View Full Version : Flying in a saved flight

January 27th, 2014, 07:07
I heard somewhere that you can go do a flight and save it, and then replay it and fly in it at the same time. What I mean is, I can supposedly go up in one of my MiG's and do a flight and save it, then I can somehow replay that saved flight and at the same time, I can go up in my VRS Super Hornet and chase that MiG around and try to shoot it down. So my question is, is this possible and if so, how is it done? When I do the first flight, do I just record it from the menu like I normally would? Then when I do that and replay it, how do I get into it with another plane?

January 27th, 2014, 07:21
This a feature of FS Recorder which you can find here:


January 29th, 2014, 11:21
Well I installed it but I get an initialization error, so I sent an e-mail to FS recorder to see what I did wrong...:banghead:

January 29th, 2014, 13:51
The file might be corrupt.

FS Recorder is just a .dll file that is placed in the modules folder in the FSX folder.

Look for that .dll file and delete it.

The name of the file should be FSRecorder_FSX.dll

Delete it and FSRecorder.log and FSRecorder.ini if they are in the modules folder.

I have been runnning FS Recorder for years with no problems but I have never used the installer. Its only a .dll file you can place in this folder yourself.

January 30th, 2014, 06:53
The file might be corrupt.

FS Recorder is just a .dll file that is placed in the modules folder in the FSX folder.

Look for that .dll file and delete it.

The name of the file should be FSRecorder_FSX.dll

Delete it and FSRecorder.log and FSRecorder.ini if they are in the modules folder.

I have been runnning FS Recorder for years with no problems but I have never used the installer. Its only a .dll file you can place in this folder yourself.

There were no FS recorder files in the modules directory in FSX. It appears that all of the FS recorder files were installed into c:/program files (X86)/FS recorder for FSX, and the dll.xml file was modified accordingly. I used the automatic installation and this is what happened. Should I install it manually? Even when I used a slightly older version of the recorder, I got the same thing. I am wondering if there could somehow be something wrong with my FSX installation that could be causing this problem.

January 30th, 2014, 07:10
I forgot about the dll.xml file

Here is what I would do.

Download the current stable version for FSX again. http://www.fs-recorder.net/downloads.php

Extract the zip file to a temp folder.

Place the FSRecorder_FSX.dll file in the modules folder in the root folder of FSX.

Edit the dll.xml file to add this information

<Name>FS Recorder</Name>

Note the FRC Converter is only necessary to edit saved files. It should be placed outside the FSX folder. For me I place all my ancillary Flight Simulator programs in this folder.


It makes it easier to find those programs when I need them.

February 4th, 2014, 10:20
Well, I tried your suggestion; I was totally convinced it would fix the problem. But...I still get the critical initialization error. I thought it might be one certain entry in the dll.xml file. I had tried that Combat Pilot mod for FSX a couple weeks ago but ended up removing it (complete waste of $20) but the entry was still in dll.xml so I removed it, but it didn't help. The only other entries in that file are for FSUIPC4 and TacPack. Would it matter what order those are in or would either one cause this problem? I would think FSUIPC would be a requirement for FS Recorder to work.
I think I am gonna do a completely new, clean install of FSX on my other drive with no add on planes or mods and see what happens.

February 4th, 2014, 16:29
My last suggestion and I think it might be the problem.

This may be a permissions problem. FS Recorder has to write files when it first starts. If it can not write those files or update them later it should fail.

What you need to do is give yourself (your windows log on) full permissions on the FSX folder. Make sure FS Recorder is still in the modules folder.

Follow these instructions to give your log on full permissions.


Note you need to do this even if you are running W7 as the windows admin log on. I have this set on all my FS folders and programs I use for my FS Hobby.

February 4th, 2014, 20:49
This makes sense but I don't have a "log on". My user account is set up as an administrator but it's not password protected. Do I need to change my account to a user instead of an administrator?

February 4th, 2014, 21:16
Okay I made a separate Admin account and changed my old account to User, then I went in and made sure it had "full control" for the entire FSX folder. Didn't matter, still get an init error for FS recorder on FSX startup. Like I said, I'm gonna do a clean install of FSX on my other HDD and see what happens. Either something is weird in my FSX install (I have LOTS of mods and add-on planes) or maybe it's something in my WIN 7 install. I hope there are no Windows 8 compatibility issues with FSX...

February 5th, 2014, 10:47
I did a fresh FSX install on my Windows 8 HDD and installed only FSUIPC4 and FS recorder. It loads up fine and I can bring up the recorder, so there must be something up with my FSX install. Is there a way to bring up FS recorder outside of FSX?