View Full Version : Vertigo Studios - TacPack Validation for the SPAD VII

April 9th, 2015, 17:38

It was requested that we validate the SPAD VII for multiplayer combat, with VRS TacPack. We have provided an easy download for those interested HERE (http://www.vertigostudios.co.uk/media/spad7/VS_SPAD_VII_TacPackValidation.zip).

Thank-you for the support!
- Joseph

April 9th, 2015, 19:29
so for tacpack useage..it has to be multilayer only?..i mean i cant just fly in my own little world and shoot things?

April 9th, 2015, 19:31

TackPack can be used either on or offline. The Validation is strictly for cheat-proof servers, that use TacPack for multiplayer missions/combat.

- Joseph

April 11th, 2015, 01:43
Hello Joseph,
Is there any way to reduce the speed of tanker aircraft (that I use as targets) to below 200 kts, or do you know whether VRS is working in this, so that the SPAD can catch them? I suppose this issue will become more relevant as more aircraft get Tacpacked.

April 11th, 2015, 05:10
I would look into using fs-recorder for injecting artificial AI...

- Joseph

April 11th, 2015, 06:01
Hello Joseph,
Is there any way to reduce the speed of tanker aircraft (that I use as targets) to below 200 kts, or do you know whether VRS is working in this, so that the SPAD can catch them? I suppose this issue will become more relevant as more aircraft get Tacpacked.

I thought you can add any type AI aircraft to TacPack as a tanker? So far I have only added ai ships to it, but I do think its the same for aircraft.
I know there is a post over at the VRS Support Forums where someone setup a furball with the Spad but can't seem to find it now. :dizzy:


April 11th, 2015, 06:15
You can use any aircraft as a "tanker", but the speed is limited to 200kts minimum.

For simple stuff you could try "Formation Flight Toys" by Gerry Beckwith. http://www.mudpond.org/

April 11th, 2015, 09:19

TackPack can be used either on or offline. The Validation is strictly for cheat-proof servers, that use TacPack for multiplayer missions/combat.

- Joseph
oh ok..i see now,thanks

April 12th, 2015, 00:58
Good idea, Dave. Downloading now.