View Full Version : Baytower RV7

September 15th, 2014, 15:21
I finally broke down and bought the Baytower RV7 yesterday and I must admit it flies nicely. It can take off from my 4000'msl 1100' dirt strip in the Sierras on a 100 degree day. However I am disappointed in the outside appearance of the aircraft. I don't know how to describe other than to say the colors look muted, as if there was an overlay of gray on them. They are dull looking. I have admired the RV's many times on the ramps and they usually are painted in stunning colors even if it's a military theme. I loaded Ant's P2002 Sierra to compare the two just to make sure there was nothing wrong with my monitor and Ant's aircraft looked stunning.

Fortunately it is a Flight One purchase, but I'd hate to return it if it's something I am doing wrong.

September 15th, 2014, 15:47
Try some 3rd party paints before considering returning such a great flyer, there's a bunch over at aussieX, Avsim, etc.


September 15th, 2014, 16:03
I agree, some of the included textures are kind of bland, but the repaints for it are quite good


September 15th, 2014, 17:58
+1 to the repaints..... the stock paints are somewhat bland. I've got that blue and white one above, and there's some really nice ones at Ozx or avsim libraries.


September 15th, 2014, 19:11
+1 for the RV, it is a top notch addon, still one of my very favorites. There are a bunch of repaints out there for it. Some of the initial colors were a little dull, but I think the RV has one of the most realistic looking 'GA White' aluminium skin textures with the right amount of reflection.



September 16th, 2014, 04:30
Is that shot in p3d? If so how do I install it there?

September 16th, 2014, 08:11
+1 for the RV, it is a top notch addon, still one of my very favorites. There are a bunch of repaints out there for it. Some of the initial colors were a little dull, but I think the RV has one of the most realistic looking 'GA White' aluminium skin textures with the right amount of reflection.


Thanks to all who replied. I have downloaded and installed some repaints as suggested and look forward to flying them.

TJ which repaint is your red one in the pix? That's how I think the reds should look on an airplane.

September 16th, 2014, 10:13
Reds like this.... gorgeous paint by famous painter Ron Attwood :running:

http://i141.photobucket.com/albums/r43/ryanbatc/ryanbatc055/ron1.jpg (http://s141.photobucket.com/user/ryanbatc/media/ryanbatc055/ron1.jpg.html)

http://i141.photobucket.com/albums/r43/ryanbatc/ryanbatc056/ron2.jpg (http://s141.photobucket.com/user/ryanbatc/media/ryanbatc056/ron2.jpg.html)

http://i141.photobucket.com/albums/r43/ryanbatc/ryanbatc057/ron3.jpg (http://s141.photobucket.com/user/ryanbatc/media/ryanbatc057/ron3.jpg.html)

September 16th, 2014, 10:38
Thanks Ryan. I have Ron's N200PF. I'll have to pick this one up too. Ron does great work. The RV7 reminds me a little of the Grumman AA1 series but with more power and aerobatic certification. I used to fly an AA5B Tiger and thought it a very nice plane.

September 16th, 2014, 11:58
This is a great model with a heritage going back to Fs9 days but updated for FsX as the project progressed. Note there are two models, with one for Dx9 and another for Dx10. The only disappointment is that although vc shadows can be turned on (with Dx10 Fixer) there are shadows painted in to the vc textures and evidently very difficult to remove. So don't turn vc shadows on as you will be disappointed.
Here's my favorite repaint...


September 16th, 2014, 15:22
Is that shot in p3d? If so how do I install it there?

Hey Ryan, that shot is FSX, flying over one of the Orbx regions.

TJ which repaint is your red one in the pix? That's how I think the reds should look on an airplane.

Obie, you can find the paint here.



September 16th, 2014, 21:39
Thanks TJ and everyone who responded. These great repaints make a difference to me.

Yes I am liking this a lot. It flies like a real airplane. It was indicating 150 knots at 6000' pulling 2400rpm and 24" on a hot day. 2 Souls on board and half tanks. Definitely a good quality offering. It amazes me how fantastically talented developers like Baytower and Lotus never had subsequent releases.

Flew from Mariposa late today with RealWX lite and got some brutal convective action the last 60 miles over the San Joaquin and Salinas. Slowed down to Vno and dropped to a lower altitude and it smoothed out.12335 12336

September 16th, 2014, 22:03
Glad you enjoy it Obie, despite some newer excellent releases that have a few more goodies, the RV is still my default go anywhere 'jack of all trades' plane. Take off with 2 people, bags, full fuel in 800', cruise around 160ktas and get about 750nm range, throw in some aerobatics along the way for fun, shoot an instrument approach or two, knife around the back country and plop down on some backwoods airstrip.

I took it on a round the world trip, got it up to FL220 and made it over the Himalayas so I could visit Lhasa, Tibet.

The autopilot, while simple does require a little learning, its different than the typical FS autopilots. Highly recommend to use with Accu-Feel and Reality XP.


http://fsfiles.org/flightsimshotsv2/images/2013/03/04/6ufd.th.jpg (http://fsfiles.org/flightsimshotsv2/images/2013/03/04/6ufd.jpg)