View Full Version : Cera Sim UH-60 repaint

February 2nd, 2015, 16:05
Anybody thought about Marine One, Umbrella Corp. repaints for the new Cera Sim UH-60? I've never had the time to devote to learning how to make my own liveries.
What about a flat-black, almost stealth livery (like the KnightStalkers)? I realize they utilize a different variant of the Blackhawk... but it would still look cool!

February 2nd, 2015, 17:12
Night Stalkers :)

if I had it I probably would have by now. I could do the Virtavia model.

February 3rd, 2015, 12:24
Have you seen Jeansy's paints for the Cera UH-60??



February 3rd, 2015, 13:08
Have you seen Jeansy's paints for the Cera UH-60??



I have all of Jeansy skinks for UH-60L, very nice and hard work! :applause:

February 3rd, 2015, 15:02
Isn't Marine One a VH-3D? It looks to me like the likely replacement may be a CH-47 varient or perhaps some other helo. Methinks the H-60 is a might small - it being classed as a light helicopter (even weighing in at some 11 tons).

February 3rd, 2015, 16:09
Isn't Marine One a VH-3D? It looks to me like the likely replacement may be a CH-47 varient or perhaps some other helo. Methinks the H-60 is a might small - it being classed as a light helicopter (even weighing in at some 11 tons).

Actually, Marine One isn't any one helicopter - but rather the call sign any Marine Corp helicopter takes on whenever POTUS steps on board. If he rode in an Army helicopter, it would take on the call sign "Army One"... and so on with the other branches. You're right though, it is primarily the VH-3D. Often when he's traveling, they use the VH-60N "WhiteHawk". They fit easier inside of a C-17.


February 4th, 2015, 03:29
Awesome. I've never seen the H-60 decked out - as in the photo! And I am well aware of the Marine One designator. They usually fly in groups kind of like the pea under the shell - which one is POTUS really in? http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/images/smilies/friendly_wink.png

February 6th, 2015, 11:30
Anybody know where to go to find somebody who'd be willing to create these repaints for me? Is there a forum or site that supports such a thing?

January 18th, 2016, 18:54
Anybody? Bump.

January 18th, 2016, 18:58
Actually, Someone did a wonderful Marine One for the Cera UH-60... now if I can just sweet talk someone into doing a 160th SOAR (flat black) and an Umbrella Corp (for my own evil designs while world traveling), I'd be a happy kid!

January 19th, 2016, 13:37
Check here for other paints, a Virt/AS paint has been done for HMX-1: http://aussiex.org/forum/index.php?/files/category/35-north-america/&page=1

"jeansy" is also active on the Hovercontrol forums, maybe a nice PM will get you what you need.

January 20th, 2016, 00:39
I have one on the finals..

http://i1294.photobucket.com/albums/b601/Stoffel86/Temporary/MarineBeta_zpsxhhly5ja.jpg~original (http://s1294.photobucket.com/user/Stoffel86/media/Temporary/MarineBeta_zpsxhhly5ja.jpg.html)

Some tweaks and we are ready to fly
Two questions:
- Is this the proper green for the Bird? (It seems to shine different, depending on the photo)
- There are two lines of words on the fin. Does anyone know, what they say?


January 20th, 2016, 01:07
The 2 lines on the fin read:

163261 (for the airframe I found);)

EDIT: Oh .. the green. I've looked at this on my tablet and I'm now on my desktop and they look different. As you say, no 2 photo's of this particular green look the same.

January 20th, 2016, 01:13
Thanks Dave!!
I will put these lines on the fin.
Maybe I'll try a little darker green.

And by the way, it won't come alone...

January 20th, 2016, 17:16
Was always hoping to see the Cera sim UH-60 repainted in 160th SOAR markings.

Nice work on the VIP bird


January 20th, 2016, 19:28
Sorry i missed the original post as i was deployed

However Im not actively painting at the moment because of away from home work commitents