View Full Version : The USVAF is Recruiting!

August 17th, 2014, 05:47
11442 Come check us out at www.usvaf.com

August 17th, 2014, 16:45
This place you represent, usvaf, do u have your own servers? And they tacpac enabled? How active is the membership?i fly the VRS Hornet, anyone else there fly it? Do you have F-18E Squadrons that fly it. Seems the last few places I joined there was a large member list but only a very small handful actually show up and are active. Is that case with your group too?

August 17th, 2014, 18:59
This place you represent, usvaf, do u have your own servers? And they tacpac enabled? How active is the membership?i fly the VRS Hornet, anyone else there fly it? Do you have F-18E Squadrons that fly it. Seems the last few places I joined there was a large member list but only a very small handful actually show up and are active. Is that case with your group too?
I can't speak for this group, they may be very active, but the type of activity you discovered is more the rule than the exception and that comes from someone who ran several servers for Flying Clubs and was a member of several Virtual Military Groups. Most of them have very good intentions and seem to be well managed with a good chain of command. They also have, for the most part, an extensive membership list. But again as you noted, of that list it's usually a scant few regulars that actually participate with any regularity. I think people who join these groups have good intentions and start out expecting to fly on a regular basis but for many reasons (personal commitments, changes in work shifts, boredom, etc) they rarely fly at all and if the Group is poorly run with very few activities that everyone can participate in, the number falls off quickly.

Also, it appears you enjoy the F-18 so it's good that you ask up front if they cater to that jet. . .as the name implies, it's the USVAF, as in Virtual Air Force, not Virtual Navy. . .there are some groups, not many that I remember, that permit other aviation branches within their ranks. . .or they may have a separate entity for Naval Operations and another for Army (normally attack, Troop and Supply type Heli's), all of which work hand in hand for specific Sorties. If you are intent on joining, then be an active member, participate often, take advantage of any flight training or upgrade opportunities they might offer and do what you can to keep other members active as well.

August 18th, 2014, 01:53
In answer to your questions. First, we have Branches for Army Aviation. Air Force, Navy, Coast Guard and Vintage. Yes we have a dedicated FSHost server, we also fly by direct connect and I am working on trying to establish an FSInn server. We are more active than some and less active than others. It is USVAF policy that you can fly any plane any time anywhere. Meaning that if you are Air Force and want to fly off of the Navy Carriers, you are more than welcome. Right now our Vintage wing is starting a WW2 campaign. RAF and Luftwaffe. We are a 24/7 world wide organization, with active members from as far away as New Zealand and South Korea. We have a dedicated Teamspeak server for comms and the primary language is English. We have been in existence since 2005. Please feel free to check us out at www.usvaf.com (http://www.usvaf.com)

August 18th, 2014, 06:04
Thank you for your response, I'm well aware of fshost and it's limitations and not sure about fsinn. But my main concern is it tacpac friendly? While I have 100's & 100's of A/C & Helo in my sim object folder. I mainly fly Tacpac equipped ones. I have invested too much into it to go backwards. If your servers are not capable then I don't think I'd enjoy what you profess. I have looked at your website and it's nicely done but nowhere do you say what type of servers you run, hence my question

August 18th, 2014, 06:22
All I know is that the FSHost is a paid server. I can't speak about TacPac, as I don't have it. I know that some of our members do. Have you ever tried it on FSHost?

August 18th, 2014, 08:37
I have never flown on line. When I saw this group I thought it might be interesting so I signed up. Since I have never flown on line I read all of the info they had and filled out the application last night and went to bed. ( Pacific Coast time). This morning I received info that I have joined and a couple of more e-mails with log in details etc. I could not respond to any of these to ask questions. The final E-mail I got during the night said I have been deleted from the flying list due to lack of action. I had only been a member for less that 5 hours and this was in the middle of the night. It also appeared I couldn't log back on.

So much for my on line flying experience....grin I guess I will stick to flying on my own.


August 18th, 2014, 13:28
Yes Fshost does not support Tacpac... to me FSHost is for mainly for FS9 flyers, although you can fly on it with FSX, close formation flying is impossible on FShost.And Tacpac requires a host IP with Tacpac install on it to work and even then, non-tacpac user will have frame rate issues if they don't have it
I'll look else where , thanks for the imput

August 18th, 2014, 13:37
I have never flown on line. When I saw this group I thought it might be interesting so I signed up. Since I have never flown on line I read all of the info they had and filled out the application last night and went to bed. ( Pacific Coast time). This morning I received info that I have joined and a couple of more e-mails with log in details etc. I could not respond to any of these to ask questions. The final E-mail I got during the night said I have been deleted from the flying list due to lack of action. I had only been a member for less that 5 hours and this was in the middle of the night. It also appeared I couldn't log back on.

So much for my on line flying experience....grin I guess I will stick to flying on my own.


LOL, man they are strict.
You guys know that this version of the Virtual airforce has been around at least since 2008, LOL.

Pretty safe bet that if starting a new VA, you can pretty much scratch off all branches of the arms forces for names, LOL.

August 19th, 2014, 06:22
LOL, man they are strict.
You guys know that this version of the Virtual airforce has been around at least since 2008, LOL.

Pretty safe bet that if starting a new VA, you can pretty much scratch off all branches of the arms forces for names, LOL.

LOL, I pretty sure the vUSAF doesn't fly the F-18E, and i also know they only fly on Vatsim and that is something i'm no way ever want to be involved in

August 19th, 2014, 09:59
MCD, try 1999!

I've been in many military based VAs (every branch but USCG) throughout the years and I do agree with some points falcon409 listed. The main issue to even make it worthwhile are active members and a server to accurately replicate military operations. Some guys tend to forget its a hobby, and I have had more than one member with zero RW military/aviation experience attempt to give me "advice/orders". Many hours on Vatsim trying to fly form, ACM with terrible lag rates, but the 1st time on a private server or Gamespy, completely different. Having all the different branches is going to cater to many, but if 1 or 2 guys make up a unit, hard to build up the team. The vintage stuff would be interesting if all your worldwide members participated.

Correct Stinger, but they do have a "poor man" Tacpack-ish combat gauge.

August 19th, 2014, 12:04
MCD, try 1999!

Correct Stinger, but they do have a "poor man" Tacpack-ish combat gauge.

Well Sir,
I know from your name and the many post you've put in the VRS Forum is the last thing you would ever do is modify the cfg file in the Bug
Maybe i should put this to rest ,I've been contacted by a Navy group, with their own TP Server fly the Bug as there main A/C and lastly don't have to do any modification to the cfg.
The USVAF, The vUSAF or any other organization that flies on vatsim or fshost is not what i'm looking for
Thanks for all the comments and insight

August 20th, 2014, 06:17
We do fly with the other commands. I am a member of the Naval Air command, but I fly a lot with the vintage guys.

August 20th, 2014, 07:40
But by your own admission, you said your group uses fshost as your flight server, sorry but it doesn't support tacpac
I've flown with a Marine group which also uses fshost and it's laggy, had many disconnects and is non-supportive of what i'm interested in. If you had the aircraft and the Tacpac weapons package you'd understand.
Oh btw, tacpac will soon be available for vintage WW2, Korean & Vietnam aircraft as well. You should think about getting it

January 19th, 2015, 04:48
For Tacpack users we now have a 24/7/365 Tacpack enabled server! For non-Tacpack players we offer dedicated FSHost and FSInn servers as well. FSX steam edition users will not be able to use all that we offer, due to the limitations of FSX Steam edition.