View Full Version : C-47 from Manfred Jahn and team

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October 28th, 2013, 16:28
Thanks to ******** for the announcement the "reloaded" Dak is here... http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/local_links.php?action=jump&catid=34&id=17656

I am so looking forward to getting the aircraft, repaints and engine sounds all together and do some flying!!

Thanks to all involved.

October 28th, 2013, 16:32
Thanks to all involved people - outstanding and breathtaking work gentleman. This plane is simply a "masterpiece" :applause:

With kindest regards


October 28th, 2013, 16:36

To all the people involved in this awesome project.

I hope my extra thanks makes up for those people who couldn't bothered saying thank you :) . Come on people, if someone can spend umpteen hours working on a freeware project the least you can do is spend 30 seconds to shoot them a thank you.

October 28th, 2013, 16:37
Thankyou muchly...;)

Adrian Petford
October 28th, 2013, 16:38
I've been installing a lot of addons this week, including a full install of FS Global Ultimate, all 125Gb of it.

Thought I would maybe have a break from the sim for a few days... but then I saw the C-47 is out! Check Supercheap Auto Catalogue (https://www.ladysavings.com/publix-weekly-ad/?supercheap-auto/) and Spotlight Catalogue (https://www.ladysavings.com/publix-weekly-ad/?spotlight/).

Can't wait to take to the skies again now... congratulations Manfred and team for another classic.

October 28th, 2013, 16:43
Downloading everything now :salute:. Hoping for other versions of the DC-3 to follow eventually. Especially the Viewmaster :)


October 28th, 2013, 17:09
Thank you doesn't seem to be enough. These releases are truly works of art. They will bring the sim community many hours of enjoyment. And the
add ons that follow can only add to that enjoyment. Thank you for your dedication and perseverance in completing these beautiful aircraft. Thank You !!!!!!!!:applause::applause::applause::applause::a pplause:

Ian Warren
October 28th, 2013, 17:30
Superb , looking forward to this :cool: <input id="gwProxy" type="hidden"><input jscode="leoInternalChangeDone()" onclick="if(typeof(jsCall)=='function'){jsCall();}else{setT imeout('jsCall()',500);}" id="jsProxy" type="hidden">

October 28th, 2013, 17:32
Sweet, sweet, sweet ! You guys are awesome. :)

October 28th, 2013, 17:44
Just about to install. I am not waiting for anything else. This in itself is an awesome gift!
Thank You!
Thank You!
Thank You!
Thank You!
Thank You!

October 28th, 2013, 18:16
Hey all, just downloaded the C-47 base pack, repaints and sound pack. Installed into FSX about 3 times, but for some reason it won't show in the aircraft menu. I assume I have done something wrong, but is there anyone who is having the same issue?

Sorry to be a downer here. :isadizzy:


October 28th, 2013, 18:35
Hey all, just downloaded the C-47 base pack, repaints and sound pack. Installed into FSX about 3 times, but for some reason it won't show in the aircraft menu. I assume I have done something wrong, but is there anyone who is having the same issue?

Sorry to be a downer here. :isadizzy:


Here's what I would do. Install the c-47 base pack only. Do not install any other paks. Then test in FSX. If it's fine, install one of the other paks and test again.

October 28th, 2013, 18:46
Ok.. had a really short spin.. I should be sleeping now. ;)

Installed everything, the sounds, the v2 paints and higher res spec maps... wow.. it looks insane! those bump maps! :salute:

Just a quick shot.. will make some more tomorrow!



October 28th, 2013, 18:47
Here's what I would do. Install the c-47 base pack only. Do not install any other paks. Then test in FSX. If it's fine, install one of the other paks and test again.

Tried it, and it worked! Then installed the paints and everything is looking wonderful! Thank you so so very much!!!!


October 28th, 2013, 19:17
Tried it, and it worked! Then installed the paints and everything is looking wonderful! Thank you so so very much!!!!


Glad you got the install squared away Sylvan. We'll be watching the thread and try to cover the support issues if and when they arise.

October 28th, 2013, 19:20
Yummy. Thank you, Gitmo and Corpus and Lack-Land/Randolph are gonna get a work out:salute:

October 28th, 2013, 19:31
As someone already said, this is truly a work of art. I have it installedran it in FSX and all is working beautifully!! Thank you!!
I haven't found the livery pack yet as all I have is the EATS textures that came with the base pack. The cockpit is too clean, it looks awesome mind you, good job. Are the two inerior texture packs that I downloaded with the C-117d compatible?
Looks like all my future flying will be done in Basler's, C-117D's and C-47's! Thank you MJ, Gman, TuFun, JanKees and Racheal and whoever else is on that team, incredible work! :)

October 28th, 2013, 19:34
Yeah....just INSANELY GREAT! Thank you all!


October 28th, 2013, 19:34
Most have said it already, But I would like to extend my gratitude to Manfred and everyone else involved with this work of art .... Cheers ! Mike :ernae:

October 28th, 2013, 19:42
Outstanding news, d/ling now!
THANK YOU for the gift, it is most appreciated!!! :applause::medals:

October 28th, 2013, 19:43
As someone already said, this is truly a work of art. I have it installedran it in FSX and all is working beautifully!! Thank you!!
I haven't found the livery pack yet as all I have is the EATS textures that came with the base pack. The cockpit is too clean, it looks awesome mind you, good job. Are the two inerior texture packs that I downloaded with the C-117d compatible?
Looks like all my future flying will be done in Basler's, C-117D's and C-47's! Thank you MJ, Gman, TuFun, JanKees and Racheal and whoever else is on that team, incredible work! :)

Alky...here's the link to the C-47 Texture Basepak.

The basic cockpit textures are the same for the DAK and C-117, but the charts are specific for each plane. Go get the skins for the DAK. :salute:

Ian Warren
October 28th, 2013, 20:14
Absolutely brilliant , the engine startup , Thank-you very much and the sound package with :applause:<input id="gwProxy" type="hidden"><input jscode="leoInternalChangeDone()" onclick="if(typeof(jsCall)=='function'){jsCall();}else{setT imeout('jsCall()',500);}" id="jsProxy" type="hidden">

October 28th, 2013, 20:23
Feels big and ponderous, yet well behaved. Took a few flights out of E78, with successful landings. Should have tried a larger runway, but I've been flying from Riverside, to San Diego, and across the southern border. While at E78, up pulls this C-47. The guy says, "Want to do some T & G's. I couldn't say 'No'. :guinness: :guinness: :guinness: :guinness: :guinness:

Bruce Thompson
October 28th, 2013, 20:50

October 28th, 2013, 21:18
A huge thank you to the entire team for this outstanding plane.

October 28th, 2013, 21:23
Just got off work, thought I'd check the forums, and it's out!!!!! Big thank-you to the entire team for bringing us such a fantastic update to an already great model. Now it's time to download all the parts and get her up in the air then checking out the paint kits and see if I can finally finish some paints I started way back when.


October 28th, 2013, 21:27
Mr TuFun... I just took the shiny new old C-47 around a circuit and that sound pack you did, holy crap, it's the best DC-3/C-47 sound I've had the pleasure of listening to! I'll be putting that in my C-117D as well. This project is better than 75% of the payware out there! :applause: :ernae:

Thanx again people! :)

Cirrus N210MS
October 28th, 2013, 22:13
great Job Would be better if it didnt have the New style panel on it the old DC-3 panel would be nice


October 28th, 2013, 22:46
Awesome, I know what I'll do as soon as I get home :-)

Thanks to all involved!


William Njurmi
October 28th, 2013, 22:49
Absolutely marvellous! This plane finally gets the attention it deserves and what is more amazing is that it is free! My warmest thanks to all involved in this project.

P.S. I guess the version 1 could be used for the old VC?

October 29th, 2013, 01:21
I've been looking forward to this. Won't be able to try it until the weekend as I'm away, but I'm sure it's going to be great.

Thanks to all involved. :salute:

October 29th, 2013, 01:48
I've just downloaded the new C-47, also the sound set. Thank you to all who have released their hard work for us to enjoy.

chet twowolves
October 29th, 2013, 02:02
Manfred and team what outstanding work.Also thank you for your hard work.
Two Wolves

October 29th, 2013, 02:45
What a team...I mean...WHAT A TEAM!!! :applause: :medals: :icon29: :guinness: :salute:
Awesome work folks. Simply beautiful. "Thank You" just doesn't seem enough...Don

October 29th, 2013, 02:52
Brilliant! Very much appreciated! I thank you three times.


October 29th, 2013, 03:17
Thank you for the wonderful V2 of your C47

and all your other gifts Team Manfred :wavey:

Basler BT67
Braddick DC3TP
V1 of you C47 and C47 with skis


October 29th, 2013, 03:20
Has the alternate VC been uploaded yet?

October 29th, 2013, 04:07
Very generous. Thanks to the team for this great work!

October 29th, 2013, 04:44
Thanks for all the team envolved :ernae:
Very nice plane!

October 29th, 2013, 04:57
A very big thanks to all the team, it's a wonderful add-on ! Hope there will be more French repaint in the future !

You're greats Guys ! :salute:

October 29th, 2013, 05:18
Thx a lot for this masterpieces!!!

October 29th, 2013, 06:37
. . . Come on people, if someone can spend umpteen hours working on a freeware project the least you can do is spend 30 seconds to shoot them a thank you.

Give us a chance, Ant! I (probably like others) only just discovered this much-anticipated release.

October 29th, 2013, 06:56
I cant believe I am only just discovering this. Awesome! Many thanks Team.


October 29th, 2013, 06:58
I hope my extra thanks makes up for those people who couldn't bothered saying thank you :) . Come on people, if someone can spend umpteen hours working on a freeware project the least you can do is spend 30 seconds to shoot them a thank you.

Not 'couldn't be bothered' Ant, but simply at work and wasn't home to download and install it. Give people a chance, eh ? Actually, while we're on the subject - never thanked you for the Tiger Moth, so...thank you !

Anyway, just installed the C-47 and am amazed. A huge thank you to all involved; its a gift in every sense of the word.


October 29th, 2013, 07:00
Wow, I'm flabbergasted (the direct result of excessive flab in my gast)!

This aircraft is possibly the most exceptional example in FSX of a spectacular team effort. And like George, it appears that the greater majority of my future flying will be done in C-47's and C-117D's!

Many heartfelt thanks to Manfred, Gman, TuFun, JanKees Alexander and Hansjoerg for this wonderful bestowment to us no-talent FSX users! Your gift will endure for many years to come.

October 29th, 2013, 07:21

Thank you.


October 29th, 2013, 07:56
Wow!! She's absolutely perfect! You couldn't ask for anything more. Thank you so much to all involved in her creation. :applause::applause::medals::medals:


October 29th, 2013, 08:06
Thank you to all involved! Both are a work of art!


October 29th, 2013, 08:40
A work of passion and art. A real joy to fly. The TW sounds are amazing. :salute::salute::salute:

October 29th, 2013, 09:04
well i thank you guys,the entire team for these great planes....but

my FSX set up always starts with engines running,and truthfully i dont even know how to shut engines down properly.i do it by pulling the throttles back and then pulling the mixture back,and then the engines shut down.

now i did this with the C-47R ,but i just tried to restart the engines by ctrl+E,,,no go...then i tried by the starter button in the VC...nothing....it then seemed have lost battery power..something that happens is the ailerons seem to be in a left back position all the time.its normal is all my other planes...this occurred after the seemingly battery failure.

the only thing that fixed it by restarting the sim.

October 29th, 2013, 09:13
*Applauds furiously and braces for a torrent of repaints*

Marvin Carter
October 29th, 2013, 09:28
Thanks guys!!!

Cirrus N210MS
October 29th, 2013, 09:35
flys really nice just did a flight in it to big bear Ca took me 24 min to get there from F70 i went the Long route still Think it needs older VC on it Would look Cooler :salute:

October 29th, 2013, 09:42
Thank you very much to all those involved in the creation of these beautiful packages:icon29:.

October 29th, 2013, 10:24
I have started to uopload my paints on OZx (http://aussiex.org/forum/index.php?app=core&module=search&do=user_activity&search_app=downloads&mid=750), more tomorrow!

Happy flying,

Jan Kees

October 29th, 2013, 12:04
Thanks to all involved on this C-47 project . An outstanding job . I would venture to say this C-47 will equal or surpass the all time number of repaints done for one single aircraft . One particular AC that comes to mind was MAAM's C-47/DC-3 which dozens and dozens were made . OK painters , man your brushes and show us all your excellent talent . We are all blessed here at SOH to so many people so handy with the brushes .

Thanks again MJ and team for such an excellent gift


October 29th, 2013, 12:32
well i thank you guys,the entire team for these great planes....but

my FSX set up always starts with engines running,and truthfully i dont even know how to shut engines down properly.i do it by pulling the throttles back and then pulling the mixture back,and then the engines shut down.

now i did this with the C-47R ,but i just tried to restart the engines by ctrl+E,,,no go...then i tried by the starter button in the VC...nothing....it then seemed have lost battery power..something that happens is the ailerons seem to be in a left back position all the time.its normal is all my other planes...this occurred after the seemingly battery failure.

the only thing that fixed it by restarting the sim.

The DAK is temperamental. If you spawn the aircraft with engines running make sure you're making 1k RPM. To shut the DAK down, throttle back and pull mixtures back all the way. Wait for the props to cycle down and kill the mags and feather the props. Kill all of the pumps, batteries and appropriate panel items.
Do a "reload aircraft" at this point from the controls/buttons menu just to make sure the DAK recycles the startup code.
I'd save the flight at this point. You can open the flight engines off after that.

She should start from the startup dialog box when you reload.

Double check the pumps and switches then follow the procedure from the card in the DAK folder.
Prime for 3-4 seconds and cycle the props 6-9 blades with the throttle at about 7%. Nudge the throttle to 10% and hit the mag. You may need to hold the starter button and give her a another shot of prime until all the barrels fire. If she floods, turn the mags and pumps off and cycle the motor about fifteen blades to breathe the barrels. Repeat the start up again.

The start up may take you a few attempts, but once you get a feel for the DAK she's pretty easy to tame.

October 29th, 2013, 12:47
Sorry to be late to the party. I can't even download and fly for the next week. I knew this would happen when I went on vacation. Enjoy everyone and thanks to everyone involved with making this fantastic aircraft.

October 29th, 2013, 12:53
well i thank you guys,the entire team for these great planes....but

my FSX set up always starts with engines running,and truthfully i dont even know how to shut engines down properly.i do it by pulling the throttles back and then pulling the mixture back,and then the engines shut down.

now i did this with the C-47R ,but i just tried to restart the engines by ctrl+E,,,no go...then i tried by the starter button in the VC...nothing....it then seemed have lost battery power..something that happens is the ailerons seem to be in a left back position all the time.its normal is all my other planes...this occurred after the seemingly battery failure.

the only thing that fixed it by restarting the sim.

Anyone looking for COLD & DARK. Get yourself 'SimLauncher 8.9' and get rid of the usual way of loading up FSX. With this awesome freeware program you can start C&D with ANY aircraft. ANY. It's working amazing and I've been using it for some months now. There's absolutely no need to go back to the usual start-up window after this. Very soon, the author Maarten Boelens is going to release a totally brand new version with further enhancements!

You can download it here: http://www.mediafire.com/download/fxvua2ewy22di5t/SimLauncher_89.rar

October 29th, 2013, 12:53
I have started to uopload my paints on OZx (http://aussiex.org/forum/index.php?app=core&module=search&do=user_activity&search_app=downloads&mid=750), more tomorrow!

Happy flying,

Jan Kees

Love you repaints!


October 29th, 2013, 12:59
One question..

This is from the "Read Me" that comes with the TW Radial Sound package:

Installation "Alternate settings"

Alternate aircraft.cfg settings to sync slow start up and shutdown using TW sound package.
You may have to adjust for your system.

normalized_starter_torque= 2.0 <-- Lower number slower prop spin.

propeller_moi= 133 <-- Lower number reduce prop spin.

*Note: Upon shutting down, pull throttle full back and let engines settle down to idle.
Props will match with shutdown sounds.

I am still getting the winding down sound after the props have stopped
Has anyone figures out the correct numbers to sync the sound with the props?

October 29th, 2013, 13:51
One question..

This is from the "Read Me" that comes with the TW Radial Sound package:

Installation "Alternate settings"

Alternate aircraft.cfg settings to sync slow start up and shutdown using TW sound package.
You may have to adjust for your system.

normalized_starter_torque= 2.0 <-- Lower number slower prop spin.

propeller_moi= 133 <-- Lower number reduce prop spin.

*Note: Upon shutting down, pull throttle full back and let engines settle down to idle.
Props will match with shutdown sounds.

I am still getting the winding down sound after the props have stopped
Has anyone figures out the correct numbers to sync the sound with the props?

Set the propeller_moi=133. This is a ballpark #. May have to go a few #'s up or down until it syncs with props. Make sure the throttles are full back and idle has settle to about 850 rpms before shutting down.

thrust_scalar = 1.5 // adjusted for SE perfomance //Propeller thrust scalar
rotation=1,1 //Engine 1,2,3,... Rotation direction. 1 = CW, -1 = CCW
propeller_type= 0 //0=Constant Speed, 1=Fixed Pitch
propeller_diameter= 11.53 //Propeller Diameter, (feet)
propeller_blades= 3 //Number of propeller blades
propeller_moi= 133 //40.2

Shorten prop rotation, decrease #<-----133-----> increase #, longer prop rotation.


October 29th, 2013, 14:23
Anyone looking for COLD & DARK. Get yourself 'SimLauncher 8.9' and get rid of the usual way of loading up FSX. With this awesome freeware program you can start C&D with ANY aircraft. ANY. It's working amazing and I've been using it for some months now. There's absolutely no need to go back to the usual start-up window after this. Very soon, the author Maarten Boelens is going to release a totally brand new version with further enhancements!

You can download it here: http://www.mediafire.com/download/fxvua2ewy22di5t/SimLauncher_89.rar

Actually SimLauncher is up to V9.2

October 29th, 2013, 14:31
Give us a chance, Ant! I (probably like others) only just discovered this much-anticipated release.

LOL. I was just giving a good humoured poke to all those people who will download the C-47 and won't say thanks.

Remember, freeware guys get paid in thankyous. And if you don't pay freeware guys their thankyous then the poor little fellas will starve and die and you don't want that on your conscience do you?

If you're reading this and haven't responded to this thread, just take a few seconds to shoot off a thank you to the devs because it really does make a difference and let's the guys know that putting in all those 100's of hours was worthwhile.

October 29th, 2013, 14:41
A big thanks to everyone involved - this is great! Haven't even had a chance to fly it yet; downloaded it on my laptop while at work so as to get cracking at the paint kit!

October 29th, 2013, 14:53
Yes indeed, a very big Thank You to all involved with the development of this project !!
You guys are awesome, thanks again !!

October 29th, 2013, 15:06
I greased my first landing with her, it's surely a sign!!!

Only done a couple of circuits so far, but overall I'm loving it! Looks fantastic, sounds amazing and seems to fly well!

A huge thank you and well done to all involved! :salute:

Paul J
October 29th, 2013, 15:09
I was just giving a good humoured poke to all those people who will download the C-47 and won't say thanks.

I'm not so arrogant as not to say "a great Big "Thank You" to Manfred and his team" for a free DC-3/C-47... I've lurked on the forum, watching it grow, reading the various changes, the difficulties, the screenshots, etc.. and today I had the honour of firing it up myself.

Gents, your aeroplane has taken me back to the late '60's wherein I worked on and flew in them as a radio engineer. Your sound package is by far the best I've heard in all my experience with the flight sim. I had chills up and down my spine: I couldn't speak to my wife, I was that choked up. Thank you all so much for this aircraft, and for all the work and passion that has gone into her.

All the Best,

Paul J

October 29th, 2013, 15:12
Set the propeller_moi=133. This is a ballpark #. May have to go a few #'s up or down until it syncs with props. Make sure the throttles are full back and idle has settle to about 700 rpms before shutting down.

thrust_scalar = 1.5 // adjusted for SE perfomance //Propeller thrust scalar
rotation=1,1 //Engine 1,2,3,... Rotation direction. 1 = CW, -1 = CCW
propeller_type= 0 //0=Constant Speed, 1=Fixed Pitch
propeller_diameter= 11.53 //Propeller Diameter, (feet)
propeller_blades= 3 //Number of propeller blades
propeller_moi= 133 //40.2

Shorten prop rotation, decrease #<-----133-----> increase #, longer prop rotation.


Thanks TuFun for your response!
Will try later tonight!

Love this aircraft and my hat is off to all involved in this project!:salute:

October 29th, 2013, 15:16
Thanks TuFun for your response!
Will try later tonight!

Love this aircraft and my hat is off to all involved in this project!:salute:

I've made a small correction... it should say "idle at about 850 rpms". ;)

October 29th, 2013, 15:44
​Awesome! Totally!

October 29th, 2013, 16:31
Actually SimLauncher is up to V9.2

Yes, sorry about that.

I meant for people to grab 8.9 and use the auto-update to get 9.2.

There's a new version coming.. it's quite different and has many cool features, some that I helped suggesting.

For example, auto-deletion of the ezca world cam entry, backing up and restoring the [TRUSTED] section in your cfg (should something happens and you lose them), minimizing after launch (quite basic, but it's definitely needed)... etc'.

Btw, for those using TIR, you can auto-start and auto-close it by adding it to the exe xml file or via fsuipc... it's very handy when you don't have to manually turn it ON/OFF. :)

October 29th, 2013, 16:52
Quite possibly one of the most anticipated and high quality Freeware addons for FSX...ever...well done to the team! Brilliant!

October 29th, 2013, 18:43
Oh great. Thanks. Just thanks. Now I have to uninstall my C-117D beta and install the release, the C-47 release, and all of the textures. Do you guys realize how much work you've created for me? "end snark" :)

I'm looking forward to getting some air time in both of them this coming weekend. I've been following all of the previews for quite a while now and now that it's here it's hard to believe I get to fly them in my sim. Thanks Manfred and Team!

October 29th, 2013, 19:35
Thank you to everyone involved with this great project.
Finally after 5 weeks, I have something that will get me away from the A2A Cessna 172 for awhile.
One comment..... Is there a way to have the interior and exterior sound volume the same?
I use headphones and have the volume turned up for the engine startup in exterior view, then going to the interior view the volume is twice as loud, almost enough for me to lose what little bit of hearing I have left. If there is no way to do this, I'll have to remember to turn the volume down before going to the interior view.

Any chance of adding a lever to the dash for the cowl flaps?

October 29th, 2013, 19:45
Just got in a quick flight in the 47. . . FANTASTIC!:jump:
Thanks to all involved!

October 29th, 2013, 20:03
Thank you to everyone involved with this great project.
Finally after 5 weeks, I have something that will get me away from the A2A Cessna 172 for awhile.
One comment..... Is there a way to have the interior and exterior sound volume the same?
I use headphones and have the volume turned up for the engine startup in exterior view, then going to the interior view the volume is twice as loud, almost enough for me to lose what little bit of hearing I have left. If there is no way to do this, I'll have to remember to turn the volume down before going to the interior view.

Any chance of adding a lever to the dash for the cowl flaps?

Ah headphones... don't use them myself, but I can lower the interior sounds. I will run some test and provide some info tomorrow. I will create an alternate sound.cfg file.

October 29th, 2013, 20:20
Totally Awesome


October 29th, 2013, 22:06
Until FS9 exterior sounds were always louder than the interior sounds. FS9 and FSX seem to have reversed this.

October 29th, 2013, 22:52
Just started downloading the various files now - but I know from earlier versions and following the development threads over the last few months that this stuff will be pure class! :applause:

So a big thank you to Manfred, Gman, Tufun and associates. To your health and generosity, Gentlemen!


October 29th, 2013, 23:19
Gentlemen and Ladies, you have been incredibly patient and supportive throughout the process of developing and readying this aircraft. Your thanks are most appreciated and humbly accepted. I'd like to thank you all for being so supportive and enthusiastic.

This artwork and the other small bits I contributed to this project are my gift to you. Hopefully you will all enjoy the old girl as much as I do. She's a great airplane.
Thank you Manfred for inviting me in on this project. It's been a great ride.

"And its a fair wind blowing warm out of the south over my shoulder....guess I'll set a course and go."
David Crosby

Happy flying.....

October 30th, 2013, 02:23
Thanks for this wonderful gift :salute:

October 30th, 2013, 04:00
I'll add to the chorus here by saying a hearty "thank you" to all involved! It looks great and files beautifully, and has that same general 'weighty' feeling on the controls that I've been missing with FS DC-3s since the old dear MAAM FS9 model.

It's hard to improve upon perfection, but I look forward to trying out some panel tweaks myself; adding RXP gauges and replacing the stock radio gauges in the VC with FSD Bendix King gauges.

Bruce Thompson
October 30th, 2013, 05:06
Thank you all involved in the production of the C47 and the C117, these are the best gift we have had for FSX, fantastic aircraft .:medals::medals::icon29::icon29:

October 30th, 2013, 05:08
Whether it is the earlier big Lockheed's which I have flown the wings off or these latest DC-3/Super DC-3's by Manfred and Team, there is something that sets them apart, namely they are hugely immersive, and more so than many payware products. Hat's off once again, well done everyone!!

October 30th, 2013, 06:42
A big thanks to the developers of this magnificent Dakota (this is the way we called the DC3 during and after the war in Europe :applause:


October 30th, 2013, 07:13
I admire the dedication put out on the project. Whether anyone realizes, it's very inspirational to see something like whats been done bring those together for the love of the hobby. Freeware like this is a rarity to many these days. I haven't actually taken the time to enjoy flight simulation in quite some time. With the C-47 project, this has given me the urge to fly again.

Great job team! :salute:

And thank-you!!

+1 to have the vintage VC

October 30th, 2013, 08:17
To paraphrase Winston Spencer Churchill, "Never in the annals of Flight Simulator, has so much been owed by so many to so few".

October 30th, 2013, 09:07
Both the C-117 and the C-47, plus all of the paints and the new engine sounds are all remarkable works. The talents of Manfred Jahn and his team is astounding. For you guys to devote the enormus amounts of time and to make this project available to the sim community is deeply appreciated. I will have many hours of enjoyment flying these aircraft for years to come. Thanks to each of you for a job that is over the top.

October 30th, 2013, 09:31
I can't properly express my gratitude that people like you take so much time and trouble to make things of this quality for the rest of us to enjoy for free. It's a labour of love, and it shows. Thank you all!

Marvin Carter
October 30th, 2013, 10:46
Gman you are a Gentlemen, thank you for making this plane that much better. You art work is much appreciated, and THANKS again guys!!!!!!!!!!!!

October 30th, 2013, 11:35
Ted Wolfgang.
I sent you a private message in regards to the updated sound file which lowered the sound level between interior and exterior.
I'm not sure the reply went out, in case it didn't, the new update does help, Thank you.

October 30th, 2013, 11:53
Ted Wolfgang.
I sent you a private message in regards to the updated sound file which lowered the sound level between interior and exterior.
I'm not sure the reply went out, in case it didn't, the new update does help, Thank you.

Your welcome! Designed using a THX certified 200 watt speaker system, didn't take account of headphone users.

October 30th, 2013, 12:10
Gents, your aeroplane has taken me back to the late '60's wherein I worked on and flew in them as a radio engineer. Your sound package is by far the best I've heard in all my experience with the flight sim. I had chills up and down my spine: I couldn't speak to my wife, I was that choked up. Thank you all so much for this aircraft, and for all the work and passion that has gone into her.

All the Best,

Paul J [/COLOR]

I couldn't have said it better! I had the same feelings when developing those big radial sounds pumped thru 200 watts speaker system!

October 30th, 2013, 12:26
Something I notice, :kilroy: is the tail wheel does not have a rolling animation. :blind:

October 30th, 2013, 12:46
Ah headphones... don't use them myself, but I can lower the interior sounds. I will run some test and provide some info tomorrow. I will create an alternate sound.cfg file.

Oh yes, THAT would be a marvelous mod, Ted! I, for just one, would be most appreciative of your (further) efforts.

Cheers, Ted.

October 30th, 2013, 12:51
Oh yes, THAT would be a marvelous mod, Ted! I, for just one, would be most appreciative of your (further) efforts.

Cheers, Ted.

Here you go...


October 30th, 2013, 13:06
Oh thankee, Kind-And-Generous Sir!

October 30th, 2013, 13:48
What a wonderfull old bird you all have created. :jump::jump::jump:
Thanks to all involved, and that more old birds may leave your hangar. :icon29::guinness::icon29::guinness:

Best, Erwin

October 30th, 2013, 15:13
Thanks for the C-47! As primarily a DC-3 driver, I don't like many of the DC-3's that are out there, payware included. I took it up for a spin around the pattern this morning, and I am going to enjoy learning this bird! Thanks for all the time and effort that went into this.

Dale 8)

kilo delta
October 30th, 2013, 16:21
Please accept my heartfelt appreciation to the entire team who have brought us these magnificent works of art.:applause:

October 30th, 2013, 17:26
Was able to download yesterday, but won't get it loaded or flown until this weekend. Want to thank everyone on the team for these great birds. I'm sure I will be very pleased with them.:wavey:

October 30th, 2013, 22:26
To Manfred, Gman, TuFun, and all the members of the dev team..........words can't express my appreciation for what you've done for the community so....:icon29::icon29::icon29::applause::applause: :applause::medals::medals::medals:!!!!!!!!!


October 31st, 2013, 01:51
Something I notice, :kilroy: is the tail wheel does not have a rolling animation. :blind:

Good grief you are right. Now it seems the SOH community acts as beta/alpha testers as well... Anyway, here is a quick fix. I will ask the librarian to also update the base pack if possible.


Thanks Don!


October 31st, 2013, 05:38
I just downloaded and installed the C-47, it looks great. The cockpits is working in this install.

The issue comes with the MJ C-47 Texture Basepak. The planes show up in the menu and work in game.

On some of the planes the inside cockpit panel is black, not placards, paint nothing, just the toggle switches and gauges.

What did I do?

huub vink
October 31st, 2013, 06:52
I just downloaded and installed the C-47, it looks great. The cockpits is working in this install.

The issue comes with the MJ C-47 Texture Basepak. The planes show up in the menu and work in game.

On some of the planes the inside cockpit panel is black, not placards, paint nothing, just the toggle switches and gauges.

What did I do?

The texture.cfg file, inside the additional texture forders, points to either the texture.clean and texture.weather folder. I assume the textures for the VC are missing in one of those folders, or perhaps even both.

The easiest way to correct this is to copy the files inside the texture folder into the texture.clean and texture.weather folders and select no when your computer asks you whether you should overwrite the files.

I hope this makes some sense


October 31st, 2013, 07:04
Thanks Huub, I have the same issue and just knew it was something I did wrong.

I have to add my voice in gratitude to Manfred, gman and all for creating this fine aircraft and sharing her with all of us.

October 31st, 2013, 07:15
The black textures indicate that there is no file for the sim to paint the object with.

Try re-installing the basic file from Manfred Jahn without my texture pack. Test the airplane in FSX and verify that everything displays correctly. Boot out of FSX and add my texture pak. Boot back into FSX and you should be good to go.
If not let me know here.

October 31st, 2013, 07:23
Heartfelt thanks to Manfred and the whole team!

I have a strange problem with the sound in the Virtual Cockpit. (Sound.cfg is aliased to the stock DC-3). When I pan left, right and down, I can hear the appropriate sound track. But when the view is dead centre or up, complete silence. This is with wireless headphones - I will check with my speakers.

[Update: Same thing with the speakers]

It's as if the left and right channels are inverted, or cancelling each other out. Or, as if the sound files are missing a centre channel

This is the only FSX plane on my system that has this problem. [update: Just tried the stock Beech Baron 58 twin. No such problem.]

Has anybody else seen this?

October 31st, 2013, 07:29
The black textures indicate that there is no file for the sim to paint the object with.

Try re-installing the basic file from Manfred Jahn without my texture pack. Test the airplane in FSX and verify that everything displays correctly. Boot out of FSX and add my texture pak. Boot back into FSX and you should be good to go.
If not let me know here.

Thanks will try these tonight

huub vink
October 31st, 2013, 07:51
The black textures indicate that there is no file for the sim to paint the object with.

Try re-installing the basic file from Manfred Jahn without my texture pack. Test the airplane in FSX and verify that everything displays correctly. Boot out of FSX and add my texture pak. Boot back into FSX and you should be good to go.
If not let me know here.


I assume the textures for the VC are not in your texture.clean and texture.weather folders. As the texture configuration files in your additional texture folders does point to eithre the clean or weathered version, it can not find the textures for the VC. When I read Steven190's post correctly he only has problems with the textures form the base pack.


October 31st, 2013, 08:48
The C-47 you did is a real treat to start up thanks to the new sound set, and handles like a dream in the air. I have only had a few short flights but I am enjoying each from start to stop.

Thank you for the great investment of time and thought that you put into this plane. I am grateful.

good flights, Cal

October 31st, 2013, 09:35
The C-47 you did is a real treat to start up thanks to the new sound set, and handles like a dream in the air. I have only had a few short flights but I am enjoying each from start to stop.

Thank you for the great investment of time and thought that you put into this plane. I am grateful.

good flights, Cal

Nothing to add.
An unbelievable and outstanding work!:applause::applause::applause:
Thank you to all,who made this possible.

October 31st, 2013, 09:37
On some of the planes the inside cockpit panel is black, not placards, paint nothing, just the toggle switches and gauges.

What did I do?

I had that problem when I first installed the texture pack. When I copied both the texture.clean and textured.weather to the aircraft's main folder, (Douglas_C-47_V2) all the black textures went away :)

October 31st, 2013, 09:49

I assume the textures for the VC are not in your texture.clean and texture.weather folders. As the texture configuration files in your additional texture folders does point to eithre the clean or weathered version, it can not find the textures for the VC. When I read Steven190's post correctly he only has problems with the textures form the base pack.


No worries Huub, I'll clarify here so folks can get an idea of the syntax.

The texture folder has a series of files for the VC including the panel, side panels, seat walls etc. Those are specific to the generic airplane. The texture.clean and texture.weathered files each have their own specific files for their respective cockpit components. The texture.cfg file in each individual aircraft texture file will point that aircraft to it's specific interior. The stock texture from Manfred Jahn has a perfect clean interior with perfect blue seats. My texture.clean file has a clean cockpit with light wear and gray blue seats. The texture.weathered file has the worn cockpit with the leather seats.

If anyone gets into trouble with their install, it's easy enough to fix. Just delete everything and re-install the Manfred Jahn C-47 and then install my skins, or other skins from JanKees or other painters after the initial install. This seems to be the best method.

For the first flight, be sure to fly the DAK with only the first MJ pak installed to verify the engine startup and other custom features of the airplane. If you have installed TuFun's sound pak, verify that the sound is correct. Once everything checks out, the skins packages should be a simple drag and drop with the normal mods to the aircraft.cfg.

This is a sophisticated package regardless of the fact that it is freeware. The install should be straightforward, but care should be taken to ensure that you receive all of the benefits of the work that went into the old girl.


October 31st, 2013, 09:59
My Thanks to Manfred, and everyone else who helped with this Masterpiece of Freeware.:salute::medals::icon29:

http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b210/Butcherbird17/2013-10-30_20-5-56-630_zpsbc8617a0.jpg~original (http://s20.photobucket.com/user/Butcherbird17/media/2013-10-30_20-5-56-630_zpsbc8617a0.jpg.html)


October 31st, 2013, 10:07
wow, excellent screenshot!

gray eagle
October 31st, 2013, 10:29
Will the V1.2 repaints work with the new V2 release of the C47 and same question for the C-117?

I would imagine that a little modification/edit would be required in the aircraft.cfg file to match entries of the other V2 liveries.


October 31st, 2013, 11:36
For the C-47 V2, paints created prior to Oct 2013 will have to be adjusted on sheets _1_T and _1_T_spec (conversion kit in basepack). And yes, [fltsim] sections in aircraft.cfg need to be adjusted as well, following the pattern of the reference aircraft.

For the C-117 paints created prior to V2 should basically be OK, compare chenges made to the reference paint USN_17191.

October 31st, 2013, 11:38
I posted this to the discussion thread for the C47 V2 but it looks like I put it in the wrong spot and can't delete it so I'm re-posting it here.
Great looking airplane! :salute:Thanks... However it won't start.
I printed out the Engine Start Procedure and followed it to a tee, but the engines still won't start. Not even a putt, flicker or spark of life.
Ideas or suggestions?


Win 7
64 bit

October 31st, 2013, 12:06
I posted this to the discussion thread for the C47 V2 but it looks like I put it in the wrong spot and can't delete it so I'm re-posting it here.
Great looking airplane! :salute:Thanks... However it won't start.
I printed out the Engine Start Procedure and followed it to a tee, but the engines still won't start. Not even a putt, flicker or spark of life.
Ideas or suggestions?


Win 7
64 bit

Hi, is your default flight with a default aircraft?

October 31st, 2013, 12:21
I posted this to the discussion thread for the C47 V2 but it looks like I put it in the wrong spot and can't delete it so I'm re-posting it here.
Great looking airplane! :salute:Thanks... However it won't start.
I printed out the Engine Start Procedure and followed it to a tee, but the engines still won't start. Not even a putt, flicker or spark of life.
Ideas or suggestions?


Win 7
64 bit

Assign a key or a joystick button to the aircraft reset function in FSX and after you load the C47 use this key. It resets in a second or so and then you can go through the startup. This did it for me anyways.


October 31st, 2013, 15:29
Just wanted to add my thanks to all those who helped create these beauties. They are at least comparable to and in many respects better than some pay-ware aircraft available at the moment - and all for free! :jump:

Cheers :icon29:


gray eagle
October 31st, 2013, 17:39
Thanks to all that made this an outstanding success.

Looking for Gmans two weathered VC texture sets as mentioned in the basepack readme of the FSX Douglas C-47 Skytrain V2



October 31st, 2013, 18:27
Is there a way to adjust the exterior camera spot view magnification? If I zoom back it looks like a wide angle camera shot.

October 31st, 2013, 20:18
Assign a key or a joystick button to the aircraft reset function in FSX and after you load the C47 use this key. It resets in a second or so and then you can go through the startup. This did it for me anyways.


Thanks Steve, worked like a charm.:salute:

October 31st, 2013, 20:19
A member poste here that he had cooked his engines on take off and climb. www.aa.-sim.com (http://www.aa.-sim.com), http://www.douglasdc3.com/ or http://www.dc3airways.com/technical/flying_fsx.htm all have manuals on flying the C-47/DC-3.

Basically you must reduce your MP from 47 inches back to 36inches and 2350RPM for the climb out.

October 31st, 2013, 20:21
Hi, is your default flight with a default aircraft?
No, I just went with the C47 first, but I did try the default trike and then the C47. Still no go, but I used Steve's method and it worked.


October 31st, 2013, 20:27
I also want to express my gratitude to the creators of this model! The model is gorgeous, the cockpit is gorgeous, and the sound set is delightful. It is great to finally have a nice DC-3/C-47 for FSX.

October 31st, 2013, 20:42
Thanks to all that made this an outstanding success.

Looking for Gmans two weathered VC texture sets as mentioned in the basepack readme of the FSX Douglas C-47 Skytrain V2



The MJ C-47 Texture Basepak is available for download here:

The two VC texture treatments are included in the package.

November 1st, 2013, 01:43
To all who have created and given me this wonderful new tool to use in my pursuit of my long ago youth, thank you. I am lovin' it. You will be pleased to know that over at DC3airways.com we already have our own livery flying and I am honored to be pictured in the C-117 on our cover page for two weeks starting today. Take a look. :USA-flag:

November 1st, 2013, 02:42
To all who have created and given me this wonderful new tool to use in my pursuit of my long ago youth, thank you. I am lovin' it. You will be pleased to know that over at DC3airways.com we already have our own livery flying and I am honored to be pictured in the C-117 on our cover page for two weeks starting today. Take a look. :USA-flag:

That plane on the homepage, White, grey-silver, and green would be a great re-paint!

November 1st, 2013, 04:34
It is! ;)

http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b272/flyinggoldfish/Flightsim/2013-10-16_21-25-49-568.jpg (http://s21.photobucket.com/user/flyinggoldfish/media/Flightsim/2013-10-16_21-25-49-568.jpg.html)

I haven't done the newest livery with the DCA tail logo for the C-47 (yet) but we've got the C-47 flying in our classic green and white! ;)

The one on the DCA homepage (not by me) is a skin for the original C-117 which should work just as well with the V2.

Stay tuned for the official DC3 World Rally 2013 paint...

November 1st, 2013, 05:11

No worries Huub, I'll clarify here so folks can get an idea of the syntax.

The texture folder has a series of files for the VC including the panel, side panels, seat walls etc. Those are specific to the generic airplane. The texture.clean and texture.weathered files each have their own specific files for their respective cockpit components. The texture.cfg file in each individual aircraft texture file will point that aircraft to it's specific interior. The stock texture from Manfred Jahn has a perfect clean interior with perfect blue seats. My texture.clean file has a clean cockpit with light wear and gray blue seats. The texture.weathered file has the worn cockpit with the leather seats.

If anyone gets into trouble with their install, it's easy enough to fix. Just delete everything and re-install the Manfred Jahn C-47 and then install my skins, or other skins from JanKees or other painters after the initial install. This seems to be the best method.

For the first flight, be sure to fly the DAK with only the first MJ pak installed to verify the engine startup and other custom features of the airplane. If you have installed TuFun's sound pak, verify that the sound is correct. Once everything checks out, the skins packages should be a simple drag and drop with the normal mods to the aircraft.cfg.

This is a sophisticated package regardless of the fact that it is freeware. The install should be straightforward, but care should be taken to ensure that you receive all of the benefits of the work that went into the old girl.


Thanks for the help.

It was the texture.clean and weathered. When I decompressed these files, it did not do all the files in these folders. Re decompressed them and installed into the plane. It worked!

Navy Chief
November 1st, 2013, 05:15
It is an absolutely beautiful aircraft! I do have a problem though, as there is no sound. I've obviously done something wrong, and will have to go back and check. Also, I know there is a mod available for those who use headphones (as I do); so I'll have to really pay attention to what I install.....NC

November 1st, 2013, 07:36
It is an absolutely beautiful aircraft! I do have a problem though, as there is no sound. I've obviously done something wrong, and will have to go back and check. Also, I know there is a mod available for those who use headphones (as I do); so I'll have to really pay attention to what I install.....NC
Hey, @Navy Chief:
Is it possible you have the same problem as I mentioned in an earlier post?

The Douglas_C-47_V2 comes with a sound.cfg file that is aliased to the stock DC-3 sound file. When I fly EITHER of those DC-3s, the sound in the VC is dead silence, unless I turn the view left, right or down, in which case I hear faint engine sounds. When I start to roll on the runway, I hear the tire sounds, and the raising of the gear and the lowering of the flaps is audible.

So my theory is that the stock sound.cfg file from the stock DC-3 is the problem. I will swap it with TW's file from the Sound Pack and post back here.

November 1st, 2013, 07:58
The one on the DCA homepage (not by me) is a skin for the original C-117 which should work just as well with the V2.

Where can that repaint for the C-117 be downloaded? Its not listed in the dropdown on the DC3Airways site.

November 1st, 2013, 08:15
It is an absolutely beautiful aircraft! I do have a problem though, as there is no sound. I've obviously done something wrong, and will have to go back and check. Also, I know there is a mod available for those who use headphones (as I do); so I'll have to really pay attention to what I install.....NC

If you decide to use my sound pak (sound.TW) the mod file, which lowers the cockpit sounds are here:


gray eagle
November 1st, 2013, 09:42
Where can that repaint for the C-117 be downloaded? Its not listed in the dropdown on the DC3Airways site.

What I found is on this link. You can D/L a FSX version of the DC-3 and it is a standalone version. I alised the sound to the TUFUN sound and had to
adjust the prop spin and shutoff sounds like I did for the MJ V2 C47. Works pretty good all in all. If you scroll down below the pictures of the panels, you'll find the download link
for the panels and plane all in one file. A repaint for the MJ C-47 V2 of both of these liveries would be nice addition.

A complete DC-3 aircraft and two panels.
An updated radio stack with all readings visible without pop-ups.
Choose Optional Digital Readouts while in flight.
Over two-dozen flight-dynamics improvements by Beaumont and Bitzer.
Brightened up, readable gauges with a more realistic night panel.
Four Fuel Tank Modification.
Correct DC-3 Auto-Mixture.
Descent Calculator.
Fuel Flow Meter.
Bona fide E6-B with Quick Start Guide.
DCA Textures by Mark Beaumont.
And much more.


November 1st, 2013, 10:06
You'll find links for downloads for the DCA liveries for the new models in the DCA forums. They haven't been updated onto the main page as yet (don't ask me when, it's nothing to do with me!)

Sent from my HTC One X+ using Tapatalk

November 1st, 2013, 11:33
Man, I can't wait trying this beauty. I did fresh OS install of W8.1 in thursday and I haven't re-installed Prepar3d yet.

But awesome job from the whole team :applause:

November 1st, 2013, 12:33
A MASSIVE THANK YOU to ALL those talented artists involved with the creation of these beauties!!! There are a couple of special thanks for me. Not because they maybe better than any of the others, but simply because they're the aspects that light my fire more than most. That is the sound file (TuFun I believe?), and whoever created the FDE. It just FEELS wonderfull to fly.

These releases make me proud to be a member of this forum - thank everyone!!!!!!

And no, not because Anthony says we should:kilroy: but because its right:applause:, and it greatly enhances my sim.

November 1st, 2013, 12:51
Using the Sound.TW file eliminated the central "dead spot" for me, both in the stock DC-3 and the C-47_V2. @Navy Chief, I hope you have the same results. Weird that the stock DC-3 sound.cfg should be defective.

November 1st, 2013, 13:32
Hi all,

This is my first post here on Sim-outhouse, in fact I only signed up here after reading the thread about the DC3 v2 and finding all the posts so fascinating.

Thank you all for the patience it must take to develop these aircraft, truly amazing work.

I did notice however one observation, I'm reluctant to mention it, but it may have been done deliberately for a reason or it may in fact be an error. When you look at the exterior of the C47 front cockpit windows, the windscreen has a small square window at the outer edge. However when you look from the VC there is just one long windscreen with no small square window visible. Just an observation.

Anyway, great aircraft and she flies lovely, and the new sound files are great too, especially the start up, thank you all so much for all your hard work.

Cirrus N210MS
November 1st, 2013, 15:46

November 1st, 2013, 16:14
You'll find links for downloads for the DCA liveries for the new models in the DCA forums. They haven't been updated onto the main page as yet (don't ask me when, it's nothing to do with me!)

Sent from my HTC One X+ using Tapatalk

Those DCA liveries for the MJ C-47 are in dire need of darker alpha layers. They are way too flat, no shine or reflection. The GlobalEnv_AC_Chrome.dds file is a must too. I modified the liveries myself and they look 100% better, no disrespect to the painter intended.

November 1st, 2013, 16:27
Thought I would clear up the sound issue.
The basic Manfred Jahn C-47 sound is aliased to the default FSX DC-3 sound file. If you have removed the default DC-3 or changed that sound file you may have no sound or partial sound. A simple fix is to copy and paste the default DC-3 sound folder into your MJ C-47 aircraft folder and overwrite the existing folder that comes with the aircraft.

The better fix is to download TuFuns sound pak and install that. It's a magnificent package and a simple install. This should alleviate all of the sound issues.

November 2nd, 2013, 03:01
Those DCA liveries for the MJ C-47 are in dire need of darker alpha layers. They are way too flat, no shine or reflection. The GlobalEnv_AC_Chrome.dds file is a must too. I modified the liveries myself and they look 100% better, no disrespect to the painter intended.

Well feel free to send em back to me so I can see what you've changed, am always open to new ways of doing things...

Sent from my HTC One X+ using Tapatalk

November 2nd, 2013, 04:50
I LOVE THIS PLANE! She is a gem to fly, as are all of this groups brilliant works. I also love the repaints. Great job all. Thanks again!!!


November 2nd, 2013, 07:07
many thank´s to all that made this great plane!!!

the outside is fantastic,sound is great........cockpit look´s good,but for me a litle bit to modern............

may i ask if it is possible to use the old vc cockpit with this plane?

or is possible to change the gauges and yoke to look more classic ?

also that real engine does nor work for me,i can fly with full power,nothing happen.............engine live show a red 0% but no fire no failture,must it be aktivate?



huub vink
November 2nd, 2013, 08:06
The Belgian Royal family flying over the ORBX Iceland Demo

http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y210/Huub_Vink/iceland_a5a_zpsb2e08224.jpg~original (http://s6.photobucket.com/user/Huub_Vink/media/iceland_a5a_zpsb2e08224.jpg.html)

November 2nd, 2013, 08:23
also that real engine does nor work for me,i can fly with full power,nothing happen.............engine live show a red 0% but no fire no failture,must it be aktivate?

Your Realism setting is at which value? Try upping it?

November 2nd, 2013, 08:35
Your Realism setting is at which value? Try upping it?

Hi,thank´s ,
here my settings

general is at max

chrash tolerance is at max

other in the middle,

crash detektion is of,i fly most online...........but other has that also,and the engine failture work there.........

engine stress damage is on.

i have at your first c47 real engine 1.4 installed,that work..........


November 2nd, 2013, 08:37
I would like to add my name to long list of people who appreciate this great airplane. It has one of the best flight characteristics of any airplane I have installed. At the top of that list is how well it trims on final approach. It flies just like a real airplane on final. Set up everything and then make only small changes to the power setting as needed.

I've been flying the plain metal version hauling cargo all over South Georgia.

Please excuse this question if it has already been answered in one of the hundreds of previous posts.....Are there any plans for a Viet Nam era cockpit for the "Spooky" paint scheme?

Thanks again for a wonderful addition to FSX.:applause:


November 2nd, 2013, 09:20
Hi,thank´s ,
here my settings

general is at max

chrash tolerance is at max

other in the middle,

crash detektion is of,i fly most online...........but other has that also,and the engine failture work there.........

engine stress damage is on.

i have at your first c47 real engine 1.4 installed,that work..........

Set Realism to Hard (max all). Wait till you get the red zeroes. Wait another minute or two. Whoosh there she goes up in flames.

Sorry I can't figure out what you mean by "I have at your first c47 real engine 1.4 installed"

November 2nd, 2013, 09:21
Yet another note of thanks. What an extraordinary piece of work! It's replaced a number of payware aircraft in my hangar - and not just C-47s. A pleasure to fly the whole fleet - the Basler, the C-117D and now this. A great contribution - thanks again!

November 2nd, 2013, 09:22
Please excuse this question if it has already been answered in one of the hundreds of previous posts.....Are there any plans for a Viet Nam era cockpit for the "Spooky" paint scheme?

What did a SEA Skytrain cockpit look like?

November 2nd, 2013, 09:35
What did a SEA Skytrain cockpit look like?

MJ, to be completely honest with you, I have only been in the cockpit of one AC47 gunship once years ago while in Vietnam. To the best of my memory the cockpit was pretty much the same as post WWII but with updated radios. I realize that's not much help....If this is something you might consider I will be more than happy to do some research looking for cockpit photos for you.



November 2nd, 2013, 09:54
Probably better for you to get in touch with Gman as he has done the current VC variations.

November 2nd, 2013, 09:57
Set Realism to Hard (max all). Wait till you get the red zeroes. Wait another minute or two. Whoosh there she goes up in flames.

Sorry I can't figure out what you mean by "I have at your first c47 real engine 1.4 installed"


but i have them all at max now, test at moment......................fly now over 10 min (red zeroes)nothing happen.............

i have install real engine 1.4 install at the first c47 package.

November 2nd, 2013, 10:01
Sorry Ralf, no clue here. (Wanna see my flames? :) Never heard of Real Engine, but sounds interesting.

November 2nd, 2013, 10:30
Sorry Ralf, no clue here. (Wanna see my flames? :) Never heard of Real Engine, but sounds interesting.

here is the info http://forum.avsim.net/topic/411803-realengine-for-fsxfs2004-realistic-aircraft-limitations-and-failures/

i think i get it now,look like to get it work in dx10 you need to run the fixer again,than the the engine burn.............sorry for that,have to try it first in dx9,there it work......

thank´s for your help................


gruß aus düsseldorf:salute:

November 2nd, 2013, 10:47
Wahoo!!! Thanks for all who put Manfred Jahn's Douglas C-47 on the "What's Hot..." with over 1240+ dl's on the main page!!! :salute:

November 2nd, 2013, 11:18
I would like to thank all who are involved.
Its truly a masterpiece.

One question, I cant find the cowl flap controls in the VC. Anyone any hint ?

Holy Cheese
November 2nd, 2013, 13:47
Another big thanks to all involved in this project - this is a fantastic aircraft, majestic is the word that comes to mind. Really enjoying it!


November 2nd, 2013, 14:02
I just wanted to point admins and maybe the development team to this thread over at Avsim (http://forum.avsim.net/topic/424987-cant-find-manfred-jahns-c-47-version-2/) - it seems there are a couple of potential C-47 pilots who are having trouble registering at Sim Outhouse in order to download. Apparently their PM's aren't getting through or responses are blocked for some reason. So someone might want to stop by that thread and point them to the download. Hope this is helpful.

chet twowolves
November 2nd, 2013, 14:36
HI. Just wanted to say outstanding work. Manfred and team!! wrote it before. I'm dreaming again a float version C-47.Yep would also be outstanding.!!! Yes sir sure would be.
Two Wolves.

November 2nd, 2013, 15:40
As this seems to be the more active thread, I want to express my thanks for this great free addon plane here as well! She looks stunning and handles like a charm, and is an unbelievable short field aircraft for the size! Together with the TW sound pack (why don't you bundle that straight away, the FSX default sounds really suck in comparison) it's a winner!

If someone still has problems starting the engines, I did a little write-up of how it now always works for me, here: http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/showthread.php?82971-FSX-Douglas-C-47-V2-zip&p=845548&viewfull=1#post845548

November 2nd, 2013, 15:47
I just wanted to point admins and maybe the development team to this thread over at Avsim (http://forum.avsim.net/topic/424987-cant-find-manfred-jahns-c-47-version-2/) - it seems there are a couple of potential C-47 pilots who are having trouble registering at Sim Outhouse in order to download. Apparently their PM's aren't getting through or responses are blocked for some reason. So someone might want to stop by that thread and point them to the download. Hope this is helpful.

Thanks Alan,
I've posted on the Avsim forum with an offer to help.

November 2nd, 2013, 17:43
Roger, we have a few on the orbx forums with same unable to join up issue: gmail, so I passed on your avsim message, hope you dont mind :)

November 2nd, 2013, 17:49
Roger, we have a few on the orbx forums with same unable to join up issue: gmail, so I passed on your avsim message, hope you dont mind :)

No problem...thanks Tim.

November 2nd, 2013, 19:16
I would like to thank all who are involved.
Its truly a masterpiece.

One question, I cant find the cowl flap controls in the VC. Anyone any hint ?

Located in README file:

(6) Cowl flaps open/close in intervals by clicking the "cht" (cylinder head temperature) item on
the Control Panel or on pressing Shift-Ctrl-V / Shift-Ctrl-C. The recommended settings are
listed in the checklist.


November 3rd, 2013, 00:03
Located in README file: (6) Cowl flaps open/close in intervals by clicking the "cht" (cylinder head temperature) item on the Control Panel or on pressing Shift-Ctrl-V / Shift-Ctrl-C. The recommended settings are listed in the checklist. Alan Ah thanks, missed that one.

November 3rd, 2013, 05:56
Non-turning tailwheel and floating effect in tight turns now cured in this fix:


Simply replace the two mdl files in their respective directories.

(I have also updated the basepack replacing these files.)

Sorry about this!


November 3rd, 2013, 07:00
Hey cool....! Just realised this aircraft works pretty much flawlessly with with the Saitek switch panels;-)))

November 3rd, 2013, 08:56

November 3rd, 2013, 09:59
I would like to say thank you to all the guy,s involved in producing this brilliant aircraft package ,it is an absolute pleasure to fly and very good to look at and listen to

November 3rd, 2013, 11:34
Important Texture Update:

Hey all, thanks for the thank you messages. This was a big project and the acknowledgments are appreciated.

I've posted a patch for the MJ C-47 Texture Basepak that we released with Manfreds DAK.
MJ C-47 Texture Patch_001 is now uploaded in Addons/FSX/skins. It should show up on the main page shortly, pending approval.

This patch fixes the blurriness in the VC panels that resulted from the mips being included in the first textures. Those were removed.
Also there are a few other minor tweaks in the office as well. The windshield glass channel has been aligned and some other stuff you probably won't notice.

The major difference in this new file is the re-structuring of the bump maps. I've done the bumps in a way that allows us to eliminate the spec files from the texture folders. The spec was causing a display anomaly at the top of the fuse and nacelles. I used an embedded alpha channel and NVIDIA Photoshop normal map filter to do the bump work in PSD rather than subbing that out to the Gimp and DXT1 Bitmap Editor. This solved some basic issues.

I'd back up your originals before you do the update. Always pays to be on the safe side.

Let me know if you have any issues with the new skins and interiors.

November 3rd, 2013, 14:45
MJ, to be completely honest with you, I have only been in the cockpit of one AC47 gunship once years ago while in Vietnam. To the best of my memory the cockpit was pretty much the same as post WWII but with updated radios. I realize that's not much help....If this is something you might consider I will be more than happy to do some research looking for cockpit photos for you. Thanks....RD

MJ, I read your post about passing this request to GMan. Not many photos of the AC47 cockpit available. I did find this interesting photo of the gunsight.


November 4th, 2013, 02:07
Engine smoke effect available?

Adrian Petford
November 4th, 2013, 03:28
Important Texture Update:
This patch fixes the blurriness in the VC panels that resulted from the mips being included in the first textures. Those were removed.
Also there are a few other minor tweaks in the office as well. The windshield glass channel has been aligned and some other stuff you probably won't notice.

The major difference in this new file is the re-structuring of the bump maps. I've done the bumps in a way that allows us to eliminate the spec files from the texture folders. The spec was causing a display anomaly at the top of the fuse and nacelles. I used an embedded alpha channel and NVIDIA Photoshop normal map filter to do the bump work in PSD rather than subbing that out to the Gimp and DXT1 Bitmap Editor. This solved some basic issues.

Hello Gman,

Thanks for your great textures.

Quick question: I have applied the patch and overwritten the two texture folders. Previously I was using the high-res 32-bit bump maps. Do I now have to recopy these original files into the patched texture.clean and texture.weathered folders?



gray eagle
November 4th, 2013, 04:19
A question for Gman:

I use the stock (Manfred J) texture folder and none of your clean or weathered textures,

1. Is your basic clean texture essentially the same as the stock texture folder?

2. Would using your clean texture folder (w/patch) be an improvement over the stock (Manfred J) texture?
If so, what is there to gain? What differences will I see?



November 4th, 2013, 06:29
Hello Gman,

Thanks for your great textures.

Quick question: I have applied the patch and overwritten the two texture folders. Previously I was using the high-res 32-bit bump maps. Do I now have to recopy these original files into the patched texture.clean and texture.weathered folders?



No need to copy the earlier 32 bit files into the new patch. I reworked the bump maps in such a way that the 32 bit files are not needed.
If you like the old look better feel free to continue using that setup of bumps and spec, but keep the new patch cockpit textures.

November 4th, 2013, 06:33
I use the stock (Manfred J) texture folder and none of your clean or weathered textures,

1. Is your basic clean texture essentially the same as the stock texture folder?

2. Would using your clean texture folder (w/patch) be an improvement over the stock (Manfred J) texture?
If so, what is there to gain? What differences will I see?



The clean and weathered texture from my files change the appearance of the cockpit. The clean cockpit is similar to Manfreds stock file, but with gray seats, sound padding and light weathering on all of the panels. The weathered cockpit has leather seat and a well used look.
The major difference is theexterior bump files which have more detail in wing rivets and skin stress.

There is no gain in performance between the files, just appearance.

November 4th, 2013, 06:38
I don't know what kind of stuff you guys are smoking but when I tried the C-47 link, all I got was "Linkid 17617 does not exist Go Back"
There has to be a better way

Adrian Petford
November 4th, 2013, 07:03
No need to copy the earlier 32 bit files into the new patch. I reworked the bump maps in such a way that the 32 bit files are not needed.
If you like the old look better feel free to continue using that setup of bumps and spec, but keep the new patch cockpit textures.

Thanks for the reply Gman... now off to give your new textures a spin!

Thanks again,


November 4th, 2013, 07:07
I don't know what kind of stuff you guys are smoking but when I tried the C-47 link, all I got was "Linkid 17617 does not exist Go Back"
There has to be a better way

Not sure which link you mean, but here is the link for the basic Manfred Jahn C-47 download.

The server has been getting hit pretty hard, it may have been a glitch. I ran a test download on it and it's good to go. Give it another shot...if no joy bump me back here.

November 4th, 2013, 10:25
Thank You G Man. I got it!

November 4th, 2013, 10:47
The patch makes the VC a lot better - thank you very much for that!

Really lovin this plane, could just sit and listen to the engines all day :-)

Three operational questions:
- turning on carb heat also turns on prop deice and inertial separators; can this automatism be switched off?
- are auto feather and overspeed governors modelled?
- how do I feather a prop manually?

November 4th, 2013, 14:38
Just came here to say thanks for another great classic! Great work goes to the entire team!

November 4th, 2013, 23:22

Good brakes... goooood brakes!!!

Silver Bullet Dak on tour.


November 5th, 2013, 07:41
Thanks gmain for yet more work to this beauty. Sorry to be such a dunce though, but i dont understand how to have the 'weathered' VC textures showing. Any help appreciated

November 5th, 2013, 07:48
My turn to express my appreciation to Manfred and team for both this C-47 and the equally fabulous C-117. Have not been able to fly anything else for the last several days. Thanks, as well, to gman for the texture options and to those, like Jan Kees, for the great paint jobs. Absolute FSX state-of-the-art workmanship from you all!

gray eagle
November 5th, 2013, 10:40
Good brakes... goooood brakes!!!

Silver Bullet Dak on tour.


That is very impressive short landing Tufun. Gotta ask, how did you stop so short with the tail wheel still in the air? Was you approach speed almost
at stall speed? I will attempt to recreate that landing like in your video here and see if I can land like that....way cool :cowboy:

EDIT: I just attempted to land in the same manner you did (A two point touch down - aka two pointer). I used the Piedmont version. For a minute there
I was thinking you had tinkered with the brake settings and put some Midas super brakes on the old bird. I managed to land same way you did.

November 5th, 2013, 12:16
That is very impressive short landing Tufun. Gotta ask, how did you stop so short with the tail wheel still in the air? Was you approach speed almost
at stall speed? I will attempt to recreate that landing like in your video here and see if I can land like that....way cool :cowboy:

EDIT: I just attempted to land in the same manner you did (A two point touch down - aka two pointer). I used the Piedmont version. For a minute there
I was thinking you had tinkered with the brake settings and put some Midas super brakes on the old bird. I managed to land same way you did.

I saw this video... and thought...


gray eagle
November 5th, 2013, 12:50
I saw this video... and thought...


All I can say is that is a SLICK two point landing. Yeee Haaaaa!!!! :applause:

Glad I wasn't just walkin' out one of those porta potty doors (frame 23) when it landed near by or I may of wanted to go back in ...real quick 8-)

November 5th, 2013, 13:07
Wow, that pilot must know his brake presures to within the lb !

November 5th, 2013, 21:27
Using FSRecorder...


November 5th, 2013, 22:18
Important Update: MJ C-47 Texture Patch_001

If you have installed the MJ C-47 Texture Basepak by ********, be sure to update your DAK with the current patch. I've addressed the last of the display issues and packaged everything into a single download with all of the updated files.

Link here: http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/local_links.php?action=jump&catid=3&id=17658

This patch has the interior fixes and the new bump and spec files for complete continuity with the Manfred Jahn Douglas C-47 V2 release. If you downloaded this patch, please update with the current download and install. Readme instructions are included.

This should be the final patch.
Feel free to bump me here if you have any questions.

November 5th, 2013, 23:06
I was reluctant to use the 32bit bumps for performance reasons. Your new version looks and performs great! Thank you for your hard work Gman! Much appreciated.

November 5th, 2013, 23:08
Three operational questions:
- turning on carb heat also turns on prop deice and inertial separators; can this automatism be switched off?
- are auto feather and overspeed governors modelled?
- how do I feather a prop manually?

Hi, thanks for addressing these points.

1) Carb heat doesn't turn on prop de-ice (in mine), but it is true it is linked with inertial sep. This is one of the many legacies of the Basler VC.

2) No - dummies.

3) There should be a feather button but there isn't. However, on Control Panel, p. 2, you can middle-click the "prop" item until you get the option "feath" and can turn it on/off for either engine.

There's not much I can do about any of this atm, but I do take notes, and it may not be the last word on it.


November 5th, 2013, 23:35
Thanks to all for a tremendous effort. Just love the dak but up till now wasn't happy that which was on offer.

Kindest Regards

November 6th, 2013, 00:24
Unfortunately we still loud in cockpit....:isadizzy:

November 6th, 2013, 02:59
Important Update: MJ C-47 Texture Patch_001

If you have installed the MJ C-47 Texture Basepak by ********, be sure to update your DAK with the current patch. I've addressed the last of the display issues and packaged everything into a single download with all of the updated files.

Link here: http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/local_links.php?action=jump&catid=3&id=17658

This patch has the interior fixes and the new bump and spec files for complete continuity with the Manfred Jahn Douglas C-47 V2 release. If you downloaded this patch, please update with the current download and install. Readme instructions are included.

This should be the final patch.
Feel free to bump me here if you have any questions.

gman, I just wanted to say agian Sir, what you did with the VC textures are just BRILLIANT :salute::salute::salute:

Thank you

November 6th, 2013, 06:50
I was reluctant to use the 32bit bumps for performance reasons. Your new version looks and performs great! Thank you for your hard work Gman! Much appreciated.

It's always a balancing act trying to balance performance and detail. I've been following the new P3D info, realizing the performance requirements of that platform. Holy cow....Looks like I built the new box just in the nick of time.

Enjoy the DAK, she's really come into focus nicely.

November 6th, 2013, 10:54
Hi, thanks for addressing these points.

1) Carb heat doesn't turn on prop de-ice (in mine), but it is true it is linked with inertial sep. This is one of the many legacies of the Basler VC.

2) No - dummies.

3) There should be a feather button but there isn't. However, on Control Panel, p. 2, you can middle-click the "prop" item until you get the option "feath" and can turn it on/off for either engine.

There's not much I can do about any of this atm, but I do take notes, and it may not be the last word on it.


Manfred, thanks for getting back to me on these! I guess the feather buttons would be a valuable addition, apparently the overspeed gvnr buttons could be repurposed for this ;-)

Three more questions if you don't mind:
- how does the inertial separator work on a Wasp engine IRL? Is it the same principle as i.e. in a PT-6 turbine? Where is the airflow reversal happening on the C-47 - rear end of the intake ducts on top of the engine nacelles?
- any chance of modeling the main shaft bearing failures in case of letting the prop drive the engine for too long? But I guess that would require persisting engine abuse state across sessions, they won't fail immediately...
- any chance for a version with skis?

Cheers, Daniel

gray eagle
November 6th, 2013, 13:55
I noticed in V1 of the C47 there was a short read me that mentioned there was an included file with instructions for adding shock wave lights. I never found that info nor in V2.
So, I am interested in adding the shock wave lights to V2 and looking for guidance on this.

BTW, Does this V2 have animated red wheel chocks when you hit the parking brakes? I thought I saw a picture of V2 with red wheel chocks.

November 6th, 2013, 14:19
Try these settings for Shockwave.

//Types: 1=beacon, 2=strobe, 3=navigation, 4=cockpit, 5=landing, 6=taxi, 7=recognition, 8=wing, 9=logo, 10=cabin
///// Alternate A2A Shockwavelights /////
light.0 = 3, -27.65, -46.92, 0.93, Fx_shockwave_navred_nl,
light.1 = 3, -27.65, 46.92, 0.93, Fx_shockwave_navgre_nl,
light.2 = 3, -61.84, 0.00, 2.13, FX_NAVWHI_nl ,
light.3 = 1, -57.80, 0.00, 13.70, FX_SHOCKWAVE_BEACON_ROTATING_RED,
light.4 = 5, -17.10, -18.10, -1.99, FX_SHOCKWAVE_LANDING_LIGHT_TAIL_OLD,
light.5 = 5, -17.10, 18.10, -1.99, FX_SHOCKWAVE_LANDING_LIGHT_TAIL_OLD,
light.6 = 1, -36.03, -1.77, -2.72, FX_SHOCKWAVE_BEACON_ROTATING_RED,
light.7 = 10, -6.05, -0.00, 2.5, fx_c47_vclight ,
light.8 = 10, -20.00, 0.00, 3.28, fx_vclight ,
light.9 = 10, -26.00, 0.00, 3.28, fx_vclight ,
light.10 = 10, -32.00, 0.00, 3.28, fx_vclight ,
light.11 = 10, -38.00, 0.00, 3.28, fx_vclight ,

//------------ ExhaustFlames--------
//index,type, long, lat, vert, fx_filename
light.12= 3, -19.985, 11.30, -4.10, fx_V12_IDLE_starb,
light.13= 3, -19.985, 11.30, -4.10, fx_V12_MAX_starb,
light.14= 3, -19.985, 11.30, -4.10, fx_V12_Exhaust,
light.15= 3, -19.985, -11.30, -4.10, fx_V12_IDLE_starb,
light.15= 3, -19.985, -11.30, -4.10, fx_V12_MAX_starb,
light.16= 3, -19.985, -11.30, -4.10, fx_V12_Exhaust,
light.17 = 2, -27.65, -46.92, 0.93, fx_shockwave_strobe
light.18 = 2, -27.65, 46.92, 0.93, fx_shockwave_strobe_3

gray eagle
November 6th, 2013, 14:38
Try these settings for Shockwave.

//Types: 1=beacon, 2=strobe, 3=navigation, 4=cockpit, 5=landing, 6=taxi, 7=recognition, 8=wing, 9=logo, 10=cabin
///// Alternate A2A Shockwavelights /////
light.0 = 3, -27.65, -46.92, 0.93, Fx_shockwave_navred_nl,
light.1 = 3, -27.65, 46.92, 0.93, Fx_shockwave_navgre_nl,
light.2 = 3, -61.84, 0.00, 2.13, FX_NAVWHI_nl ,
light.3 = 1, -57.80, 0.00, 13.70, FX_SHOCKWAVE_BEACON_ROTATING_RED,
light.4 = 5, -17.10, -18.10, -1.99, FX_SHOCKWAVE_LANDING_LIGHT_TAIL_OLD,
light.5 = 5, -17.10, 18.10, -1.99, FX_SHOCKWAVE_LANDING_LIGHT_TAIL_OLD,
light.6 = 1, -36.03, -1.77, -2.72, FX_SHOCKWAVE_BEACON_ROTATING_RED,
light.7 = 10, -6.05, -0.00, 2.5, fx_c47_vclight ,
light.8 = 10, -20.00, 0.00, 3.28, fx_vclight ,
light.9 = 10, -26.00, 0.00, 3.28, fx_vclight ,
light.10 = 10, -32.00, 0.00, 3.28, fx_vclight ,
light.11 = 10, -38.00, 0.00, 3.28, fx_vclight ,

//------------ ExhaustFlames--------
//index,type, long, lat, vert, fx_filename
light.12= 3, -19.985, 11.30, -4.10, fx_V12_IDLE_starb,
light.13= 3, -19.985, 11.30, -4.10, fx_V12_MAX_starb,
light.14= 3, -19.985, 11.30, -4.10, fx_V12_Exhaust,
light.15= 3, -19.985, -11.30, -4.10, fx_V12_IDLE_starb,
light.15= 3, -19.985, -11.30, -4.10, fx_V12_MAX_starb,
light.16= 3, -19.985, -11.30, -4.10, fx_V12_Exhaust,
light.17 = 2, -27.65, -46.92, 0.93, fx_shockwave_strobe
light.18 = 2, -27.65, 46.92, 0.93, fx_shockwave_strobe_3

Thank you :salute:

November 6th, 2013, 14:44
BTW, Does this V2 have animated red wheel chocks when you hit the parking brakes? I thought I saw a picture of V2 with red wheel chocks.

Set your parking brake and ope the pilot's cockpit window. From memory it also sets control locks with the red tags hanging off them.

Also if you have the cargo doors open you also get the steps.

November 6th, 2013, 14:54
Unfortunately we still loud in cockpit....:isadizzy:
Have you tried adjusting the sound options in the menu?


gray eagle
November 6th, 2013, 15:16
Set your parking brake and ope the pilot's cockpit window. From memory it also sets control locks with the red tags hanging off them.

Also if you have the cargo doors open you also get the steps.

Ah...I'll have to try that. Thanks for the info. Appreciate it. :applause:

November 6th, 2013, 22:20
(8) The port passenger/freight door can be opened/closed by pressing Shift-E. The second
freight door opens on Shift-E-2. Steps appear on Shift-E-3 (parking brake needs to be set).
Paratrooper door opens/closes via Shift-E-4.

(9) Flip battery switch OFF and apply parking brakes to display wheel chocks and let the pilots
take a break.

Note these are items 8 and 9 of a file called "readme.txt", a .pdf version of which (with pictorial engine start tutorial) is included in the root V2 folder right on your HD, and you can also get a detailed checklist (Shift-f10) with many a flying tip right in sim. Thought I'd mention it. :wavey:

November 6th, 2013, 22:50
Manfred, thanks for getting back to me on these! I guess the feather buttons would be a valuable addition, apparently the overspeed gvnr buttons could be repurposed for this ;-)
Three more questions if you don't mind:
- how does the inertial separator work on a Wasp engine IRL? Is it the same principle as i.e. in a PT-6 turbine? Where is the airflow reversal happening on the C-47 - rear end of the intake ducts on top of the engine nacelles?
- any chance of modeling the main shaft bearing failures in case of letting the prop drive the engine for too long? But I guess that would require persisting engine abuse state across sessions, they won't fail immediately...
- any chance for a version with skis?
Cheers, Daniel

sure, a feather button would be useful, so noted. We might as well put it in its proper position though, just like the missing cowl flap levers ... and delete all the inop Basler stuff (fuel dump?!), and add all the other items for a more authentic VC ... which is where the discussion really begins, or possibly gets swamped... You see why I am hesitating. As for skis (Que Sera Sera, Buffalo, the Thing from Outer Space, I know) I have them lying around here, and they are fairly easy to implement. But atm I need to get other things done first.

The technical question and suggestion I'll pass on to my technical experts, they study the handbooks, or perhaps some of the DC-3 experts here can answer them. Me I just look at the pictures.

November 7th, 2013, 01:51
Speaking of fuel, is there an easy way to revert the cockpit fuel pump switches to booster pumps and have the engine driven pumps as per the real deal?

Took me a bit of headscratching to figure out why my engine kept dying after I turned off the "boost" pump.... (serves me right for not reading the manual I suppose! ;) )...

Thanks again Manfred, despite any nitpicking, it's still far and above the best Dakota flying in FSX!!

November 7th, 2013, 03:00
Important Update: MJ C-47 Texture Patch_001

If you have installed the MJ C-47 Texture Basepak by ********, be sure to update your DAK with the current patch. I've addressed the last of the display issues and packaged everything into a single download with all of the updated files.

Link here: http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/local_links.php?action=jump&catid=3&id=17658

This patch has the interior fixes and the new bump and spec files for complete continuity with the Manfred Jahn Douglas C-47 V2 release. If you downloaded this patch, please update with the current download and install. Readme instructions are included.

This should be the final patch.
Feel free to bump me here if you have any questions.

Question: Does the current download package at SOH have all these patches?

November 7th, 2013, 05:43
Question: Does the current download package at SOH have all these patches?

As of 06:30 hrs today the MJ C-47 Texture Basepak is current and requires no update patch. If you download that package you're good to go sir.

November 7th, 2013, 06:03
As of 06:30 hrs today the MJ C-47 Texture Basepak is current and requires no update patch. If you download that package you're good to go sir.

Thank you for the quick update..
Wonderful aircraft,a BIG thank you to all involved with this project!

November 7th, 2013, 06:09
As of 06:30 hrs today the MJ C-47 Texture Basepak is current and requires no update patch. If you download that package you're good to go sir.

The download link Roger posted at the beginning of this thread is broken
I searched and can not find the V-2 download

November 7th, 2013, 06:55
The download link Roger posted at the beginning of this thread is broken
I searched and can not find the V-2 download

It's here Rick: http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/local_links.php?action=jump&catid=3&id=17613

November 7th, 2013, 07:32
It's here Rick: http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/local_links.php?action=jump&catid=3&id=17613
Thank you very much Roger!

November 7th, 2013, 07:55
Just downloaded and installed last night. This thing looks great! I'm gonna try to read a little and see if I can fly it "per the manual". It's not what I usually do, but this thing just looks to nice to pass up the opportunity!


November 7th, 2013, 09:53
Am I missing something with the oil temperatures ? They tend to stay right at the top of the scale - is that correct ?

November 7th, 2013, 11:48
and here some from online flying today




Adrian Petford
November 7th, 2013, 15:49
Note these are items 8 and 9 of a file called "readme.txt", a .pdf version of which (with pictorial engine start tutorial) is included in the root V2 folder right on your HD, and you can also get a detailed checklist (Shift-f10) with many a flying tip right in sim. Thought I'd mention it. :wavey:

Hi Manfred,

Congratulations on your amazing work! I wish the payware I buy was of this quality.

I seem to be having a problem with the doors. The passenger/cargo door works as normal with Shift-E but any combination of Shift-E-number just opens and closes the same main door rather than the others.

Thanks again,


November 8th, 2013, 00:24
Am I missing something with the oil temperatures ? They tend to stay right at the top of the scale - is that correct ?

I have that on mine, too. We didn't get around to calibrating that properly.

November 8th, 2013, 00:29
I seem to be having a problem with the doors. The passenger/cargo door works as normal with Shift-E but any combination of Shift-E-number just opens and closes the same main door rather than the others.

I have them working as advertised ((even without parking brakes set)).

All I can think of is that it might be due to an old saved flight? Does the problem persist if you do a fresh free flight?

November 8th, 2013, 03:40
Shift+e+number, can be a pain in the rear. I found a solution by using DoorControl.cab by Georg Aubele. Get it from Avsim.

It can be used on any aircraft that has multiple doors.


November 8th, 2013, 04:36
I have them working as advertised ((even without parking brakes set)).

All I can think of is that it might be due to an old saved flight? Does the problem persist if you do a fresh free flight?

The whole SHIFT+E then a number things is buggy as all hell at the best of times... It always seemed like a terribly odd way of doing things.

I haven't experienced any problems with it for this model, but on the JF DC-3 it all worked properly when you'd just loaded the plane and were sitting on the ramp - front door, passenger door, steps and cargo door all perfect... Once you'd landed after a flight all that would open was the front door no matter what you pressed....

There's a few door control gauges knocking about that let you click them open and closed and save a whole lot of messing about.

Adrian Petford
November 8th, 2013, 06:27
I have them working as advertised ((even without parking brakes set)).

All I can think of is that it might be due to an old saved flight? Does the problem persist if you do a fresh free flight?

I've just spent some time with it on a fresh flight. It works but seems very hit and miss. The paratrooper door appears quite often but the additional cargo door very rarely opens. Whenever a door keypress doesn't do as it should, it just opens and closes the main exit. This is on the runway with the parking brake off.

I've just tried both the Basler and C-117D under the same conditions and their multiple exits are all working as they should.

It's only a small thing, so I think I'll just try the door gauge others have suggested.

Thanks for the feedback everyone.


November 20th, 2013, 08:32
Where can i find the paintkit ?

November 20th, 2013, 09:16
Try HERE!!! (http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/local_links_search.php?s=&action=show&page=1&pp=20&sort=N&beforeafter=1&catlist=1&desc=1&ents=1&keys=1&literal=1&search=Jahn&childcats=1&sort=d) Page down to the paint kit.

November 20th, 2013, 09:58
May I please make a Req and reach out to any painter interested. I am looking for fictitious USCG and or US Customs and Border Patrol scheme.

November 20th, 2013, 19:15
I have that on mine, too. We didn't get around to calibrating that properly.

Okay Manfred, thanks for that. As long as I know what and why, I'm happy. :)

November 21st, 2013, 18:14
Many thanks to Manfred, Gman, Alexander, Hansgeorg, and Tufun (plus anyone else involved) for all their hard work on V2 or "Goony Bird reloaded. Since Jankees graced me with an Air America repaint, I had to show this venerable workhorse in its unglamorous element, hauling 5000# of cargo from L20A to Vientiane.

Does anyone know how to rewrite a panel.cfg file to create a clickspot on the GNS530 that will trigger a 2d popup window of the GPS? Would be handy for my old, tired eyes.


November 26th, 2013, 05:56
Try HERE!!! (http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/local_links_search.php?s=&action=show&page=1&pp=20&sort=N&beforeafter=1&catlist=1&desc=1&ents=1&keys=1&literal=1&search=Jahn&childcats=1&sort=d) Page down to the paint kit.

thanks for the link :)

November 26th, 2013, 22:01
Does anyone know how to rewrite a panel.cfg file to create a clickspot on the GNS530 that will trigger a 2d popup window of the GPS? Would be handy for my old, tired eyes.

You could get it via Shift-8. Two steps:

1) In panel.cfg, use this Window titles section:

[Window Titles]
Window00=Main Panel
Window01=Fuel and Payload
Window02=Control Panel
Window03=Mini Panel
Window05=Fuel Control
Window06=Start Icons

2) Further down, add the following:

size_mm=500,632 366 + 266
window_size=0.342, 0.576 = 70%, 100% (4:3) = 0.488, 0.823
//window_size=0.256, 0.576 = 70%, 100% (16:9) = 0.532, 0,823
//window_size=0.285, 0.576 = 70%, 100% (16:10) = 0.592, 0,823
gauge00=FS9Garmin530_Basler!GNS530_nc1, 0,0,500,366
// gauge01=FS9Garmin430_Basler!GNS430_nc2, 0,366,500,266

// [Window08]
// background_color=0,0,0
// size_mm=320,257
// position=8
// visible=0
// ident=GPS_PANEL
// gauge00=fs9gps!gps_500, 0,0,294,257

This will get you the 530, and optionally the 430, too. Select the proper window size from the options given.

Window08, commented out in this example, gives you the default GPS.

November 27th, 2013, 12:05
I've just done a basic test of the DAK and C-117 in P3D V2. I didn't find any problems. The realistic engine start worked fine and the flight systems were good to go.

Edit: There's one little glitch in the tail beacon. It's showing a ghost square around the halo. This a DX11 thing that I'll sort out and make the necessary mods. Whole new playing field and another learning curve.

November 27th, 2013, 12:48
I am really enjoying the 47 and the 117 and fly them regularly in Dx10 but I have one minor niggle...the port side window has a flashing texture at the front inner frame where the black window sealant texture covers the cream inner frame. Is there a simple way to cure this?

November 27th, 2013, 13:29
You could get it via Shift-8. Two steps:

1) In panel.cfg, use this Window titles section:

[Window Titles]
Window00=Main Panel
Window01=Fuel and Payload
Window02=Control Panel
Window03=Mini Panel
Window05=Fuel Control
Window06=Start Icons

2) Further down, add the following:

size_mm=500,632 366 + 266
window_size=0.342, 0.576 = 70%, 100% (4:3) = 0.488, 0.823
//window_size=0.256, 0.576 = 70%, 100% (16:9) = 0.532, 0,823
//window_size=0.285, 0.576 = 70%, 100% (16:10) = 0.592, 0,823
gauge00=FS9Garmin530_Basler!GNS530_nc1, 0,0,500,366
// gauge01=FS9Garmin430_Basler!GNS430_nc2, 0,366,500,266

// [Window08]
// background_color=0,0,0
// size_mm=320,257
// position=8
// visible=0
// ident=GPS_PANEL
// gauge00=fs9gps!gps_500, 0,0,294,257

This will get you the 530, and optionally the 430, too. Select the proper window size from the options given.

Window08, commented out in this example, gives you the default GPS.

Thanks Manfred. This looks good but I guess I used the wrong terminology. I was wondering if there was a way to install a mouseover (I called it a clickspot) on the screen of 530 that would open the popup? I have this on another aircraft and it's very handy.


November 27th, 2013, 16:30
I am really enjoying the 47 and the 117 and fly them regularly in Dx10 but I have one minor niggle...the port side window has a flashing texture at the front inner frame where the black window sealant texture covers the cream inner frame. Is there a simple way to cure this?

Which version are you getting that on Roger, Manfred's basic or my texturepak?

I'll have a look.

November 27th, 2013, 19:31
Love the plane, loved the paints.... I thank all involved. But on the SEA variant I am missing the red stripe in the bar on the US insignia.... I don't mean to complain or rivet-count.. I only noticed after a flight or two trying to impersonate a real Spooky.. and I have witnessed a Spectre or two in my day.............. I hearken back to the days of at least a little more color... I am really showing my age at this point so I will gracefully fade back into the shadows... Regardless I am so enjoying this aircraft. I flew in one only a few years ago and the nostalgia remains..

November 27th, 2013, 20:25
on the SEA variant I am missing the red stripe in the bar on the US insignia..

Yep...you're right. I've got a new bump map ready for the DAK. Now that the Outhouse is back on line, I'll update the files and definitely add the red bar to Spooky.

November 27th, 2013, 20:46
Thanks gman.. I didn't mean to be a nit-picker... Awesome job on this paint.. One bad-ass looking Gooneybird... :jump:

November 27th, 2013, 22:13
Thanks gman.. I didn't mean to be a nit-picker... Awesome job on this paint.. One bad-ass looking Gooneybird... :jump:

No worries. I really tried to go for realism on these skins...it's this kind of detail that I'm always looking for. Thanks.

November 27th, 2013, 23:04
Which version are you getting that on Roger, Manfred's basic or my texturepak?

I'll have a look.

Hi gman,
I have less of an issue with your texture pack but the flashing is still there. Is it just a Dx10 problem perhaps? Anyway not to detract from a great job from all the team!

Paul J
November 28th, 2013, 06:02
Hi gman,
I have less of an issue with your texture pack but the flashing is still there. Is it just a Dx10 problem perhaps? Anyway not to detract from a great job from all the team!

Just want to add - I have that flashing black line, too.... it might be a DX10 problem, too, as Roger said.

It's been asked or mentioned before, but I've not seen any definitive answer - is there a regular/old/worn/beaten DC-3 cockpit available for this aircraft?

Anyway - SUPER aeroplane!! Can't get enough of the starts! All we need now is for it to simulate the bottom jug being blown off!

November 28th, 2013, 12:57
I have no problem in P3D V1.4 but then it is only DX9 compatible. Maybe someone with V2 could tell us if it is happening with DX11.

November 28th, 2013, 13:18
I've been moving in to P3D V2 for the last couple of days so I've just gotten to the DAK graphics.

The DAK is showing the small flicker with the P3D DX11 so it looks like DX10 and 11 are showing the wart. I've run it across the setting spectrum and get it consistently. This is an addition to the learning curve so give me a bit of time and I'll sort this one out and I'll post up the patch.

BTW, the DX11 shadowing inside and out are absolutely gorgeous in all of the aircraft. If you liked the DAK in FSX, you're going to flat love it in P3D V2.

FYI: Once I worked out the settings in V2 I made outstanding FPS with all sliders WFO and 2048 texture enabled. FPS were consistent 50-75 set @ unlimited over high def PR terrain with heavy autogen. I've locked at 30 and the performance is absolutely seamless.

Thanks for you patience ladies and gents.

November 28th, 2013, 13:30
but I've not seen any definitive answer - is there a regular/old/worn/beaten DC-3 cockpit available for this aircraft?

Manfred is giving the classic cockpit some consideration. If he decides to do it, I'll pull out all the stops on the textures. Stay tuned.