View Full Version : Cera UH-60

July 5th, 2014, 15:07
Bought the Cera UH-60 on sale this weekend and when it is started using the "ready to fly" the "#2 HYD PUMP" and "#2 HDR RSVR LOW" indicators stay on. Anyone else see this or have a fix for it?


July 5th, 2014, 17:20
the sim is sensitive to how it's loaded. i have default cessna as default a/c when fsx first starts up, then select uh60--don't get those lights.

July 5th, 2014, 18:08
Also, you may want to first select the "cold and dark" before you select the "ready to fly." That seems to reset everything before starting everything up.

July 5th, 2014, 18:09
I load the MS Cessna as my default but not sure it is the "Default" Cessna. Sure wish devs would set all the params their product needs to work correctly. I am guessing that something is not correctly set as I can bring up the 101 and start it with a Ctl-e then switch to the UH-60 and it will shut down but when I start it back up the lights will be off. I have not figured out what it needs that the 101 is setting at startup but the UH-60 is not.



July 5th, 2014, 18:11
I have tried hitting "C&D" then "Ready to fly" and it still has the 2 errors on the indicator panel.


July 5th, 2014, 18:53
Yep. I got the same situation. Both warning lights are on.

It's been awhile since I flew the UH-60, so I just took it up for a flight. Tried everything I could think of to turn off the warnings, but no joy.

July 6th, 2014, 05:04
Doe's anyone know of a Cera support forum?

I have looked through as much of the code that I can find. It appears that they started with the EH101 and made many modes including changing from the Helo/Turbine configs in the aircraft.cfg to the turboprop stuff. Not sure if that is what is confusing FSX and making it think the hydraulic fluid in engine 2 is empty. I can't find a command in the Key Events to change the Fluid level only to read it. I also cannot see where they are controlling the ennunciator panel, but suspect it is done in a .dll. If someone at Cera could tell us what L:var is being used or give us a snippet of the code that controls that panel, maybe we could fix this bug.


July 6th, 2014, 05:47
Sadly Cera's support of the UH-60, and it's many problems, have been less than stellar. Despite the latest patch, in MP, it still overloads a server and causes a crash if more than one is present. This issue with its inability to fully start all systems is another carryover.

You can contact their support staff, but will probably be met with another excuse as to why they can't or won't fix it.

I've written them off of any future purchases.

July 6th, 2014, 07:25
if you use f1's 'safe start up for complex aircraft' or something like that as the starting point, it should all work, worked for me.

the 'safe start' places a saved flight situation, pick this situation, change aircraft to the ms default cessna, and resave as the default flight under a different name.

next time starting fs, this cessna will show up on the free flight menu, pick the uh60 or whatever.

gray eagle
July 6th, 2014, 09:01
I bought it last January and paid full fare $39.00 -

I like the way you can "Speed start" it with that shift+1 key. I notice that eventually, the APU will light up (green) - See photo-
Should that remain on during flight. I've been able to fly when I mouse clicked it off.

Didn't know about the V1 patch till yesterday and was able to get it by re-downloading what I did before when I first bought it;only it had the patch enclosed.

Should be an easier way to release the brakes then pressing my brakes switch (on my joystick) and rotating the brake peddles. The brake handle will go down -
located on the rear center console. Heck of a way to get situated with brakes I must say.


July 6th, 2014, 15:30
I just bought this as well, and took a test flight. It took me 90 minutes to get the engines started correctly. #2 just wouldn't start as described above. What I discovered (I think) is that after starting #1, when you want to push the starter button for #2, do it from the over head panel view - not from the virtual cockpit. In VC mode #2 would get up to about 500 rpm and then slow back down. Using the overhead view it went right on past and completed starting. :jump: Go figure. Now I must caution - that this was the result of only one engine start. It may have been something else - but I tried everything else I could to get #2 to start to no avail.

Let me know if this works for you.

gray eagle
July 6th, 2014, 16:08
I use the ready to fly button from the SHIFT + 1 screen and it will start....eventually......

here is a tutorial video in case you have not seen this. A lot of buttons to mash and toggle switches to flip in this video.
You notice that the ready to fly button was not used and that a manual cold start was done.


gray eagle
July 6th, 2014, 16:17
Doe's anyone know of a Cera support forum?

I have looked through as much of the code that I can find. It appears that they started with the EH101 and made many modes including changing from the Helo/Turbine configs in the aircraft.cfg to the turboprop stuff. Not sure if that is what is confusing FSX and making it think the hydraulic fluid in engine 2 is empty. I can't find a command in the Key Events to change the Fluid level only to read it. I also cannot see where they are controlling the ennunciator panel, but suspect it is done in a .dll. If someone at Cera could tell us what L:var is being used or give us a snippet of the code that controls that panel, maybe we could fix this bug.


They do on there web site:


You can email them from their web site.

If you can get them to help you with the coding that will fix the bug, would appreciate you letting us know what you find out.
I would of thought that their V1 patch was the remedy for all that needed fixing.

July 6th, 2014, 16:29
OK, loading the F1 startup did work, so it will start with all the lights in the correct configuration now. I still am curious about what configuration change makes it work or not work. There should be a way to configure an auto start macro in FSUIPC that will allow the aircraft to start correctly regardless of the startup file.

Now I need to reconfigure my start so it is at the correct airport and with as much turned off as possible without messing up the helo again :)

Thanks KDFW for you assistance.

Gray Eagle, I believe the APU stays on during flight as a backup.


July 7th, 2014, 04:27
I was only able to get the lights out after a aircraft reset. Even with the V1 update still had the issues coming from the default C172. I'll look into the F1 fix. I've gotten occusionly emails after I find a bug. This was after my request to be a beta tester (19yrs H-60 experience).

The "button mashing" is the best thing about the model, every light and switch is working as advertised. I thought the brake release issue was fixed, I do give credit on what Cera was trying to do, since you press the top of the pedal to release the parking brake, just didn't work correctly in FSX.

The APU is only used for an emergency in-flight. Normal procedure is after the engines are online and 100% Nr, shutdown the "P". In the Navy the APU was part of the "Before Landing Check", in the Army we only bring it online after landing and prior to shut-down.

A few little bugs still and the MP issue, but overall the best H-60 for FS when combined with "kdfw's" HTR profile. The above vid is good, some steps are out of sync, but the intent was to show the finer details of the model. I probably should do a "real world" start up for this some time for all the rotorheads out there.

July 7th, 2014, 06:55
A few little bugs still and the MP issue, but overall the best H-60 for FS when combined with "kdfw's" HTR profile.

Where can i find this profile?

gray eagle
July 7th, 2014, 07:10
Where can i find this profile?

+1 Yeah, what he said!! :adoration:

gray eagle
July 7th, 2014, 07:24
[QUOTE=Victory103;894179]I was only able to get the lights out after a aircraft reset. Even with the V1 update still had the issues coming from the default C172. I'll look into the F1 fix. I've gotten occusionly emails after I find a bug. This was after my request to be a beta tester (19yrs H-60 experience).

Not sure why the Cessna 172 relates to all this? Only issues I have with the stock FSX Cessna's is a case of the blurries on the exterior markings and lettering.

July 7th, 2014, 10:47
OK, here is what I have found. After loading the new F1 situation as my default, the helo works as advertised. Problem is, I don't want the ultralight, running in the PNW as my default. I start changing things to make it normal, change to C172, works, change to my home field, works, turn off the battery, still works, kill the engine with the mags and set them back to both, doesn't work. For some reason if the Helo is not running when it starts, the failure lights are constant on. This is somewhat strange as I have never encountered this before. I really like my aircraft to be sitting with the engine off when I load them and unless I can find a way around this, it will be a problem for every other plane. I would not have thought a company as well respected as Cera to produce a product that require it to be running when loadiong up. Does anyone know of any other aircraft that require this?


July 7th, 2014, 13:57
OK, here is what I have found. After loading the new F1 situation as my default, the helo works as advertised. Problem is, I don't want the ultralight, running in the PNW as my default. I start changing things to make it normal, change to C172, works, change to my home field, works, turn off the battery, still works, kill the engine with the mags and set them back to both, doesn't work. For some reason if the Helo is not running when it starts, the failure lights are constant on. This is somewhat strange as I have never encountered this before. I really like my aircraft to be sitting with the engine off when I load them and unless I can find a way around this, it will be a problem for every other plane. I would not have thought a company as well respected as Cera to produce a product that require it to be running when loadiong up. Does anyone know of any other aircraft that require this?

DaveDave. I cannot answer your question. However, there is one more thing you might want to look at.

Go to your Documents directory and look in the folder for the Flight Simulator X Files. Specifically, look for those files ending in FLT for your saved flights. Find the one you are using as default and open it with notepad. Scroll down to the bottom and look for the sections on avionics, engine parameters, fuel, system, switches, etc. If you look closely at each entry it should =False or 0 which means that particular setting is off. Anything else indicates its ON.

My default flight is with the Cessna 172, and I actually edit my FLT files to insure that its a cold start. Still, I have the lights on with the Cera UH-60. I also have other aircraft that have fuel or avionics turned on when loaded. My interpretation is that there might be some XML routine that's run when the aircraft is loaded - which turns these systems on.

Anyways, take a look to see how your default FLT is setup.

July 7th, 2014, 19:29
Where can i find this profile?

htr program can be downloaded from hovercontrol.com. it's a helicopter flight dynamics program that replaces the fsx .air based helicopter flight dynamics. a physics-based programmable helicopter model for the desktop sim.


the profile for the cera uh60 can be found in the thread


just copy-paste the profile to the htr dynamics folder as indicated.

July 7th, 2014, 19:36
OK, here is what I have found. After loading the new F1 situation as my default, the helo works as advertised. Problem is, I don't want the ultralight, running in the PNW as my default. I start changing things to make it normal, change to C172, works, change to my home field, works, turn off the battery, still works, kill the engine with the mags and set them back to both, doesn't work. For some reason if the Helo is not running when it starts, the failure lights are constant on. This is somewhat strange as I have never encountered this before. I really like my aircraft to be sitting with the engine off when I load them and unless I can find a way around this, it will be a problem for every other plane. I would not have thought a company as well respected as Cera to produce a product that require it to be running when loadiong up. Does anyone know of any other aircraft that require this?


if i want to do a full power up from cold/dark, i load the running '60 then press cold/dark to get it into the cold/dark state. i'm afraid that's the only way...

July 8th, 2014, 06:03
htr program can be downloaded from hovercontrol.com. it's a helicopter flight dynamics program that replaces the fsx .air based helicopter flight dynamics. a physics-based programmable helicopter model for the desktop sim.


the profile for the cera uh60 can be found in the thread


just copy-paste the profile to the htr dynamics folder as indicated.

Thank you very much.
Another question,i allready have the Virtavia H-60.
Is it worth to get the Cera?

July 8th, 2014, 06:59
if i want to do a full power up from cold/dark, i load the running '60 then press cold/dark to get it into the cold/dark state. i'm afraid that's the only way...

This does work correctly as you have said. I just don't want every other aircraft to start up running. Most aircraft do not have a cold/dark state and the startup is normally modified to achieve at least a level of c/d for those aircraft. I am guessing this is not a UH-60 problem as much as it is an FSX structural problem as I would bet Cera started with the EH101 and MS hid things in a DLL that they could not access to correct. I have noticed that if I start the EH101 with a Ctl-E then switch to the UH60 and hit cold and dark, it will work correctly regardless of the startup state which means something is hiding in executable code that is not presented to the user via XML code. MS is setting directly in the C++ DLL.


July 8th, 2014, 09:31
Thank you very much.
Another question,i allready have the Virtavia H-60.
Is it worth to get the Cera?

As a former UH-60A/L pilot, the Cera is the more accurate model. That said, not sure if Cera is still looking to add models versions, this was mentioned after the model was released and nothing heard since. I've rolled the Virt model back into the hangar.

July 8th, 2014, 09:38
As a former UH-60A/L pilot, the Cera is the more accurate model. That said, not sure if Cera is still looking to add models versions, this was mentioned after the model was released and nothing heard since. I've rolled the Virt model back into the hangar.

Thank you,will have closer look at it.