View Full Version : Dino's aircraft carrier problems?

June 21st, 2014, 10:31
Hi all,

I'm having some problems with Dino Cattaneo's aircraft taking off on Javier's AI Nimitz Class carriers.

Whenever I press shift+spacebar to launch the aircraft, as soon as I hit the end of the deck, I get an object collision crash.

Is there a possible fix for this? Carrier take-offs work with VRS's Super Hornet and the default F-18 included in Acceleration.

By the way, Dino, your airplanes are absolutely fantastic! I love flying the Hawk and the F-35 the most. I haven't had a chance to play with the S-3 and the F-14 yet.



June 21st, 2014, 12:19
Hi all,

I'm having some problems with Dino Cattaneo's aircraft taking off on Javier's AI Nimitz Class carriers.

Whenever I press shift+spacebar to launch the aircraft, as soon as I hit the end of the deck, I get an object collision crash.

Is there a possible fix for this? Carrier take-offs work with VRS's Super Hornet and the default F-18 included in Acceleration.

By the way, Dino, your airplanes are absolutely fantastic! I love flying the Hawk and the F-35 the most. I haven't had a chance to play with the S-3 and the F-14 yet.



I had a similar crash detection while TacPack was active and it would send me into earth's orbit. You might need to look at your preferences in TacPack and under Flight Options deselect the "Detect terrain collisions" and re-start Flight Sim.

June 21st, 2014, 14:57
Hi Simulloyd,

I don't have TacPack, just VRS's Super Bug and Javier's Nimitz. I've got FSUIPC 4.0 too.



Dino Cattaneo
June 22nd, 2014, 01:20
Good day Chris,

On my system, all of my aicrafts (T-45C, F-14D, F-35C) launch correctly with or without the Tacpack and with or without the ground collision activate on my system.
The S-3 (in Beta, and withdrawn from download at the moment) does have an erratic behaviour on the catapult, resulting in shuttle detachment in some cases (but no crash).

That being said, what you describe is not a new thing for me as it can happen if the launch bar datum point (which are embedded in the .mdl) are incompatible with the other geometric constraints... again, I do not know what is happening in this specific case as, apparently, everything works fine in my system.
In any case I would advise you to check if you have the latest version of my aicrafts (They are all available on my blog indiafoxtecho.blogpot.com (http://www.indiafoxtecho.blogpot.com) )



June 22nd, 2014, 09:32
Thank you so very much for your quick response, Dino!

I will download the latest updates for your three marvelous aircraft, just to be on the safe side.



June 23rd, 2014, 10:15
Hi, Dino, I have problem with cat launch, with the plane in the air after of launch, the launch bar, ist down and i can press SHIFT + U to up the bar.

Dino Cattaneo
June 24th, 2014, 01:17

This is not a new issue and has been so for years.
I am sorry for that, but that is the behavior you get in many cases by compiling the aicraft as per the SDK. It may be possible to introduce an additional automatic control, anyway.


please, if possible and in general, be more specific on which aicraft and which version you are referring to.

June 24th, 2014, 05:57

This is not a new issue and has been so for years.
I am sorry for that, but that is the behavior you get in many cases by compiling the aicraft as per the SDK. It may be possible to introduce an additional automatic control, anyway.


please, if possible and in general, be more specific on which aicraft and which version you are referring to.

Whit all naval planes, including default F/A-18, sometimes fails, and sometimes not, and launch from Javier Fernandez Nimintz carrier.

perhaps it may be my mistake, by pulling back the lever to be launch.

Kind regards!!!