View Full Version : Cool Website/airport info

May 12th, 2014, 06:10
this website is a cool site..shows abandoned and out of use airports.the link i'm posting concerns an airport that was up the street from me..well ok it was a "private" (but Greely let anyone who wished to fly in and out ,to do so)landing strip.Known as Skyridge,the area "above" me is called skyridge,cross sacramento st to the west and it becomes "rancho" which is where i live.but don't confuse it with the Maidu Rancharia ,that is a reservation which is just south of me.



the large building at the bottom of the pic is a Mormon church,there was a police shootout at this church when i was in high school,it was pretty wild.the runway was 2000' long and ran from the church towards the top of the pic,where the little S curve is.



the blue arrow points to my Uncle Jacks home,he was a HAM and started the PCSO comms system here in Placer county.at one time he had a ham repeter tower in his backyard,it was also used by the city and county as a repeter station,it was a 75' tower.had a warning light mounted at the top..he wanted ME of all people to climb it to replace the light (the entire thing) i just laughed and sat down..the road running left to right towards the top of this photo,,,if you were to travel to the right of the pic,which would be west..this pic is looking south towards sacramento,i live just a bit out of the frame to the west.

yeah i know...big whoop..but i wanted to share.

May 12th, 2014, 17:26
Definitely a neat site. I use it when I want to take a crack at making an old field. Problem is I just can't get SBuilder to work so I can't make field polygons:banghead: