View Full Version : Nvidia DDS plugin and Paint Shop Pro

November 17th, 2014, 12:56
I know there have been discussions about using the old DDS plugin (version 8 or something?) with Corel PaintShopPro before in these forums.

The other day I noticed that nvidia had updated their plugin to work with PSP (looks like they did this a year ago) so I thought I'd give it a go.

To install the plugin into PSP I did the following:

Download the photoshop tools from nvidia.


Select the appropriate version 32 bit or 64 bit. I downloaded the 64 bit.

Create a dummy directory on your desktop and then run the installer and change the install location to your dummy directory.

Open "C:Program Files/Corel/Corel PaintShop Pro X6 (64-bit)/Plugins/EN"
(your actual directory name will probably be different. The above is for PSP X6 64bit.)

Open your dummy directory and then open the "Plug-Ins" folder within it and move or copy across the "File Formats" and "Filters" folders and drop them into the "Plugins/EN" folder for PSP. I didn't copy the "Presets" folder as I didn't really know where to stick it.

Start PSP and when you want to export select the dds file format.

I haven't completely checked this out yet but I have managed to get the plugin running in PSP.