View Full Version : Things i dearly miss

December 6th, 2013, 17:34
Love you all, very much.


December 6th, 2013, 18:10
Oh! I have slipped the surly bonds of Earth
And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings;...

December 6th, 2013, 18:59
Where to start...

I guess the best place to start would be to say that I have not put a huge amount of time into this project to just walk away from it. I also know that other folks that have become good friends have put a lot of their time into it as well. THE P-61 WILL FLY, I just can't predict when. I have learned that I can only look at a given project night after night for so long before I have to take a break, and when I get an opportunity to do a project that will make me a few bucks like I am currently doing I will probably put the money to a new rig that will allow me to build more complex models. My current computer is 5+ years old, and really needs to be replaced with something a bit more up-to-date so I can forget about the annoying out of memory errors (and the associated modeling damage control I end up doing that degrades the final product) that I get when I attempt to export a model with around 500K polys.

As I work on other projects I am constantly learning new things that I will incorporate into this plane to make it better both visually and in terms of in-sim performance. I am thinking the P-61 could end up being my FS Magnum Opus.

I guess all I can say is at some point a good thing will come to those that wait.

Pam, I miss the TS sessions. I hope all is well on your end. :wavey:

December 6th, 2013, 19:33
Some pics of where I left off at...



December 6th, 2013, 19:52
I miss our ts sessions too and all my friends. I'm working on getting well. Your texturing is getting within the range of fantastic. I truly love it.. oh and yeahh, i think the P-61 is going to be the magnum opus for both of us. The su-37 was good, and the camel was awesome, and the couple i'm currently working on are also going to be good, but i just dont have the concentration or staying power i once had.. The P-61 and the times we had building it remain my favorites of all.. We had a hell of a couple of years. The best of my life.. :)

December 6th, 2013, 19:59
I know there's still much to do Robert, but . . .wow. . .the possibilities. Just beautiful as she sits.:applouse:

Ian Warren
December 6th, 2013, 20:30
Hells Bells that is looking pretty , I must get your TS address and introduce myself and have a good chin wag :cool:

December 6th, 2013, 20:48
I know there's still much to do Robert, but . . .wow. . .the possibilities. Just beautiful as she sits.:applouse:

It does look as if its come a very long way since i was updated last and its looking wonderful..

December 7th, 2013, 00:02
We'll wait.

Meanwhile; get well, get better !!

December 7th, 2013, 00:28
Hope you get better soon, Pam.

I really dont know (beyond my knowledge so pls excuse me) but was wondering if you put the files to compile up to skydrive then emailed someone like Bill to compile them with P3ds compiler which can handle big models and then he could upload it to skydrive etc. If possible it would bypass the need for ur pc to compile it?

December 7th, 2013, 01:27
Hope you get better soon, Pam.

I really dont know (beyond my knowledge so pls excuse me) but was wondering if you put the files to compile up to skydrive then emailed someone like Bill to compile them with P3ds compiler which can handle big models and then he could upload it to skydrive etc. If possible it would bypass the need for ur pc to compile it?

Robert and i have always had a partnership. He makes the plane, I make it fly. I'm afraid you'll have to talk to him about that. I'm working on a couple very special little planes at the moment. to be honest after building the most advanced flight model in the history of FSX for the Su-37 working on antiques is rather nice. I'll be flying the widow some more nd going over it with a fine tooth comb: making sure ive missed nothing. When Robert's ready I'll make sure he has the final gold.
I took a leap of faith tonight. I purchased a license for P3D V2. I'll make certain this plane flies exactly like the real bird in every environment we use.
I was hoping that MAAM would have their Widow more together by now. We could have learned a lot from them and that plane and its infuriating because i just watched a group of people raise three million dollars in four days for a crowd funded game and yet this incredible piece of history sits there clamoring for just the scraps that people can give. It makes me sad.
I'd really like to see this plane fly in some form but not for me or my ego but because it was always the underdog always up against the odds and it performed beautifully. I want to see it fly for Johnny and Jack and all the airmen who flew in her, and for all of you as well..

December 7th, 2013, 07:27
...if you put the files to compile up to skydrive then emailed someone like Bill to compile them with P3ds compiler which can handle big models...

That would mean getting the model into 3ds Max and I don't think Robert has that yet.

Beautiful model and lovely flight video: get well soon Pam!

Paul Domingue
December 7th, 2013, 18:05
I could feel your emotions from the video. I wish I could support you on the other but I went into a funk. The winds may change but I would not presume to guess when. The current work has sucked me in, to the extreme, and you will see the results shortly. As with anything else we want what we want but we will take what we get, to paraphrase the Stones. Your presence of being is totally within your power, never let it wane.


December 7th, 2013, 20:13
Pam, you know my thoughts are with you on the subject. As others during that time frame. The Widow will hopefully come out from hiding eventually.

December 7th, 2013, 22:32
I could feel your emotions from the video. I wish I could support you on the other but I went into a funk. The winds may change but I would not presume to guess when. The current work has sucked me in, to the extreme, and you will see the results shortly. As with anything else we want what we want but we will take what we get, to paraphrase the Stones. Your presence of being is totally within your power, never let it wane.

I know your there Paul..
One of those antiques is yours by the way :)..

December 8th, 2013, 01:38
I dearly hope all is well on your side, Pam. I miss your extremely informative posts in that monstrous P61 dev thread. What a wealth of knowledge so well presented! I loved the way the development of the P61 was documented there in general, from all sides. Let alone to feel the passion and enthusiasm of those who participated, actively as developers or passivly by just contributing to the thread. Would be great if we could see a P61 - dev thread again! And, this is for you Pam, to see you around there translating P61 related rocket science into understandable terms :-)


December 8th, 2013, 02:26
I dearly hope all is well on your side, Pam. I miss your extremely informative posts in that monstrous P61 dev thread. What a wealth of knowledge so well presented! I loved the way the development of the P61 was documented there in general, from all sides. Let alone to feel the passion and enthusiasm of those who participated, actively as developers or passivly by just contributing to the thread. Would be great if we could see a P61 - dev thread again! And, this is for you Pam, to see you around there translating P61 related rocket science into understandable terms :-)

What he said +1. I also remember the P-36 and s-boot threads ...

In short, I miss you ! Get well soon ...

December 8th, 2013, 04:30
Thanks you two, and everyone. I feel like i kinda owe everyone an explaination even though i know i dont, but you all deserve it.. You see I have this little condition with this big long name called advanced chronic emphysema. Its about midway through its cycle which is a good thing cause it could be a lot worse and will be.. But for now comparatively its champagne dreams and caviar. What the name means is that I can no longer get enough oxygen to my brain. I have some sever limitations now and a couple months ago I pushed those limitations a bit too far while shopping for groceries of all things. I'm not on oygen and no i wont go to a doctor for various reasons. One of them being fear but only one.
this means that i wont be cranking out planes like i used to do for iris, or pushing myself for two days solid without rest any more. But this will not stop me from doing what i love so very much: Making Planes fly for you guys and digging into the bare bones of history trying to put us all into that very moment in time when that plane or that boat was first created. I've got roger wilco to thank for that. Roger Your portrayal of the solomon island scenery made me think. Toms scenery added to the flame.
The thing is is I got vain. I push myself so hard when i'm working, that i didnt even notice i was pushing everyone around me too. That was especially true with the P-61. I know Robert will finish it spectacularly. That man will not settle for second best. he never has and never will. For my part? Well, hopefully come monday lockheed will straighten out my licensing so that i can downlod V2 of P3D and start running through all the tests on the P-61 and other planes as well.. Like i said though ive got three other planes i'm working on now. Two of them are for very dear friends and the third is for a new group of creators just learning to fly. I know theyre all going to be wonderful though..
I'll be here as I can. I promise. I think i still have a few bits of history that need to be gotten out anyway ;)..
Love you guys..

December 8th, 2013, 04:51
Great video, Pam! I stuck it on my brother's Facebook wall, because he's a certified P-61 nut and will appreciate it! Love the music too. Who is that? Get well soon Pam, and the P-61 will be a gem, no matter when it's finished!

December 8th, 2013, 05:06
Great video, Pam! I stuck it on my brother's Facebook wall, because he's a certified P-61 nut and will appreciate it! Love the music too. Who is that? Get well soon Pam, and the P-61 will be a gem, no matter when it's finished!

Hi Paul..
That song is the theme from civilization 4, composed by Jack Wall and performed by the Slovak National Symphony Orchestra (http://www.amazon.com/Civilization-IV-Medley/dp/artist-redirect/B001BXZ3ES/ref=sr_1_1?s=dmusic&ie=UTF8&qid=1386511317&sr=1-1&keywords=civilization+4+soundtrack)
yeahh.. it kind of blew me away when i first heard it. I Never knew game music could be so moving.. :) :)

December 8th, 2013, 05:23
Interesting. Thanks Pam!

December 8th, 2013, 06:56
Thanks you two, and everyone. I feel like i kinda owe everyone an explaination even though i know i dont, but you all deserve it.. You see I have this little condition with this big long name called advanced chronic emphysema. Its about midway through its cycle which is a good thing cause it could be a lot worse and will be.. But for now comparatively its champagne dreams and caviar. What the name means is that I can no longer get enough oxygen to my brain. I have some sever limitations now and a couple months ago I pushed those limitations a bit too far while shopping for groceries of all things. I'm not on oygen and no i wont go to a doctor for various reasons. One of them being fear but only one.
this means that i wont be cranking out planes like i used to do for iris, or pushing myself for two days solid without rest any more. But this will not stop me from doing what i love so very much: Making Planes fly for you guys and digging into the bare bones of history trying to put us all into that very moment in time when that plane or that boat was first created. I've got roger wilco to thank for that. Roger Your portrayal of the solomon island scenery made me think. Toms scenery added to the flame.
The thing is is I got vain. I push myself so hard when i'm working, that i didnt even notice i was pushing everyone around me too. That was especially true with the P-61. I know Robert will finish it spectacularly. That man will not settle for second best. he never has and never will. For my part? Well, hopefully come monday lockheed will straighten out my licensing so that i can downlod V2 of P3D and start running through all the tests on the P-61 and other planes as well.. Like i said though ive got three other planes i'm working on now. Two of them are for very dear friends and the third is for a new group of creators just learning to fly. I know theyre all going to be wonderful though..
I'll be here as I can. I promise. I think i still have a few bits of history that need to be gotten out anyway ;)..
Love you guys..

Just take good care of yourself.... history can wait ...... :victorious:

December 8th, 2013, 09:56
Just take good care of yourself.... history can wait ...... :victorious:

::Chukles:: Francois... You know history waits for no one. It needs to be savored like a fine wine, preferably while having a good stiff shot of scotch :;lol:;..

December 8th, 2013, 12:01
Dang it Pam! I've watched that video about twenty times today. You managed to match the video with the changing tempo of the music so wonderfully. How the heck do you do that? What do you use to edit/cut/splice the video?

December 8th, 2013, 12:41
It looks better and better! CRG :victorious:.

December 8th, 2013, 14:19
That video has always been an inspiration for me. As far as the model goes I actually have probably 99% of it moved into Max9, which I have been using for some time. As I work on any project I always work on building my skills and I learn a lot about what makes a sound mesh, along with what makes that sound mesh efficient. I then tend to take what I have learned and incorporate it into the P-61 and any other project in the works at the time. I am not currently too worried about being able to finish the plane in terms of "technical difficulties". It's more a question of time. I have a commercial obligation I need to finish, and I also have the Midget Mustang that is very close to done, and my Globe Swift is out there as well.

I might entertain an "as is" (i.e. beta) upload. My only issue there is a personal one regarding releasing something I consider "half baked".