View Full Version : Burning man

September 1st, 2013, 20:09
Interesting festival and one I need to check out someday. Anybody here ever attend? Found out about burning man about 8 years ago while on a road trip to the black rock desert. Tonight they burned the temple and last night they did the man! Boy did the flames burn high, I swear I could of browned a marshmallow 10 miles away. They were streaming live tonight so got to watch it burn. Looks like a crazy fun time without judging.


September 1st, 2013, 20:16

September 1st, 2013, 21:19
Heya Jim,

I know a couple of people that have gone to Burning Man, and one of the things I have noted is that it is NOT a spectator sport - everyone is actively involved in contributing to the Burning Man experience, whether it be lighting up their Day Cruiser bicycle for a pimp-my-ride nighttime experience or creating a shrine that deifies ... what.

Now in my 60's, I know I would not fit in. And since my friends used to call me "Officer Howell" when I was younger (just trying to keep a lid on things before they blew out of control), I am not at all certain I would have enjoyed it then either! :mixedsmi:

Still - I say, have at it!

Unfortunately, I have read that the police presence is higher than ever this year - I will have to check with my friend Norine upon her return.

September 2nd, 2013, 07:37
Well, I have to say I am not the type either that would fit in with that group of folks. Still intriguing though. Love some of the contraption they create. My buddy does have vw westi with gumby mounted on the dash. That may get us in the gate :icon_lol: .


September 2nd, 2013, 10:49
I made a simple Black Rock City Airport for my own use. I might work on it some more and release it here if there's interest. Does anyone know if there's a decent 88NV for FSX out here already?


September 3rd, 2013, 14:28
I had no idea their was a runway there. Zoomed in with maps on my iPad and there it is. When I get the A2A 172, will be a fun area to fly with those challenges he was talking about. Good vid
