View Full Version : Saitek Profiler update

January 16th, 2009, 15:28
I went in to get new drivers for my X-52 today and while wandering about found this in the Forums:

We're happy to announce that we have just released a new public beta version of the programming software which adds back in the much-requested feature of having a graphical view of your controller when editing/creating profiles.

You'll find now that buttons and cells illuminate to indicate the button you're pressing/editing which should hopefully make things a bit easier for those of you unsure where each of the controls are on your controller.

Controllers with the new graphical view enabled are as follows:

Pro Flight Rudder Pedals
Pro Flight Yoke System
Pro Flight Throttle Quadrant
X52 Pro Flight Controller
X52 Flight Controller

When I ran up against the non-graphical profiler I had to do an ugly and painful reversion to my original software so this looks like something good. If you don't use the profiler you should think about it as it adds so much flexibility to the x-52. Using the mode functions I hardly ever touch the keyboard or mouse while flying.


January 17th, 2009, 10:11
Wow. Finally. I downloaded the new software when it came out and found it impossible to use. I'm glad I didn't have Vista so I was able to use the old software. Glad to see Saitek is on the ball still.