View Full Version : Could we have a dedicated FSX Screenshots forum? Please?

October 15th, 2014, 09:12
The Screenshots thread is over 216 pages long now. Seems like a dedicated forum would be better.


October 15th, 2014, 09:36
Or perhaps add a forum for all screenshots for all the sims presented in the SOH? It would be kind of nice to see screenshots from CFS, FSX, P3D etc. from one place.

October 15th, 2014, 10:28
There is a dedicated screenshot forum here at SOH, its called "Hot Shots!". Just not
to many people use it any more. And that is because now every forum has a screenshot
thread that people keep posting their pics into it.


October 15th, 2014, 13:35
There is a dedicated screenshot forum here at SOH, its called "Hot Shots!". Just not
to many people use it any more. And that is because now every forum has a screenshot
thread that people keep posting their pics into it.


Good to know. I didnt know thats what that forum was for. Perhaps it ought to be renamed for the dense folks like me to know!! :untroubled:

Edit: I just visited this Hot Shots! forum and theres nothing in there? At all. Perhaps renaming it would fix that.

October 15th, 2014, 15:59
Good to know. I didnt know thats what that forum was for. Perhaps it ought to be renamed for the dense folks like me to know!! :untroubled:

Edit: I just visited this Hot Shots! forum and theres nothing in there? At all. Perhaps renaming it would fix that.

There are a few forums here that rarely get used. At one time all of them were used with a lot of traffic, but times change
and members come and go. As for the Hot Shots! forum there should be 6 pages of threads (my settings). First post in
there was started in Oct, 2008 last post was Dec, 2013. Most of the pics are gone due to the forum attachment clean up
that is done atleast once a year, but any from a pic hosting site are still up.


October 16th, 2014, 08:29
Excuse the OT folks, just gotta throw in a hello:

Hey Eric old chap!
Nice to still see you around (or again?)!


October 16th, 2014, 09:06
Some of you need to get out more. There are others forums here besides FSX. :cool:


October 16th, 2014, 09:06
Excuse the OT folks, just gotta throw in a hello:

Hey Eric old chap!
Nice to still see you around (or again?)!


Hi Mathias! Glad to see your name. Im still around. Hard to get rid of a bad penny.

October 16th, 2014, 10:47
The Screenshots thread is over 216 pages long now. Seems like a dedicated forum would be better.


The 'FSX Screenshots' thread in the FSX Forum was begun by an individual, not by the staff or admins.
It really grew due certain commercial reasons.
Speaking for myself, 'Hotshots' should be the only 'Screenshot Forum', if desired I'll raise the subject with staff, it could be sub-divided into sections and (again, speaking as an individual) I would think the individual forums would be much less cluttered.
Questions and concerns on a postcard please.

October 16th, 2014, 12:17
Ickie has made a new Hot Shots screenshot forum as a sub forum to FsX... http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/forumdisplay.php?94-FSX-Hotshots

So let's use it for new shots...Ted has already been there....