View Full Version : The Owl has changed it's nest....

April 11th, 2014, 06:49
Over the last 6 months the performance of The Owl's Nest has become unbearable slow and unreliable. The Screen Shot Gallery was unusable, the rest tiresome slow. I have asked myself if I should quit the whole thing or move. I decided to bite the bullet and since today The Owl's Nest has moved.

The migration was very smooth, the new hosting provider is a dream, and the the web is as fast as an Owl on afterburner. All old web pages are redirected, but please...

If you have linked The Owl's Nest please update your links - thank you.

Old address: http://www.interkultur.de/gossmann/fsx/
New address: http://www.owlsnest.eu/

Below these two addresses all pages and everything else is identically named and structured.

I have validated all pages against W3C validation. All with the exception of the AI Poll are 100% compliant - I know the reason for this one: the trick with the colored remarks in the result list are the culprit and it will stay.

I have tested against these browsers which has resulted in a massive fixing session:

IE7 (okay)
IE8 (okay)
IE9 (web ticker carries away the drop down menu - you can correct this by activating the compatibility mode - I can't fix this by code)
IE10 (okay)
IE11 (okay)

Current Firefox and Google Chrome (okay)

I removed all IE6 compatible code which makes mobiles browser behave much better.

Android browser (okay)
Safari browser (okay with the exception that the menus don't collapse without you making one selection - I will try to fix this by code)

I would appreciate some feedback about the web performance, especially for the heavy parts like the screen shot gallery.
If you see any incompatibility (menus not working, lists not sorting and filtering, etc.) please speak up now while I am at it. Thank you.

April 11th, 2014, 08:47
very cool Martin,thanks for letting us all know..ive got the new page booked and ready.

April 12th, 2014, 12:35
Thanks for the feedback, Dave!

After all the time and effort invested lately in The Owl's Nest I decided to go the last mile, too.

I exchanged the menu - the new one works well with IE7-IE11, Firefox, Chrome, Safari and Android Browser (all tested).
I exchanged the news ticker - the new one works well with IE7-IE11, Firefox, Chrome, Safari and Android Browser (all tested).

I think it even looks better than before. But there is no such thing as a free ride. Although it works flawless on above platforms it no longer validates 100% in W3C. But I rate error free experience for my visitor higher than any validation.

This now has become a major update with many changes in the coding. May I please again ask for your testing and feedback.

Thanks a lot!

April 12th, 2014, 12:49
i can honestly say i like the site..ill be honest again and tell you yesterday was the first ive heard of it..unless id forgotten...but ive got it bookmarked in my main folder for daily use.i love the airport distance calc..and all the airplane refrences..ect...wow..real nice..thanks