View Full Version : "Fliegerhorst Rygge"

August 18th, 2013, 13:59

I'm back from my local museum today and got some interesting (at least for me) information about the German "Fliegerhorst Rygge" as it was during the war. We have a large air force base close by today, but the luftwaffe airfield is largely forgotten today. The airfield was made to provide a closer alert field to the Skagerrak strait between Norway and Denmark and to provide earlier interception for raids on Oslo.

The rw was 1140x40 meters and made from timber, gravel taxiways and dispersals with shelters were literally dispersed all over the local farm area (the technical hangar was build close to the local church..) for concealment from allied raids.

Beside being a staging base for aircraft coming up from Germany and Denmark, Rygge housed Bf-109G-6's from 6.Staffel/JG5 and Ju-52's from 4. Staffel/TG20.

My question to the SoH crowd is if any of the very talented scenery designers here would be interested in doing a quick runway and taxiway scenery of Fliegerhorst Rygge?





August 18th, 2013, 15:16
I'd love to see a complete scenery of a german airfield.

August 18th, 2013, 15:37
That looks like a good project Jens. At the moment, Iam much involved with another German airfield project.

August 18th, 2013, 15:44
I would like to see this become an airfield for the Orbx Norway release coming up. Of course, Orbx won't do it, but I would like it to be compatible. I would love to have a base like this in FSX. I knew there were wood based revetments, but I didn't know about the runways. That's really cool historical info. Thanks Jens.

August 19th, 2013, 10:10

Thanks for the interest! We have started to get a decent collection of allied airbases, at least in my mind, it would be nice to have a few German ones as well to have a place to fly all the great models be have.

The timber runway is quite interesting as the trees came from the local area and the construction was in two layers in opposite direction and bolted together with wooden plugs.

Here is another picture from the model they have at the museum showing parts of the upper right cross taxiway on the runway. The model also shows the timber construction.

If any of you are interested to take on the little project, the old airfield is actually still quite visible on google maps, search for "Lille Rygge, Rygge, Norway". The runway, even if it has been removed for many decades ago, is visible and you have the old camp located with the alert shelters and coms building located on the right top side of the runway. Part of this camp was actually in use for the airforce and national guard up to very recently. the church, which was close to the maintenance hangar is also easily visible.


Robert John
August 19th, 2013, 12:45
92190Just a quick screen shot of my WIP, vehicles for fsx ww2,
The texture is just the base work, look at the texture rivets and grill.
Looking into creating magazines for fsx,for the ww2 era etc, take a look at the cfs2 magazine and see if it is of interest to this community and would you like a magazine of this type.
Some of the work in this magazine can be used for fsx.


August 23rd, 2013, 23:26
Don't know if anybody else took up your request or not but here is my interpretation based on the map picture you posted. Looks barren without any objects, are there any WWII object libraries for German hangars or vehicles out there? If anybody is interested in the AFCAD and landclass file let me know and I'll upload it to SOH.


August 23rd, 2013, 23:46
That was a rather nice wake up news!

Does FS have any timber looking texture for the runway? Maybe not...

For the smaller revetments, any body high open roof structure will work. The real ones were bade from some sort of bricks.


Some info about the hangars:

Maintenance hangar (by the church)

I guess any green arched hangar will work

Smaller fighter type hangar:

August 27th, 2013, 02:02
Well, it always starts with a simple AFCAD, but then it still seems empty. So the search for objects begins, not many for WWII to be found though. Time to dust off SketchUp it seems, and down the rabbit hole we go.


Not pretty, the textures will have to be improved and the hangar shape itself refined, but it's a start. Converted the aircraft with SAMM but they are a FR killer, maybe I can optimize them with MCX.

Very early days yet but the start of something, not sure where it'll lead though.

ian elliot
August 27th, 2013, 02:54
Looks barren without any objects, are there any WWII object libraries for German hangars or vehicles out there?

I dont have FSX, but i did a scenery for Westerland-Sylt for FS9, that included an object library for buildings and vehicles that may work, feel free to use if there's anything of use.


cheers ian

Chris Sykes
August 27th, 2013, 04:35
You can do texture replacement, such as where you copy the original texture (concrete for instance), edit it, then place the edited version into the Lille Rygge Airfield/texture folder.

August 27th, 2013, 07:27
FS does have a default timber planking runway texture... Its used in one airport in PNG if I recall correctly...

August 27th, 2013, 07:51
Aaah! This is great news, thanks for taking on "Fliegerhorst Rygge"!

The Rygge area is an agricultural farm area and I think FS has covered with to much forest. The first model picture show the forest areas pretty good.

Try out Norway scenic X (scroll all the way down), it least in my install it looks more like the real deal:


August 27th, 2013, 08:34
(http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/member.php?8590-JensOle)JensOle great thread. I have always wanted to do a german WW2 airfield with the level of detail you have in the diorama images you posted. I have a fairly good collection of german aircraft, vehicles and soldiers that I am making for my Afrika Korps scenery and wanted to do a European version as well, but reference images are hard to find, but I love the diorama images you posted and they have sparked a new interest. Seeing as this project is being worked on, were there any other airfields of similar design that you know of and have any reference material for?

August 27th, 2013, 10:09
Actually we have! Fliegerhorst Herdla is maybe one of the best known German airfields in Norway from the war, it was an important part of the German defence for shipping along the western coast of Norway and the Bf's and FW's were heavily involved in combat against RAF Coastal Command Beaufighters and Mosquitos from Dallachy and Banff and P-51s from Peterhead. The German fighters at Herdla put up stiff fighting in the final months of the war and it sadly resulted in the loss of many RAF/Commonwealth and of course German aircrews. Many Mustang pilots have described flying to Germany a walk in the park compared to the bloody battles taking part over the Norwegian western coast in the final months of the war.







August 27th, 2013, 17:45
wow, thanks for the links, that looks very doable, although a bigger project than I wanted for a first stab at it. I like the location as a whole island and the fact there is a workable sat image to use as a base. I already have most of the objects, vehicles, soldiers, some FW190s and a couple of others, just need the buildings and the base. Any more links to layout or images would be greatly appreciated. As soon as I get done with my current 3 projects, i will have a look at this one.

Robert John
August 28th, 2013, 08:41
here is a screenshot of Ians ford-gray-canvas vehicle from his fs9 westerland-sylt converted into a gmax model and added lods.
WIP going to ask permission to use his textures.
The models will be made for fsx, and also cfs2, cfs3, prepar3d if I receive his blessing.
Robert John.

December 7th, 2015, 01:03
Without a name I'll use "Oldpropfan,

Are you still around? I would love to see the Rygge scenery released!