beware of scare mongering or complot theories about Mickey$oft. I don't like them as a firm, I don't like their politics, but I work with their products for a living and I know that certain communities (Linux, Mac, Android) do their utmost to keep people scared of M$ updates. You know why? Because if you don't install the updates, you'll be vulnerable to attacks. And thereby the aforementioned communities prove their points.

If you have a windows based system, you have to abide by the rules. Rule number one is to keep your system up to date. Whatever other people tell you. Period.

If any M$ update slows your system down, then most likely some other part of your rig isn't up to date. Simple as that.

This post is not about an opinion, it is about 20+ years of experience in the sector. And no, I do not get paid by Mickey$oft at all.


Well put I totally agree...


huub vink
May 31st, 2015, 11:24
I must have won the jackpot as I have all four of them. I have not noticed anything out of the ordinary. I have used many versions of windows for a very long time and I never had one version which didn't act odd once in a while :biggrin-new:


May 31st, 2015, 12:14
And this is why I've turned off automatic update installation.

May 31st, 2015, 12:25
I also have all 4 updates on my computer (Win 7 64), and there is no noticable effect :/

May 31st, 2015, 12:34

Windows updates go through a serious amount of checks. None of them are 100% fool proof, but most if not all are harmless. On the condition that you keep your machines up to date and healthy. That also means that all drivers of all elements and peripherals should be kept up to date. If one of those conditions is not fulfilled, you might run into problems.

Is that Microsoft's fault? No it isn't.

Beware of scare mongering or complot theories about Mickey$oft. I don't like them as a firm, I don't like their politics, but I work with their products for a living and I know that certain communities (Linux, Mac, Android) do their utmost to keep people scared of M$ updates. You know why? Because if you don't install the updates, you'll be vulnerable to attacks. And thereby the aforementioned communities prove their points.

If you have a windows based system, you have to abide by the rules. Rule number one is to keep your system up to date. Whatever other people tell you. Period.

If any M$ update slows your system down, then most likely some other part of your rig isn't up to date. Simple as that.

This post is not about an opinion, it is about 20+ years of experience in the sector. And no, I do not get paid by Mickey$oft at all.

JohanI agree 100%.

Anytime I notice a slowdown with my system it is due to something else running in the background or not keeping things clean such as deleting cookies or defragging the HD.

May 31st, 2015, 12:43
I'm also not into spreading panic but if a warning comes from a person like Nick Needham then it is definitely something to check.

I have automatic updates deactivated and have not updated for some time. I only install critical updates. I just checked and one of these four updates was in the critical list, the other three in the optionals. I updated leaving it out of the list.

May 31st, 2015, 13:04
I usually treat these unsolicited warnings with extreme caution as there are too many crazies out there. A bit of research on Ghacks.net however does reveal them to be a reliable source of information. I was wary mainly because of their name. I don't have a lot of time for conspiracy theorists but on this occasion I think MS are overreaching.
BTW I have none of these KB's on my W7 64, but then it is a one month old rebuild so possibly MS have withdrawn the KB's by now or my machine just hasn't caught up yet. :dizzy:

May 31st, 2015, 13:19
I'm also not into spreading panic but if a warning comes from a person like Nick Needham then it is definitely something to check.

That`s the main reason,why i have posted this.
Nick helped me years ago with building a new rig and it ran great.

May 31st, 2015, 13:38

Windows updates go through a serious amount of checks. None of them are 100% fool proof, but most if not all are harmless. On the condition that you keep your machines up to date and healthy. That also means that all drivers of all elements and peripherals should be kept up to date. If one of those conditions is not fulfilled, you might run into problems.

Is that Microsoft's fault? No it isn't.

Beware of scare mongering or complot theories about Mickey$oft. I don't like them as a firm, I don't like their politics, but I work with their products for a living and I know that certain communities (Linux, Mac, Android) do their utmost to keep people scared of M$ updates. You know why? Because if you don't install the updates, you'll be vulnerable to attacks. And thereby the aforementioned communities prove their points.

If you have a windows based system, you have to abide by the rules. Rule number one is to keep your system up to date. Whatever other people tell you. Period.

If any M$ update slows your system down, then most likely some other part of your rig isn't up to date. Simple as that.

This post is not about an opinion, it is about 20+ years of experience in the sector. And no, I do not get paid by Mickey$oft at all.


Good old 'IT'. I prefer 'The IT Crowd'.
"Have you tried turning it off and turning it on again?" ...;)

'normal' Windows Updates actually BROKE my install of....wait for it....FSX ....on 2 occasions.
And what were they? They were both IE 10 and IE 11.
I stayed for quite a while after with 9 simply for that reason.
If MS cannot be trusted to guarantee PIVOTAL/Important updates to Internet Exploder won't break THEIR OWN GAME/software it is an absolutely safe bet that they cannot be trusted to guarantee actual third party software won't be broken too.

Now 20 years of experience 'should' see an IT person aware of ghacks [the site] and be able to accept the opinions of other IT professionals and not assume it is all tin-foil hat season.

If it's about 20 years vs whom-ever... my first foray into computers required punch cards in 1969....

BTW...somewhen along the line a further update/revision 'solved' my particular issues with IE 10 and IE 11...so here I am typing into 11 whilst FSX is minimized in the background.
This OS install had all 4, as did the first VM I checked [another 7 Ult 64] and since the crap-fiasco that WAS 8 and 8.1 [in spite of kernel improvements] I am sticking solidly with 7 until AFTER 10 has rolled out and actually proves itself to be worthy of updating. As yet I am not convinced via running the previews.....though hopefully at least there will be more understanding/compatibility with my 'cutting edge' hardware than is afforded by 7....;)

One thing that always rings true....let 'the other guy' be the guinea pig and suffer all the failings of [whatever] updates first....and make MS ASK YOU to install updates when YOU want them...not when they say you want them...;)

May 31st, 2015, 14:16
Me you ask ? I NEVER allow M$ to install anything till I check it out.... I only get Defender updates now..No system updates are usefull to me what so ever....

I suggest to those who allow automatic updates, to stop and have it offer them to you then view them carefully before installing if you are not sure what the KB does, Google the KB number and see..

May 31st, 2015, 14:34
Personally I don't allow the OS to update itself. I let it ask me and then I decide if its needed. I ran a quick check of my installed updates and noticed that one of these which was not critical was installed on the 19 of May. I haven't noticed any difference in this system. So with that said if I did I would check to see if there was something installed either from MS or another program running that shouldn't be there.

In all honesty after building so many systems for many years I personally cant say that Ive experienced MS money doing anything that hurt my system performance. I have experienced driver updates for things like sound, network drivers that caused issues but for the most part was easily fixed.

I did read the article that Nick wrote and it could be something that is effecting his setup. Considering the number or hardware components and software options not including who builds and maintains the systems its really amazing that we don't have more issues then we do.

That's my 2 cents..

I think there can always be alittle truth in any story whether its true or not..


May 31st, 2015, 15:42
Just checked my Windows 8.1 install. Don't have any of the updates listed. Nothing to worry about then.

May 31st, 2015, 17:07
Nick Needham at Flight1 is a super guru of computers and flight simulator. He is the author of the incredible FSX Bible. If he says there's a problem, I would bet my right nut there's a problem. He continues to help people over there with their problems and he's been doing that for years. I found all four on my win7x64 computer and removed them all. The computer ran better but FSX ran the same. I consider those updates to be malware from microsoft. This is a new low for them.

May 31st, 2015, 18:49
I had them on my Windows 7 P.C., I rooted them out following Nick's instructions and they are gone now! :a1310:

It took me about an hour to fully read, find, reboot, search, confirm, fix, reboot, hide ...... :tommygun2:

Thanks for posting this.

June 1st, 2015, 07:38
I have automatic updates deactivated and have not updated for some time. I only install critical updates. I just checked and one of these four updates was in the critical list, the other three in the optionals. I updated leaving it out of the list.

Good to know, thanks for checking!

June 1st, 2015, 08:42
I had Issues with the latest round of updates as well but not the issues being talked about. Mine were with IE not allowing downloads to complete then crashing. After the usual resets and checks I uninstalled the IE update only to find myself using IE 8 Instead of IE 11. It's always something.

Paul Domingue
June 1st, 2015, 10:36
Much Ado About Nothing

This post is similar to a tragic comedy with everyone up in airs about nothing. Listen to Johan and Tom, two people whose opinion I respect. Microsoft didn't become the heavy weight company they are from poor customer relations. If they had such a bad reputation we would all have been on Macs a long time ago. Granted, Microsoft doesn't always get it right but they do fix it in the end. Listen to all of you with your Microsoft Flight Simulator and don't say I have PREPAR3D now because that is Microsoft to. I deplore people who start this kind of racket and a racket it is. I'm not talking about you Big Mike but the originator of this racket. One last thing, Please stop calling Microsoft Mickey$soft or Micro$oft, if you had invested $500 dollars in Bill Gates startup when he was in his dad's garage you would not be using the derogatory names, you'd be flying your own private aircraft.



June 1st, 2015, 11:10
Okay. Yesterday evening, I had a little icon appear on my taskbar, looked like a Windows logo. It said "Get Windows 10". Was it something to worry about? I didn't know, but I do know that I don't like unsolicited advertising on my desktop. After following instructions in the link at the beginning of this thread , I found 2 of the 4 updates listed and uninstalled them. After rebooting, the icon was gone. It still hasn't reappeared.


kilo delta
June 1st, 2015, 11:51
I'd all four updates on my PC....they totally trashed my install, caused my car to go on fire, killed the cat and made my wife run off with my laptop


June 1st, 2015, 12:35
Much Ado About Nothing

This post is similar to a tragic comedy with everyone up in airs about nothing. Listen to Johan and Tom, two people whose opinion I respect. Microsoft didn't become the heavy weight company they are from poor customer relations. If they had such a bad reputation we would all have been on Macs a long time ago. Granted, Microsoft doesn't always get it right but they do fix it in the end. Listen to all of you with your Microsoft Flight Simulator and don't say I have PREPAR3D now because that is Microsoft to. I deplore people who start this kind of racket and a racket it is. I'm not talking about you Big Mike but the originator of this racket. One last thing, Please stop calling Microsoft Mickey$soft or Micro$oft, if you had invested $500 dollars in Bill Gates startup when he was in his dad's garage you would not be using the derogatory names, you'd be flying your own private aircraft.


You have a lot more respect for them than I do. The screwups called Vista and Windows 8.0 should not have happened in the first place, period. In my experience with them, I have been lied to on several occaisons, and when they were confronted with the hard evidence to support my claims, lied once again with the knee-jerk tech support response, "we've never heard of that before..."

They are an arrogant bunch, at best, and this sort of nonsense simply reinforces that.

huub vink
June 1st, 2015, 12:36
I'd all four updates on my PC....they totally trashed my install, caused my car to go on fire, killed the cat and made my wife run off with my laptop


There must be something wrong with my install. Although I have all four files, my wife is still at home.........:biggrin-new:


June 1st, 2015, 12:43
There must be something wrong with my install. Although I have all four files, my wife is still at home.........:biggrin-new:


:biggrin-new: x2

June 1st, 2015, 13:24
This adware is to coerce people into the 'free' upgrade so they will 'have you hooked' already prior to the realization of the on-going business model that will be Win 10.

Get for free....and pay to use - forever.

You can say it's a storm in a teacup...but I'd prefer to pay for an OS once....not weekly...monthly...yearly...

huub vink
June 1st, 2015, 13:52

My knowledge about the deeper thoughts of Microsoft is most likely as good or bad as yours. But personally I think MS is trying to save its markets. With smartphones, tablets etc. we have become less dependent of our computers with a Microsoft OS on it. The market is changing therefore Microsoft might change its market strategy as well.

Offering a free operating system might make people using a laptop instead of turning to an android driven tablet.

Just a thought......

June 1st, 2015, 14:14
Ok, so I also had this new little icon next to the clock in the taskbar, saying "Get Windows 10", which could not be disabled.
This icon is actually displayed by the process GWX.exe in your task manager.
This process is located in c:\Windows\System32\GWX\.
I just deleted this folder (I just had to change some security-related options to be allowed to delete it).
Let's see if it comes back :)

June 1st, 2015, 14:17
Completely agree with Dumonceau and some others. I have all the KBs and no performance hit. None. The "adware" windows is just MS helping people to do a smooth update. Remember, not everybody is "IT" ready.
If the info was really true, it would be wide spread by many tech sites, forums, by now. But no, only one FS developer and some privacy guys talks about that and everybody starts to point fingers to MS.

I would say more about this... more about certain developers that likes that you stay with win7 forever. But i´ll not create the drama here.
Don´t take something for true because one guy say so, my friends. Now, every "slow down" you have, will be MS to blame and it "Adware from hell". :dizzy:

June 1st, 2015, 14:55
I follow this guy's site:

reports plenty of bugged MS updates.

scott s.

June 1st, 2015, 15:53
Interesting. My FS box (Win7) does not have any of those updates currently installed. This laptop (Win 8) has only the last one KB3035583 installed. In the article he says "VERIFY EACH KB NUMBER BEFORE CONTINUING". This implies either 1) you should have all of them or none of them, and/or 2) You should not take any action unless you have all four of them installed.

Just uninstall update ending in 5583 and you're good to go. If you are unsure if you have to do this, go look at task manager and look to see if you see "GWX" in the list of running programs. This is the "Get Windows X" executable. Remove this update and you're good to go. Easy peasy.

June 1st, 2015, 16:43
"If the info was really true, it would be wide spread by many tech sites, forums, by now. But no, only one FS developer and some privacy guys talks about that and everybody starts to point fingers to MS"

Oh that it WASN'T spread on many tech sites....but it is.
Just Google one of the KB entries.
IF it was 'only one FS developer and some privacy guys' no-one would give a toss.
But it isn't....;)

June 2nd, 2015, 00:07
My experience:

fs and p3d have come to a slide show on my computer and i could not understand why(win7). The ssw f104 stopped working and got the ctd problem. I uninstalled the mentioned window updates and suddenly everything was back to normal.. So whatever people are saying there are no doubt in my mind that these window updates were bad for my fs rig. Just my experience.

June 2nd, 2015, 00:12
Well.. As for me. I have the Free Win 10 Notice, just got it. No lags, stutters, nothing.

Notice my CPU meter is at 1%. Nothing is being used by this deal.

My only question is it says free upgrade...

Umm. No thanks. I'll NOT upgrade Win7, cause once you do you can't go back. Not sure if this means its just an upgrade , but it seems like its not a stand alone version of Win 10.

Anyone know?


June 2nd, 2015, 00:37
Not got mine yet. I'm using Windows 8.1 Single Language, all updates done.
Maybe a country thing, as I'm in South Africa?

June 2nd, 2015, 01:58
Not sure if it's a Country thing or now. It's def a M$ thing...

As long as you have Vista thru Win 8 with SP1 you will get the offer.

June 2nd, 2015, 02:42
Ok, thanks. I'll keep on waiting. Must we reserve the update to W10 or will it happen when normal updates take place?

June 2nd, 2015, 08:17
This adware is to coerce people into the 'free' upgrade so they will 'have you hooked' already prior to the realization of the on-going business model that will be Win 10.

Get for free....and pay to use - forever.

You can say it's a storm in a teacup...but I'd prefer to pay for an OS once....not weekly...monthly...yearly...

Were on earth did you get the idea that Win10 will become "subscription based?" Oh right, you read it somewhere on the Internet, so it must be true... :173go1:

Have a close read:

Another source citing the Press Announcement last January:

So, what will it cost? It's free. For a while. After that…
Also, per Myerson (http://blogs.windows.com/bloggingwindows/2015/01/21/the-next-generation-of-windows-windows-10/)...
This is more than a one-time upgrade: once a Windows device is upgraded to Windows 10, we will continue to keep it current for the supported lifetime of the device – at no additional charge.

June 2nd, 2015, 08:58
wow - EVERY time?

every time MS rolls out a new OS here comes the Falling Sky Contingent - " oh NO's!!! they're coming for my internets!!!"

"they're breaking my games all on purpose like to make me buy new stuff!!" and " they're spying on my lifestyle secrets" etc etc...

and its all true...

June 2nd, 2015, 09:01
...didn't we just have the "Paypal is taking ownership of EVERYTHING" thread...?

...I remember the olden days when schools actually educated people....now we have television and the internets

woe unto them, that forsake knowledge and the enlightenment for rumor and hearsay - (not heresy, dummies)

June 2nd, 2015, 09:47
... for rumor and hearsay - (not heresy, dummies)

rofl!!!! :ernaehrung004:

June 2nd, 2015, 10:00
wow - EVERY time?

every time MS rolls out a new OS here comes the Falling Sky Contingent - " oh NO's!!! they're coming for my internets!!!"

"they're breaking my games all on purpose like to make me buy new stuff!!" and " they're spying on my lifestyle secrets" etc etc...

and its all true...

ROFLMFAO!!!! "they're spying on my lifestyle secrets" :D

That would be "adult movies", right??? :biggrin-new:

This thread is becoming golden! Laughing my a** off!


June 2nd, 2015, 10:02
My experience:

fs and p3d have come to a slide show on my computer and i could not understand why(win7). The ssw f104 stopped working and got the ctd problem. I uninstalled the mentioned window updates and suddenly everything was back to normal.. So whatever people are saying there are no doubt in my mind that these window updates were bad for my fs rig. Just my experience.

I have all the updates mentioned and I have no problems whatsoever.

That is my experience.

of course, IT is far from an exact science...


June 2nd, 2015, 13:17
...I remember the olden days when schools actually educated people....now we have television and the internets

Books and classes on computer stuff are the least effective method to learn all this crap.

Book: "Start your computer. The Windows 98 boot screen should appear. Let the 56k modem connect itself to the WWW. Launch Netscape Navigator. Check your e-mails at AOL."

Class: "Press the grey button on the case. Wait. Here comes the Windows XP bootscreen. Yeah, it's going to take a while to connect to the network. Drat, what's the admin password again? Wait, I'll get someone who knows it." [Meanwhile, quarter of the class is playing Minesweper or a secretly installed Quake derivative; another quarter is on Facebook or looking at funny cat pictures; another quarter is yelling "Teacher, I've got a problem here" while the remainder is asleep.]

Rule #1: Google.
Rule #2: Don't believe any crap you read on the internet.
Rule #3: Google some more.

June 2nd, 2015, 13:31
Rule #1: Google.
Rule #2: Don't believe any crap you read on the internet.
Rule #3: Google some more.

Doesn't Rule 2 negate Rules 1 and 3?

June 2nd, 2015, 13:44
Doesn't Rule 2 negate Rules 1 and 3?

Bjoern's little joke, lol. :biggrin-new:

June 2nd, 2015, 14:35
Yes, Microsoft has become a benevolent entity and seen the errors of its ways and is definitely becoming the provider of 'the free OS'....so up your collective noses, Unix.

I don't need to read anything....in a book...OR on the net to know a free OS release is unsustainable as a commercial model. Come on, people...there IS NO COMMERCIAL MODEL IF SOMETHING IS FREE.

Oh that's right...I forgot. Bill Gates wants to give away his entire fortune one download at a time.

Perhaps it's all about targeted advertising and data acquisition embedded in the OS usage....copying all those other 'freebies' like...Google...Facebook....et al.

I never said the sky was falling about the release of any MS OS what-so-ever.
I DID suggest that Windows ME was utter rubbish [proven].
I did suggest XP looked childish aka Fisher-Price [it is]
I did suggest Vista was released too soon...[proven - solved by 7]
I did suggest a touchscreen MOBILE interface thrust upon the desktop world was a mistake [8 - proven - ask Balmer]
...and I DO suggest the dumbing-down of the GUI aesthetics in 10 is plain ugly [subjective opinion - though there are indications someone is listening].

Administering a website for a Microsoft Gold Partner company involved with GUI enhancements and being aware of just how much income was gleaned thanks to the stupidity of the 8/8.1 GUI release puts me in a slightly better position to have an informed opinion than the rabble asserting paranoia.

You can't blame me, however when the free lunch bites you in the arse.

June 2nd, 2015, 15:25
Yes, Microsoft has become a benevolent entity and seen the errors of its ways and is definitely becoming the provider of 'the free OS'....so up your collective noses, Unix.

I don't need to read anything....in a book...OR on the net to know a free OS release is unsustainable as a commercial model. Come on, people...there IS NO COMMERCIAL MODEL IF SOMETHING IS FREE.

Oh that's right...I forgot. Bill Gates wants to give away his entire fortune one download at a time.

Perhaps it's all about targeted advertising and data acquisition embedded in the OS usage....copying all those other 'freebies' like...Google...Facebook....et al.

I never said the sky was falling about the release of any MS OS what-so-ever.
I DID suggest that Windows ME was utter rubbish [proven].
I did suggest XP looked childish aka Fisher-Price [it is]
I did suggest Vista was released too soon...[proven - solved by 7]
I did suggest a touchscreen MOBILE interface thrust upon the desktop world was a mistake [8 - proven - ask Balmer]
...and I DO suggest the dumbing-down of the GUI aesthetics in 10 is plain ugly [subjective opinion - though there are indications someone is listening].

Administering a website for a Microsoft Gold Partner company involved with GUI enhancements and being aware of just how much income was gleaned thanks to the stupidity of the 8/8.1 GUI release puts me in a slightly better position to have an informed opinion than the rabble asserting paranoia.

You can't blame me, however when the free lunch bites you in the arse.

As someone who works daily in Windows support, my opinion is that you are grossly underestimating the cost of supporting, patching, and testing multiple operating systems. Microsoft's most basic need, as most businesses, is to lower overhead. Profit comes from Microsoft Office and Windows Server, not desktop Windows. Sorry, your rant rings a bit unfamiliar with the ways of the behemoth known as Microsoft.

June 2nd, 2015, 15:47
As someone who works daily in Windows support, my opinion is that you are grossly underestimating the cost of supporting, patching, and testing multiple operating systems. Microsoft's most basic need, as most businesses, is to lower overhead. Profit comes from Microsoft Office and Windows Server, not desktop Windows. Sorry, your rant rings a bit unfamiliar with the ways of the behemoth known as Microsoft.

That's the whole point. I am not 'underestimating' anything. I KNOW the cost and it is NOT sustained by free OS releases [other than to coerce 'everyone' to the same OS version so as to not continue sustaining legacy OS versions].
And yes, profit will come from Office sales et al .... particularly if/when MS can convince people it is in their interests to purchase anew as office XP...office 2003...2007...2010...are all just too old [read - uneconomical to sustain/support].
THAT is where the free-lunch will expire....

10 is their 'cure-all'....however it may yet end up to be all-their-eggs-in-one-basket [with Apple rubbing hands with glee]...;)

The tinfoil hat portion of my comments is....wait until that little icon on the systray tells you your paid version of [some ancient] Office suite is not supported on 10 and you MUST purchase their cloud subscription solution and GNU alternatives will be blocked from installing...;)

June 2nd, 2015, 17:26
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

June 2nd, 2015, 22:20
Yes, Microsoft has become a benevolent entity and seen the errors of its ways...

You can't blame me, however when the free lunch bites you in the arse.

Look man - No one knows better than I do about MS missteps and blunders (be they ill advised design flaws or plain mistakes)

I bought a Windows ME machine back in the day and it nearly drove me to bite the big Apple (not that theres anything wrong with apple Mac machines, lets not start that)
It was unfathomable to me that a big,smart outfit like Microsoft would roll out such an absolute mess like that and call it good - but they did.

Windows X may or may not be their best work to date - It might take several service packs to satisfy the customers - they might use the new OS to sell new versions of old programs -
that's out of my hands and not entirely out of bounds for a company like MS...but I'm never going to lose sleep over something I cant control.

there are always options - I'm not throwing away my Win7 disc though and I'm probably going to keep an offline Win7 PC around for a while too...just in case.

June 2nd, 2015, 22:55
I wonder how many of the 'I will NEVER ...' guys will be running W10 in 6 months time.
Lol, just swop W10 for FSX:SE, P3D etc. & we've seen this argument before.

June 2nd, 2015, 23:40
Ah well, in the end a lot of people will directly switch the Windows10 (I expect the vast majority of Windows 8 users to switch instantly), and some will stay with Win7 as long as they can, no matter what.
Some will stay with Win7 because they are not interested in the new Win10 features or benefits.
Some will stay with Win7 because they don't have the will/courage to reinstall everything. These ones will switch when they'll change their hardware.
Some will stay with Win7 just because they have an old computer that is not DX12 ready anyways. After all, until not so long ago, some simmers were still using WinXP, right ? And then, after 5-6 years, when their outdated computers won't be able to run any of the newest stuff and will die because of toasted video card or motherboard, they will finally switch to the latest Windows version of that time...
The story is always the same.

June 3rd, 2015, 04:16
Look man - No one knows better than I do about MS missteps and blunders (be they ill advised design flaws or plain mistakes)

I bought a Windows ME machine back in the day and it nearly drove me to bite the big Apple (not that theres anything wrong with apple Mac machines, lets not start that)
It was unfathomable to me that a big,smart outfit like Microsoft would roll out such an absolute mess like that and call it good - but they did.

Windows X may or may not be their best work to date - It might take several service packs to satisfy the customers - they might use the new OS to sell new versions of old programs -
that's out of my hands and not entirely out of bounds for a company like MS...but I'm never going to lose sleep over something I cant control.

there are always options - I'm not throwing away my Win7 disc though and I'm probably going to keep an offline Win7 PC around for a while too...just in case.

Ah...we're on the same page.
I remember dropping in on a friend who ran a computer sales/repair business and oversaw an install of ME going horribly wrong. It was a first attempt at 'system restore points'...and sadly the OS got into a little 'issue that ended in an endless loop of restore point creation....and the result of which was the steady destruction [loss] of HD space to the ultimate strangulation death of the system.
Oh, it had a cure....which was....get that Dos floppy....reformat....and go back to 98.

Being slightly strange and masochistic I eventually got myself a ME copy and relived its profound failings....a work of sublime art....not even remotely approached by Vista...

In spite of all I'll update to 10 ...but only on my terms...which has no room for pushy salesmen in the form of a sys-icon. Whether or not it ends up on my $7k system is as yet open to debate....;)

June 3rd, 2015, 05:44
Doesn't Rule 2 negate Rules 1 and 3?

Bjoern's little joke, lol. :biggrin-new:

Nope and I wasn't kidding.

You can't trust the first results that Google spits out. Too much dumb crap, advertising and hijacked sites nowadays.

The tinfoil hat portion of my comments is....wait until that little icon on the systray tells you your paid version of [some ancient] Office suite is not supported on 10 and you MUST purchase their cloud subscription solution and GNU alternatives will be blocked from installing...;)

If that was the case, I might just dump Windows altogether.

(Btw: Windows Phone is really awful regarding 3rd party tools. Everything is either payware or adware. The only redeeming quality is that WP already comes with everything you need.)

June 3rd, 2015, 06:54
Just uninstall update ending in 5583 and you're good to go. If you are unsure if you have to do this, go look at task manager and look to see if you see "GWX" in the list of running programs. This is the "Get Windows X" executable. Remove this update and you're good to go. Easy peasy.

Yeah... it temporarily gets rid of it. But it keeps coming back, pesky little buggar. Deleting 5583 only triggers another one and you see a notification stating that you need to install this "important" update. There's another snoop program running that can tell when you delete this update, and it sends a message to M$. Next thing you know, you have yet another notification stating that you need to install it, (5583). Funny, the description it gives is that it "Helps resolve known issues with Windows 7".

I reckon you could just ignore it.

I have a nifty little program called Process Explorer and I can kill the program (GWX) as it runs. But whenever you re-boot, it comes back.


June 3rd, 2015, 07:01
Yeah... it temporarily gets rid of it. But it keeps coming back, pesky little buggar. Deleting 5583 only triggers another one and you see a notification stating that you need to install this "important" update. There's another snoop program running that can tell when you delete this update, and it sends a message to M$. Next thing you know, you have yet another notification stating that you need to install it, (5583). Funny, the description it gives is that it "Helps resolve known issues with Windows 7".

I reckon you could just ignore it.

I have a nifty little program called Process Explorer and I can kill the program (GWX) as it runs. But whenever you re-boot, it comes back.


There are 4 KBs you need to remove, not one.
If you do so...and reboot...and check for updates [with auto turned OFF] again they will be relisted as 'available'...right click and hide.
They won't come back...;)

June 3rd, 2015, 07:18
worked in IT all my life the worst you can do is have your system not updated and then call foul when things go wrong. All updated here, all running fine always has been.

And windows wants to collect data so it can give me a better service/options when I upgrade, why on earth would I be annoyed at this?

My tin foil hat is at the ready :engel016:

June 3rd, 2015, 07:31
Ah well, in the end a lot of people will directly switch the Windows10 (I expect the vast majority of Windows 8 users to switch instantly), and some will stay with Win7 as long as they can, no matter what.
Some will stay with Win7 because they are not interested in the new Win10 features or benefits.
Some will stay with Win7 because they don't have the will/courage to reinstall everything. These ones will switch when they'll change their hardware.
Some will stay with Win7 just because they have an old computer that is not DX12 ready anyways. After all, until not so long ago, some simmers were still using WinXP, right ? And then, after 5-6 years, when their outdated computers won't be able to run any of the newest stuff and will die because of toasted video card or motherboard, they will finally switch to the latest Windows version of that time...
The story is always the same.

I couldn't agree with you more. It's a small wonder that some people even operate PC's at all...

June 3rd, 2015, 08:19
It`s allways good to have some experts here.

June 3rd, 2015, 08:25
It`s allways good to have some experts here.

LOL Mike, that picture in your signature is brilliant!! :)

June 3rd, 2015, 13:22
A tad too large though.

June 3rd, 2015, 13:39
worked in IT all my life the worst you can do is have your system not updated and then call foul when things go wrong. All updated here, all running fine always has been.

And windows wants to collect data so it can give me a better service/options when I upgrade, why on earth would I be annoyed at this?

My tin foil hat is at the ready :engel016:

I'm running several machines....as well as VMs to check system compatibilities for GUI software ....and ALL are updated...and all have auto-install disabled [now].
The one thing I DO NOT blindly update is my GPU driver, not without waiting for early-adopter negative fallout. In the bad old days a new NVidia driver was more Detonator in fact than just name. These days it's a lot better.

"Why on earth would I be annoyed at this?"

You're driving down the road in your nicely running [insert typical English car here] and your in-dash multi-function GPS display pops up a message...."upgrade to the new [insert typical English car here] coming soon".
It's called unsolicited advertising....aka spam.

I IP-ban people from our 6.5 million registered user sites every day of the week for posting spam.

Most recent was last night...'timing pulleys from Ahmedabad...'

I keep 'up to speed' regarding OS revisions/updates/replacements...it's par of the course when you skin the GUI itself. I don't need MS to 'hold my hand' - certainly not without politely asking first....;)

June 3rd, 2015, 13:42
Re big-mike's pic....that's what happens when you're running low on ram in FSX.....

Or designed a horse by committee...and ended up with a camel...;)

June 4th, 2015, 02:17
All updated here, all running fine always has been.

Ditto. this.

Better I dont make comment regarding the link in the OP :mixed-smiley-010:

June 4th, 2015, 03:07
worked in IT all my life the worst you can do is have your system not updated and then call foul when things go wrong. All updated here, all running fine always has been.

And windows wants to collect data so it can give me a better service/options when I upgrade, why on earth would I be annoyed at this?

My tin foil hat is at the ready :engel016:

Hey Lewis --

So have I, about 33 years worth anyhow. I don't have any problems with notifications about new and improved products from Microsoft. I DON'T like it when it becomes an over and over again nuisance. I'm sure that Win10 is not subscription based, as some have suggested here. But I have a bit of an issue with a "free" Windows OS.... there's gotta be a catch.

In summary, I'll be the one, not Microsoft, who chooses when to get Win10. It'll probably involve building yet another PC that will handle it. And it WON'T be a freebie... it'll be the real, tried and tested deal. Service packs can come later.

"Nothing in life is free... free of any strings attached, anyway".

OK, rant over... just my 2 bits.:angryfire:


June 4th, 2015, 04:22
Well I clicked the icon and pre ordered Windows 10 and I got an e-mail the following day that told me that I'd be notified and it would be my choice as to when I installed it.

I have tried the beta version about a month ago (I was between computers) and it seems ok to me but I never tried any flight simulators on it. Start up etc was very fast. If you don't like it you can always do a re-install of Windows 7, it's not that big a deal.


June 4th, 2015, 04:33
worked in IT all my life the worst you can do is have your system not updated and then call foul when things go wrong. All updated here, all running fine always has been.

And windows wants to collect data so it can give me a better service/options when I upgrade, why on earth would I be annoyed at this?

My tin foil hat is at the ready :engel016:

And Google, Facebook, et al also want to collect all the info about you they can so as to improve your quality of life too. So I guess it's ok that corporations snoop around in my computer and follow me everywhere I go in the WWW. It's just me being silly about others minding their own damned business.

It's not about tin foil hats: It's about motive and methodology.

If you want to enter my computer, the least you could do is have the courtesy to ask. One of the things M$oft is doing with 10 is doing away with the ability of the user to limit how updates will occur. No longer will the Home version allow me to tell them to inform me when an update is ready so I, repeat I, can decide when and if to download it. Given the track record of updates proclivity to screw up this and that (oops) that is just plain scary. One has to wonder why they think that is a good idea. Pro and Enterprise users will continue to have the options currently available to all. Hmmm.

June 4th, 2015, 04:35
And so it goes...

June 4th, 2015, 04:40
Hey Lewis --

So have I, about 33 years worth anyhow. I don't have any problems with notifications about new and improved products from Microsoft. I DON'T like it when it becomes an over and over again nuisance. I'm sure that Win10 is not subscription based, as some have suggested here. But I have a bit of an issue with a "free" Windows OS.... there's gotta be a catch.

In summary, I'll be the one, not Microsoft, who chooses when to get Win10. It'll probably involve building yet another PC that will handle it. And it WON'T be a freebie... it'll be the real, tried and tested deal. Service packs can come later.

"Nothing in life is free... free of any strings attached, anyway".

OK, rant over... just my 2 bits.:angryfire:


Windows 10 NOT subscription based, & there will not be any Service Packs. Only continual updates, always for free, as they always have been.

Well, Maybe I'm of the track, but I think it's a good business plan for Microsoft to release Windows 10 as an update for those that want to update to it!!
You can always switch 'UPDATES' off or change the options in 'Settings', thus it's your choice if you want to update or not.
By releasing Windows 10 as an update, Microsoft saves a lot on world-wide distribution & inventory, as, I'm sure, the vast majority of us out there that will update out there are running Windows 7 or 8, so, we can, at our leisure & IF we choose, on the 29th July & for 12 months afterwards, update on-line for free.

However, for those that do not want to go that route, do not qualify, including Windows XP users, you will be able to buy the software, for example:

"While Microsoft is offering free Windows 10 upgrades to some customers, those who do not qualify or don’t redeem their upgrades in time will have to pay for the new operating system.

According to Forbes (http://www.forbes.com/sites/gordonkelly/2015/06/01/free-windows-10-late-and-expensive/) and Cnet (http://www.cnet.com/news/microsoft-prices-single-windows-10-licenses-at-119-for-home-199-for-pro/), Microsoft will sell Windows 10 for $119, and Windows 10 Pro for $199. An upgrade from Windows 10 to Windows 10 Pro will cost $99.

US Dollar prices exclude taxes, such as VAT.
These are the same prices Microsoft is charging for Windows 8.1 today, suggesting that the current pricing for Windows 8.1 will apply to Windows 10."

June 4th, 2015, 04:41
And so it goes...

Wanna share the popcorn? :biggrin-new:

June 4th, 2015, 04:44
BTW, I'm still not sure as to why we can reserve the update if we (those that want it) are going to get it anyway on the 29th July, depending on our UPDATE settings.

June 4th, 2015, 05:51
BTW, I'm still not sure as to why we can reserve the update if we (those that want it) are going to get it anyway on the 29th July, depending on our UPDATE settings.
Sheeple need to be herded. ...;)

Yes, there will be some seriously 'entertaining' issues if MS went all subscription-based WITH THE OS .... but cleverly they have an 'in'.

What's this Office 365 thing again?

Is your cute little icon in your systray going to hold your hand with a tear in its eye when it tells you are 'required' to move to Office 365 as that will be the only supported office suite/version......?

In the real world it IS going to be either that or genuinely invasive/intrusive AND profitable Facebook model of sell your 'identity' for the commercial advertising 'buck'.
Oh....I also choose NOT to indulge in Facebook....AND believe twittering is well named...it's for twits....;)

....and popcorn tends to be eaten by people who really shouldn't ...;)

June 4th, 2015, 06:01
Sheeple need to be herded. ...;)

Yes, there will be some seriously 'entertaining' issues if MS went all subscription-based WITH THE OS .... but cleverly they have an 'in'.

What's this Office 365 thing again?

Is your cute little icon in your systray going to hold your hand with a tear in its eye when it tells you are 'required' to move to Office 365 as that will be the only supported office suite/version......?

In the real world it IS going to be either that or genuinely invasive/intrusive AND profitable Facebook model of sell your 'identity' for the commercial advertising 'buck'.
Oh....I also choose NOT to indulge in Facebook....AND believe twittering is well named...it's for twits....;)

....and popcorn tends to be eaten by people who really shouldn't ...;)

Soo...tell me again why you aren't using 100% open source? You seem to hate Option A a lot.

June 4th, 2015, 06:15
Soo...tell me again why you aren't using 100% open source? You seem to hate Option A a lot.

Because I'm a long-time TechNet user who was already subscription-based when it came to OS usage.
That was my choice [work related].... but I fail to see the likelihood of Joe Public wildly/lovingly embracing the 'rental' model on anything/everything coming henceforth from Microsoft.

Balmer and co have demonstrated their sheer ineptitude with their Win 8 release [and 8.1]. Stardock's generous profit from dissatisfied Win 8 users is clear testament to that. 8-figure numbers of dissatisfied users.

A desktop OS [work environment] that actively inhibited the user just for the sake of trying to be compatible cross-platform probably looked like a good idea on a drunken Friday night at the pub.
But it wasn't on Monday morning in the cold hard light of day with the remnants of a hangover....;)

June 4th, 2015, 06:30
Because I'm a long-time TechNet user who was already subscription-based when it came to OS usage.
That was my choice [work related].... but I fail to see the likelihood of Joe Public wildly/lovingly embracing the 'rental' model on anything/everything coming henceforth from Microsoft.

Balmer and co have demonstrated their sheer ineptitude with their Win 8 release [and 8.1]. Stardock's generous profit from dissatisfied Win 8 users is clear testament to that. 8-figure numbers of dissatisfied users.

A desktop OS [work environment] that actively inhibited the user just for the sake of trying to be compatible cross-platform probably looked like a good idea on a drunken Friday night at the pub.
But it wasn't on Monday morning in the cold hard light of day with the remnants of a hangover....;)

I'm still a little confused about the intensity and (apparent) anger in your comments. You work for, make your living from, a company you openly despise?

BTW my experience with users in general is that they will run the operating system (and pay for it) that has the applications they use. The best favor Microsoft did for you and me is making the operating system backward compatible with FSX.

June 4th, 2015, 06:48
Non the less, and staying on topic..... I removed the four files and got rid of the Windows 10 adware popup.......
It's clean now..... and waiting for the next round of W10 adware updates....sigh


June 4th, 2015, 06:58
I'm still a little confused about the intensity and (apparent) anger in your comments. You work for, make your living from, a company you openly despise?

BTW my experience with users in general is that they will run the operating system (and pay for it) that has the applications they use. The best favor Microsoft did for you and me is making the operating system backward compatible with FSX.

Not 'despise'...just 'frustrated with'.
They had a perfectly functioning [appealing even] OS GUI in Win 7 then whilst admittedly evolving a better kernel they managed to chuck out the baby with the bath water and you had an interface only a drug-addled mother would hug. The co I do work for has long made a comfortable living delivering GUI enhancements for the Win OS since Win95 ....before that it was for OS2. Graphically our bunch knows more about the MS shell than MS does....[we certainly care about it more, at any rate].

10 is going to be another positive step in the under-the-hood department...but appearance wise...not really.
And don't be fooled by how quickly the win 8 [and later] desktops appear to load...it's a slight-of-hand on the part of MS to make it 'look' finished.
If you hear 'wow win 8 boots fast' you're listening to the great unwashed...;)

And 'backward compatible'....only to a point we may yet still not reach. During updates to both IE10 and 11 I had my FSX CTD on start. The ONLY fix was to revert to 9.

Some months after...both 10 and 11 were released some 'other' update likely resolved this quirk...and I'm now on 11 and FSX is fine.

If and when "some fancy change" stops me running FSX....that's when I stop "some fancy change" ...;)

June 4th, 2015, 08:02
Wanna share the popcorn? :biggrin-new:

No thanks. Popcorn is only for those who are staying until the credits run! I've had enough of this soap opera. After the first page, it doesn't matter where you jump in, it's all the same after that. Sad really. What could have been a helpful start sparking helpful dialog for the less informed community turned out to be a bully pulpit.

Exit, stage left!

June 4th, 2015, 08:16
"...In a world, devastated by underfunded schools and paranoid 'news' programming there is a new threat - a danger so terrifying and mysterious it can only be called....Windows 10 dun dun duunnnnnnn"

the evil Microsorft and its minions have created the most invasive, face melting, computer destroying operating system hell hath ever known!! only Jeebus can save us - if he can just create the proper work-around in time...or remind us where the delete key is...or....

tick tock people....time is running out...hair is falling out...popcorn is running out...

June 4th, 2015, 08:34
"...In a world, devastated by underfunded schools and paranoid 'news' programming there is a new threat - a danger so terrifying and mysterious it can only be called....Windows 10 dun dun duunnnnnnn"

the evil Microsorft and its minions have created the most invasive, face melting, computer destroying operating system hell hath ever known!! only Jeebus can save us - if he can just create the proper work-around in time...or remind us where the delete key is...or....

tick tock people....time is running out...hair is falling out...popcorn is running out...

EPIC!!! :biggrin-new:

One would have thought that after Gates and Balmer left the building, that there would be some more trust, or even faith for that matter, but no...

makes you wonder about a crowd that has been using M$ flightsims for... ever???

But I have some good news for the mistrusting crowd: those of us who are lucky enough to have an Enterprise version of Windows will NOT have the free update. For them it will be a full reïnstall.

Maybe passing on $$$$ to the mammon will make them feel better.


June 4th, 2015, 08:41
Is your cute little icon in your systray going to hold your hand with a tear in its eye when it tells you are 'required' to move to Office 365 as that will be the only supported office suite/version......?

Sorry mate, that is simply not true. You will be able to run even Office 2003 on a windows 10 machine. And yes, even the dinosaur FSX will run on it.


June 4th, 2015, 09:23
Windows 10 upgrade notes:

The part about the floppy drive made me laugh.

June 4th, 2015, 10:41
Sorry mate, that is simply not true. You will be able to run even Office 2003 on a windows 10 machine. And yes, even the dinosaur FSX will run on it.


I've run Office 2003 on Windows 10 beta and had no problems.


June 4th, 2015, 10:58
I've just done a test. I've installed FS9 on the 6-7 year old laptop with Windows X on it. Installed my old enhancements (REX and the likes) and maxed everything out.

Cloud 9 Phantom over Seattle? +/- 150 FPS.

So yes, Windows X is a biotope that will even sustain dinosaurs at breakneck speeds. On a laptop for crying out loud!

I just don't get it. New operating systems can/are advancements. Hell, judging by some comments, an OS evolves, simmers don't...

I'll now pull out my FSX disks of the mothballs, iinstall that on the same laptop with enhancements like FTX global and heavy addon aircraft and will report back.


June 4th, 2015, 11:17

June 4th, 2015, 11:23


We're evolving! :D


June 4th, 2015, 11:27
Windows 10 upgrade notes:

The part about the floppy drive made me laugh.

On reading the linked item I see that the 'feature deprecation' section contains the following bullet points which may affect some users who upgrade to Win 10 and who use either of the programmes/applications mentioned.



If you have Windows 7 Home Premium, Windows 7 Professional, Windows 7 Ultimate, Windows 8 Pro with Media Center, or Windows 8.1 Pro with Media Center and you install Windows 10, Windows Media Center will be removed.

Watching DVDs requires separate playback software
Windows 7 desktop gadgets will be removed as part of installing Windows 10.

June 4th, 2015, 11:28
I should follow up my post with, I worked in and still work in IT now and so of course as any good IT professional should do, you keep up to date and stay close to that edge to make sure you are 'current' in an industry where resisting change is not an option unless you want to be over taken and irrelevant very quickly.

Cloud based systems and the industry move to service based business models is not new and is not going away.

June 4th, 2015, 11:30
Cloud based systems and the industry move to service based business models is not new and is not going away.

tru dat....despite the protestations....

June 4th, 2015, 11:32
I should follow up my post with, I worked in and still work in IT now and so of course as any good IT professional should do, you keep up to date and stay close to that edge to make sure you are 'current' in an industry where resisting change is not an option unless you want to be over taken and irrelevant very quickly.

Cloud based systems and the industry move to service based business models is not new and is not going away.

Obviously A2A doesn't only make brilliant addons, they also employ sensible people.



Navy Chief
June 4th, 2015, 11:47
Well, Windows 10 certainly looks interesting. I still cannot figure out why I am not able to access the Windows 10 tool that would allow me to register for the upgrade to 10. My system is well within the reqs, am running Win 7 SP1, and all is up to date, and on auto update. Most frustrating. :banghead: NC

June 4th, 2015, 13:02
I just don't get it. New operating systems can/are advancements. Hell, judging by some comments, an OS evolves, simmers don't...

Of course not. After all, there's the risk of $50000000000 worth of add-ons not working anymore. Or, ohmahgawd, having to learn stuff anew! Or -worse- having to use Google to solve problems, who, as we all know, tracks everything you do on your PC, in your sleep or on the crapper*.

*The spam you get in your inbox day after day? Well, yeah, you micht really want to get your prostate checked out.

Cloud based systems and the industry move to service based business models is not new and is not going away.

True dat. If it involves free, Windows-based operating systems, count me in.

June 4th, 2015, 13:02
Navy Chief, just go to Microsoft page on Windows 10 and reserve your copy.


June 4th, 2015, 13:42
Well, Windows 10 certainly looks interesting. I still cannot figure out why I am not able to access the Windows 10 tool that would allow me to register for the upgrade to 10. My system is well within the reqs, am running Win 7 SP1, and all is up to date, and on auto update. Most frustrating. :banghead: NC


What version of Windows 7 do you have? If it is the Pro or Enterprise version, you'll have to reinstall completely.



Navy Chief
June 4th, 2015, 15:27

What version of Windows 7 do you have? If it is the Pro or Enterprise version, you'll have to reinstall completely.



Johan, am running Win7 Ultimate. And thanks, Warhorse, I will try that link and report back. NC

June 4th, 2015, 16:04
Sorry mate, that is simply not true. You will be able to run even Office 2003 on a windows 10 machine. And yes, even the dinosaur FSX will run on it.


Last I checked, Office XP won't run on Win 7. I would bet serious money that sooner or later there will be a little popup in 10 notifying the user it is time to upgrade as 'support' for early Office vers will be withdrawn.
No, it won't be immediate...it will be phased in over time.

Part of the current MS direction is to discontinue supporting 'legacy' products...whether the customer is entirely happy with them or not. Cite the ending of XP in spite of the fact there will NEVER be more users of 8 then there ever was of XP.

10 is supposed to be the 'last MS OS' release. Anything beyond that is to be purely an 'update' not a new OS as such.

The MS industry model is changing...and 'dinosaurs' [including FSX] won't be on the protected species list.

I wouldn't be surprised that devotees to FSX will either die out too or be stuck in the stone-age with their [then] ancient Win 7 OS machines for 'play' and their wiz-bang 10 plus extra revision 12a for 'doing stuff'....;)

Why do I say that? Because of the user-base of critters like dosbox ... so you can still run those favourite old ones like 'Terra Nova' or 'MechWarrior 2'.....Wolfenstein....


Has anyone checked out the ages of all of us on this site?

The dinosaurs are alive and well and living amongst us right here at 'SOH' ...;)

Navy Chief
June 4th, 2015, 16:39
Navy Chief, just go to Microsoft page on Windows 10 and reserve your copy.


Well, unfortunately I am no further than before. When I go to that link, there is a link near the bottom to "Reserve Windows 10", but when I go to that page, it tells me to click on the Windows Icon to Get Windows 10 in my taskbar. And it further says if I don't have the icon, to follow the directions on another page; which I have done everything, and still NO icon.

Arrrghhhh!!!! NC

UPDATE: I found this on a Microsoft Community Forum:

according to Microsoft (as I found on http://www.computerworld.com/article/2899229/microsoft-reveals-who-gets-windows-10-and-how.html ), anyone running Windows 7 RTM or Windows 8.1 RTM can not upgrade to Windows 10 using the Windows Update feature. They will have to download the .ISO once it's release, and install it manually.

So, what are Windows 7RTM and Windows 8.1RTM, you ask? RTM stands for "Release to Manufacturer," and refers to the versions that are sold to companies that produce computer systems (such as HP, Dell, Asus, Alienware, etc.).

So, if you are using a system that was purchased 'off the shelf' (or from an online retailer), there is a chance that you won't see the icon on your desktop, and that you'll have to wait until July 29, and download the .ISO file then.

My version of Windows IS a RTM, so the above makes sense. Guess I will just have to wait for July 29? NC

June 4th, 2015, 17:09
RTM vers are also what you get from TechNet. Mine are....and all displayed the icon just the same...;)

3 x 7 Ultimates... 1x Pro ...1x Home Premium...1x 8.1 Pro . Haven't booted the Vista VM yet....;)

If the icon doesn't show on an OEM Laptop it's probably because all the pre-loaded crapware is choking the poor thing...:)

Navy Chief
June 4th, 2015, 17:42
I had bought my version new from Amazon online when I (along with a knowledgeable friend) built my PC desktop system five years ago. NC

June 4th, 2015, 21:50
I haven't got the icon yet and I bought my W7 Ultimate from those discount people at er, Microsoft Instant Update. And will my favourite word processor run on WX? It's Word for Windows 2.0. I just can't live without Sidekick 95 either. Now someone tells me FS 4.0 won't run either or it'll need a new SoundBlaster driver. It's all getting too much for me, gotta get answers right now or lie in a darkened room for a month.


You can help. Please send your unwanted WX updates to this poor soul. Thank you.

June 5th, 2015, 07:45
So, if you are using a system that was purchased 'off the shelf' (or from an online retailer), there is a chance that you won't see the icon on your desktop, and that you'll have to wait until July 29, and download the .ISO file then.

I would much rather download the ISO file and burn it to CD/DVD so that I have it in hand should a fresh install be necessary for any reason. Not only that, but this was I can do the installation at a time of my choice and convenience.

June 5th, 2015, 08:41
I wouldn't be surprised that devotees to FSX will either die out too or be stuck in the stone-age with their [then] ancient Win 7 OS machines for 'play' and their wiz-bang 10 plus extra revision 12a for 'doing stuff'....;)

It's either WINE on Linux or Dovetail's stuff then.

Has anyone checked out the ages of all of us on this site?

The dinosaurs are alive and well and living amongst us right here at 'SOH' ...;)

TBH, I do feel like an early mammal among flightsimmers more often than not.

Anyway, is Windows 10 going to be an End-Cretaceous extinction event?

Coming right up, after this rerun of Jurassic Park! [Cut to flightsimmung convention]

- Edit: G'damn, stuck on Wikipedia's articles about Earth's geological history.

June 5th, 2015, 09:16
MS could have a couple of reasons to offer Windows 10 for free:

1) to persuade people to become legitimate users;
2) it only wants to support one version of Windows, saving them millions in heving to supporting older operating systems;
3) to tie their users to other MS-products (cloud-based or not)

One thing should be blatantly obvious: they're not doing this out of charity.

June 5th, 2015, 12:35
There may be a reason some users haven't got this thingy on the taskbar: their cranky old grids don't support all the features WX needs to run. The GWX folder is there on my system, but mine doesn't VT-x or VT-D or GBH or summat so WinX is out for me, apparently. So this rig will stick with creaky, arthritic, cranky old W7 ( it's so last year...) and let the fashionistas go their own way. (chuckle, chuckle) :costumed-smiley-034

June 6th, 2015, 00:21
One of the perks of working in IT: I'll get the iso's at work! Beauty of this is that I'll be able to do a clean install! :)


Paul Domingue
June 6th, 2015, 06:23
One of the perks of working in IT: I'll get the iso's at work! Beauty of this is that I'll be able to do a clean install! :)


I'm in full agreement as every year or so I wipe out the main drive and do a clean install on C: drive, sort of spring cleaning and been doing so since the days of DOS, it's a good days work but well worth it. For the Win X beta I downloaded the ISO on my main system (Win 7 pro 64, don't have the icon showing) then burned to DVD and installed on my laptop running (Win 7 home ed. 64 which didn't have the icon). I'll do the same again on the 29th. :untroubled:

I hope my copy of Silent Hunter III will work on Win X because it didn't when I went to Win 7. :eagerness:

June 6th, 2015, 06:27
Silent Hunter III works on win8.1 :encouragement:

Paul Domingue
June 6th, 2015, 12:11
Silent Hunter III works on win8.1 :encouragement:

That's great news! I'm going to install it on my laptop and if it works install GWX as well. If that works then it will be another A+ for Win X in my book. III was great, IV good and V sucked.