View Full Version : Prepar3D v2.5 Development Update

January 21st, 2015, 08:25

January 21st, 2015, 10:22
Some interesting points ... but honestly - nothing special.

No any words about many main issues:

- shadows problem (from clouds on for example mountains),
- fix for shadows of clouds and terrain (both on in the sim),
- big FPS drop with open menu in the sim (Alt),
- about GUI (now it's still illogical for user)
- seasonal textures problems (like for example in FTX AU SP4: http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/91304-australia-ftx-au-sp4003-and-prepar3d-24/ )
- frozen textures of lakes (again FTX Vector for all users of P3D v2.4 http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/81478-some-water-black/?hl=%2Bblack+%2Bwater)
- ATC transparency,
- I'd like to see info about fix for effect on the water behind the ships too,
- overscaled bridges problem from long range view (sametimes)

It looks like TacPack for P3D is very soon:

- sensors,
- NVG.

January 21st, 2015, 13:48
Well, at least it looks like the ship wake fx / contrail issue will be solved: "Fixed a bug that would cause all extrusion effects to draw with a visible sawtooth pattern". As for the sensors/NVG: I thought you need the professional version to use it (which already has its own weapons stuff, something like TP).

January 21st, 2015, 22:02
The focus seemed to have been on the Simdirector, which has a lot of changes. That really has become a powerful tool.

Also, some new features in the SDK:

+ Added ability to manipulate visual effects during runtime through the PDK interface (<--- I'll have a look on that one!)

+ Updated documentation regarding supported pylons, objects, and their interactions (<--- That also sounds interesting! )


January 24th, 2015, 10:27

Did You hear it?

2.5 will be as full version, not a patch and stand alone :(.

Changes in structures of folders - so perhaps a problem for self installers...

January 28th, 2015, 10:11
New functions of F-22 in P3D (2.5 too).

Air to ground radar - nice, see this: "Now we can use the mouse to place a target designator on the radar and track that fixed target with symbology on the HUD for use of the upcoming weapons system."

https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/t31.0-8/10953189_10153016043437416_8290645430101114591_o.j pg

https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/t31.0-8/10854347_10153016350082416_5026092086948118127_o.j pg

January 28th, 2015, 12:01
FYI: http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/91569-v25-lm-forces-a-full-reinstall-on-us/?p=832313 .

February 7th, 2015, 09:31
Some of new videos:


February 7th, 2015, 12:59

> "Now we can use the mouse to place a target designator on the radar and track that fixed target with symbology on the HUD for use of the upcoming weapons system."

hear hear :-)