View Full Version : M2M Mirage 2000C current state

Peg o my heart
February 22nd, 2015, 23:00
While the version 1.0 seems to be taking a little more time, I would like to ask how the current state of M2M Mirage 2000C is. Following their facebook page and restricted forum, the version 0.9xxxx designation doesnt provide a clear picture about its functionality, from a consumer perspective, I think this is normal to ask :). Is it [more than] flyable? And what is left/incomplete prior to the 1.0 version?

I am not using tacpack btw. Thanks

February 23rd, 2015, 00:48
It is 99.91% completed :untroubled:, only a few minor items are still being worked on (mostly Tacpack related). The Mirage is an absolutely stunning piece of work but I guess you already know that. The only downside I can think of is that the payload/fuel manager does not work without Tacpack. Without Tacpack, you can add visual ordnance like tanks by entering certain pound values in the FSX/P3D Payload screen but you cannot adjust fuel load.

Peg o my heart
February 23rd, 2015, 05:44
It is 99.91% completed :untroubled:, only a few minor items are still being worked on (mostly Tacpack related). The Mirage is an absolutely stunning piece of work but I guess you already know that. The only downside I can think of is that the payload/fuel manager does not work without Tacpack. Without Tacpack, you can add visual ordnance like tanks by entering certain pound values in the FSX/P3D Payload screen but you cannot adjust fuel load.

Thank you sir. :very_drunk:

February 23rd, 2015, 10:59
Why didn't you asked us at the FB page?


Peg o my heart
February 23rd, 2015, 22:44

Yes that's an idea. The last time I read a similar question, he was asked to join the beta forum in which I am not able to access.

There are also threads here discussing about each new build improvements. I visited your website but there's only product descriptions :)

I joined beta during Airsimmer development and it was nightmare. Of course M2M Mirage 2000C seems a lot better as people here have positivie 'revews'.