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View Full Version : Russia Anyone?

July 18th, 2013, 17:13
Does anyone have any scenery suggestions for Russia? It seems to be the area with the least amount of scenery add-ons. Microsoft left it the usual waste land. I also noticed it to be well under represented on the member map as well. I guess one leads to another or vice-versa. I enjoy using FSX as a means of getting a general flavor for areas all around the globe. Right now, Russia is BORING!

Thanks for any ideas.

July 18th, 2013, 17:19
try here (you will need to translate the page though)

July 18th, 2013, 17:32
As a Soviet-era aviation enthusiast, I know of some pretty nice sceneries for Russian airports in FSX!

The Freewarescenery.com website has the full list, but this is a selection of some of my favorites.

First...the one I use the most....

St. Petersburg's Pulkovo Airport (ULLI)
Click "download" on the left side (it's in english) and it should shoot you to an Avsim.su download location. The zip file has the main FS2004-era scenery, along with FSX conversion files. It's one of my favorite locations to fly into in FSX due to it's closer proximity to "the West" than pretty much any other major Russian airport. Let me know if you need help figuring out how to install it.

The rest of the airfields are spread out all over the place and can be pretty remote, but they look nice....


Moscow Domodevo
Update to Domodevo

Moscow Vnukovo

Moscow Sheremetyevo (there are a lot of nice version available for this one, I am currently using this file)

Tolmachevo, Novosibirsk (One of the most detailed freeware airports for FS2004. This is an FSX conversion. Still looks great!)

Update to Perm



Here's one of my other favorites....Rostov-on-Don (URRR) near the Black Sea:

Also be aware of Aerosoft's two payware Russian airports, Yekaterinburg and Norilsk.

So...that's a start, let me know if you want me to add more.

EDIT: Here's some Russian (and European) mesh... http://simsturman.narod.ru/

July 18th, 2013, 17:56
This is a good site too. http://www.freewarescenery.com/fsx/russia.html. There are quite a few airports, but flying between them all could be a little bit less than exciting. I was hoping for some regional addon or landclass that I might have missed. I have down loaded 10 scenery's from various sites and will see how that goes.

Thanks for the suggestions and I will look through everything that I can. If I feel something is a 'must' scenery, I'll post back.

July 18th, 2013, 17:58
Actually check this out, I forgot about it:


Other than that, I don't know of a lot in terms of non-airport enhancements....Russia itself if pretty boring to fly over regardless...

July 18th, 2013, 18:18
Eh I also recommend http://www.shop.aerosoft.com/eshop.php?action=article_detail&s_supplier_aid=12762&s_design=DEFAULT&shopfilter_category=Flight%20Simulation&s_language=english

You'll love the humpy runway lol in the Siberian Arctic.

July 18th, 2013, 23:18
Thanks to the FS Freeware site and this one
I now have 230 Russian Airports,
up from 82-ish?


July 19th, 2013, 09:01
Thank you everyone. I think I am getting somewhere. Now another question. How do I rename an airport? Some of the airports are showing up as the bogus non-cyrillic characters in FSX. By reading translated descriptions of the airports, I can get a name in English characters. Now I just need to rename the airports so they show up as something I can read in FSX.

Thank you.

July 19th, 2013, 16:08
OK, figured the renaming thing out. Using ADE to rename. I believe I am up to 168 airports in 'Russia'. It would be nice to have 'UT-RUS' or 'GEX-RUS'. How about ORBX-RUSSIA. I guess I am intrigued as MS left the country so devoid of anything. Moving forward.

July 19th, 2013, 16:20
Well...Orbx will be releasing that FTX-World program for around US$100 "soon".

July 19th, 2013, 22:14
OK, figured the renaming thing out. Using ADE to rename. I believe I am up to 168 airports in 'Russia'.

If it's any help...

A small note of caution, if there is a cvx file associated with your renamed airfield you may well find that there are missing flattens and/or excludes after the renaming.

There are some airfields duplicated between the two sites I pointed to, though not with the same folder names.
It is therefore easy to download two copies.
If you install them all into the same folder, you should see a warning that the files already exist and avoid a duplicate installation.

One or two which are claimed to be FSX native seem to be in folders ending in Fs2004.zip, they may be fine but also they may not be very framerate friendly.

Some of the downloads don't have the associated ALT file included, so the airfield is in a trench or on a plateau.
You will need to make your own.


July 19th, 2013, 23:32
If Russian language is a problem there is also a mirror site (of AvSim.su in English): http://www.avsimrus.com/ , though not everything has been possible to translate in English. I don't speak Russian either but for me it took only a couple of days to learn Russian alphabet. It helps a lot because Russian is far nearer the English than for example my own language Finnish.


July 20th, 2013, 09:45
I am OK with going on the Avsim site as Google will translate well enough. Its just that I do not like seeing an airport named "Å«½n¡d 諽«¼¡á Öpa«ó«" in the FSX airports list. If there is a work around for that, it would be appreciated.

I dl'd from varioius sites and tried to get the most diverse set of airports as possible, all FSX, and no duplicates. It is interesting that a file on Avsim.rus has been re-uploaded so as to be compatible with ORBX World.

July 21st, 2013, 00:55
On Russian sites they naturally write readme- and other public file's names and text inside them with cyrillic letters. Downloading these to English or other language using computers the text appear something like Âíóêîâî, Àýðîïîðò, Ìîñêâà (for example).

I found on Internet this site: http://2cyr.com/decode/?lang=ru where there is a cyrillic decoder. When you feed onto it the line

Âíóêîâî, Àýðîïîðò, Ìîñêâà

you'll get in Russian line

Внуково, Аэропорт, Москва (which means in "western letters" Vnukovo, Aeroport, Moskva)

Unfortunately I didn't find there a straight decoder into English (English to Cyrillic is included). So "Внуково, Аэропорт, Москва" has yet to be feeded onto some Cyrillic-English decoder.

Perhaps someone knows a decoder where there is possible straightly get translation from "mumbo jumbo" to Russian and further English?


October 16th, 2013, 22:27
Hello, i found at AVSIM.ru that someone is busy with some Airports that fit with FTX-Global. I don't had have the time to test them by my own but it seems promising to me. Look at this: http://www.avsimrus.com/files.phtml?uploader=38841
Hopefully he will do Severodvinsk with static Typhoon submarines, that would be great. ---> http://wikimapia.org/#lang=de&lat=64.574874&lon=39.785957&z=15&m=b
Hey lazarus maybe you will allow him to use your Russian ships as static objects?

October 17th, 2013, 07:38
That's good news!!! I will try them at my earliest convenience. Thank you!

October 18th, 2013, 08:16
Thanks for the tip, Moscow UUDD is working fine with FTX Global, even in DX10 mode, with no tweaks involved...


Here with Samdim An-24B (for FS9, works ok in FSX, but no VC (Dzies (http://www.dzies.ru/) made a nice 2D 16:9 panel)


Here with the old FS9 Vitamin Tu-154M, and a nice AI Ilyushin Il-76 in the background (included in UUDD).


Here the Suprunov Design Yakovlev Yak-40. By the way, the SD Yak-40, once payware from the late Igor Suprunov, is now available as a freeware file at Avsimrus. A FSX port-over version is currently in progress by Andrey Vinogradov... Works quite fine, with an occasionnal FSX crash when unloading. Thanks to Steve DX10 toolbox, the An-24, Tu-154M, and Yak-40 are also working in DX10 (except some glass textures, which are missing or too transparent, I tried many fixes, to no avail).


FS9 version: 50079-yak40-2-2-2-full-free-fs9.zip @ avsimrus.com
FSX port-over forum thread: http://www.avsim.su/forum/topic/131582-%D1%8F%D0%BA-40-%D0%B4%D0%BB%D1%8F-fsx/
v3.4 Download links: http://yak40.except.pw/files/ (MFSX-Yak-40_3-4.rar)

October 18th, 2013, 09:51

Was it you who posted some links some time ago here regarding freeware TU-154's that have fully functional VC's but were simple systems wise(as opposed to the PT TU-154 series)? I've looked high and low for that thread and seemed to have lost the bookmark.

October 18th, 2013, 10:28
vonstroheim, Was it you who posted some links some time ago here regarding freeware TU-154's that have fully functional VC's but were simple systems wise(as opposed to the PT TU-154 series)?

Sean is the real PT Tu-154B-2 (native FSX) specialist: http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/showthread.php?71886-Tu-154B-2-Training-Session-%28TU154-101%29

For the old FS9 Tu-154M version by Vitamin, can't find the original thread, but I kept some links:

Tu-154M model with VC by Vitamin (aka Alexis)
23722-154-vit.zip @ avsimrus

Panel with FSX compatible gauges by Dimitri Danilov
17784_PANELTu-154mFS9PS.zip @ avsimrus

Blue panel option (with some updates) by Kalle Heinonen
vitamin_vc.zip @ flightsim

October 18th, 2013, 10:31
For me with UUDD the FsX runways do not line up with the photo real. Any ideas?

October 18th, 2013, 11:09
For me with UUDD the FsX runways do not line up with the photo real. Any ideas?

You need 3 packages from avsimrus:
51640-FT-UUDD.zip (that's the photo textures)

October 18th, 2013, 11:34

October 18th, 2013, 15:03
Sean is the real PT Tu-154B-2 (native FSX) specialist: http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/showthread.php?71886-Tu-154B-2-Training-Session-%28TU154-101%29

For the old FS9 Tu-154M version by Vitamin, can't find the original thread, but I kept some links:

Tu-154M model with VC by Vitamin (aka Alexis)
23722-154-vit.zip @ avsimrus

Panel with FSX compatible gauges by Dimitri Danilov
17784_PANELTu-154mFS9PS.zip @ avsimrus

Blue panel option (with some updates) by Kalle Heinonen
vitamin_vc.zip @ flightsim

Thanks, got all the files but no joy in getting the VC gauges to work. Is there a way to get them to work?

October 18th, 2013, 17:52
Thanks, got all the files but no joy in getting the VC gauges to work. Is there a way to get them to work?

Try adding this in your panel.cfg

//--------------------- captain --------------------------


gauge00=XmlEffects!AutoSmoke, 1,1,1,1
gauge02=Kingair!Vsi, 403,629,108,94 // STT_RP_TCAS_V0_19L!IVA_81A_VC
gauge06=154_b2t!IKU-1A, 409,836,101,102
gauge07=154_B2t!2UV-5, 522,627,110,90
gauge08=154_B2t!Agr-72, 529,523,98,89 // es_154b2x_1_0!LS_AGR_72
gauge09=154_b2t!2AUASP, 404,529,106,85 // pnk_154b2x_1_0!AUASP
gauge12=154_b2t!UVO-15, 114,778,98,83
gauge13=es_154b2x_1_0!Pressure1Gauge, 324,956,23,74
gauge14=es_154b2x_1_0!Pressure2Gauge, 347,956,23,74
gauge15=es_154b2x_1_0!Pressure3Gauge, 370,956,23,74
gauge20=154_b2t!UM-1K, 113,872,104,107
gauge21=154_b2t!KUS-730-1100, 2,812,94,82
gauge22=STT_Clock_V2_0!Clock_M_1, -6,916,105,90
gauge25=154_b2t!ITE1T-3, 924,500,104,94
gauge26=pnk_154b2x_1_0!USH-3, 831,862,172,158
gauge27=pnk_154b2x_1_0!USH_DB, 835,664,162,131
gauge28=154_b2t!Eup-53, 677,657,101,88
gauge29=pnk_154b2x_1_0!Tablo_1, 22,655,80,137
gauge30=pnk_154b2x_1_0!Kontrol_Lamp, 160,994,21,21
gauge31=pnk_154b2x_1_0!Tablo_3, 231,456,152,34
gauge32=pnk_154b2x_1_0!Tablo_2, 124,609,80,60
gauge33=154_b2t!Eng1_Revers, 699,604,85,22
//gauge34=154_b2t!Eng1_Revers, 815,604,85,22 // no reverse on engine 2
gauge35=154_b2t!Eng3_Revers, 935,604,85,22
gauge36=pnk_154b2x_1_0!Tablo_3, 231,543,153,35
gauge37=pnk_154b2x_1_0!Tablo_201, 63,636,40,20
gauge38=pnk_154b2x_1_0!Tablo_Trim_B, 650,853,55,66
gauge39=pnk_154b2x_1_0!Tablo_Trim, 695,851,47,46
gauge40=pnk_154b2x_1_0!Tablo_6a_b, 879,810,41,21
gauge41=es_154b2x_1_0!LowPressureLamp1, 315,928,12,12
gauge42=es_154b2x_1_0!LowPressureLamp2, 342,928,12,12
gauge43=es_154b2x_1_0!LowPressureLamp3, 370,928,12,12
gauge44=pnk_154b2x_1_0!Tablonn_71, -4,527,85,53
gauge45=pnk_154b2x_1_0!Tablonn_72, 73,511,85,55
gauge46=pnk_154b2x_1_0!Tablonn_73, 149,528,85,53
gauge47=pnk_154b2x_1_0!Tablonn_74, -6,567,89,50
gauge48=pnk_154b2x_1_0!Tablonn_75, 74,550,84,52

//--------------------- overhead and radar--------------------------


gauge00=groza!ICU, 0,0,324, 350
gauge01=kln90b!Kln90B, 0,868,433,151
gauge03=pnk_154b2x_1_0!AZS_RazvKol, 19,789,20,31
gauge04=NN_pnk_154m_v1_36!AZS_KOLESO, 19,831,19,39
gauge05=NN_pnk_154m_v1_36!AZS_FARY_Kr, 104,795.6,16,32
gauge06=NN_pnk_154m_v1_36!AZS_FARY_F, 135,795.6,16,32
gauge07=NN_pnk_154m_v1_36!AZS_FARY_Pol, 756,14,17,37
gauge08=NN_pnk_154m_v1_36!AZS_LAND_TAXI_F, 135,831.7,16,32
gauge09=NN_pnk_154m_v1_36!AZS_LAND_TAXI_Kr, 102,831.7,16,32
gauge10=pnk_154b2x_1_0!AT_Pult, 432,1,108,209
gauge11=pnk_154b2x_1_0!AZS_Bustery, 324,287,87,49
gauge12=NN_pnk_154m_v1_36!ARK15_1_Pult, 437,815,189,205
gauge13=NN_pnk_154m_v1_36!ARK15_2_Pult, 628,815,189,205
gauge14=NN_pnk_154m_v1_36!KursMP_pult_1, 820,759,201,129
gauge15=NN_pnk_154m_v1_36!KursMP_pult_2, 820,890,201,129
gauge16=NN_pnk_154m_v1_36!COM_1_fr, 1,599,200,91
gauge17=NN_pnk_154m_v1_36!COM_2_fr, 1,692,200,90
gauge18=NN_pnk_154m_v1_36!RSBN_Pult_2, 0,443,197,155 // 1,443,185,152
gauge19=NN_pnk_154m_v1_36!TKS_Pult, 201,468,180
gauge20=NS_TC_154m_25!CO-72M, 202,605,195,176
gauge21=NN_pnk_154m_v1_36!KursMP_Select, 1,357,200,85
gauge22=STT_RP_TCAS_V0_17L!TCAS_Pult, 542,1,172,174
//gauge02=NN_pnk_154m_v1_36!ABSU_Pult, 323,1,108,282
gauge23=154_b2t!PU-46, 324,145,107,140 // NN_pnk_154m_v1_36!ABSU_Pult
gauge24=154_B2t!PN-5, 323,1,106,140 // NN_pnk_154m_v1_36!ABSU_Pult
//gauge25=154_b2t!Pn-6, 431,0,61,209

//--------------------- copilot --------------------------


gauge00=154_b2t!Pkp-1d, 646,87,159,140
gauge01=154_b2t!2pnp-1, 649,245,150,139
gauge02=154_B2t!US-I-6, 526,119,104,87
gauge03=154_b2t!UVO-15, 527,222,98,83
gauge04=Kingair!VSI, 814,195,105,96 // STT_RP_TCAS_V0_19L!IVA_81A
gauge05=NN_pnk_154m_v1_36!ISD_2, 537,321,80,76
gauge06=STT_VBE_V1_02!VBE_1, 816,298,105,96
gauge07=154_B2t!Ups_2, 90,5,104,88
gauge08=154_B2t!Upz-154, 218,3,104,88
gauge09=pnk_154b2x_1_0!USVP, 23,162,106,109
gauge10=pnk_154b2x_1_0!RSBN_PPDA, 16,272,121,108,
gauge11=STT_Clock_V2_0!Clock_M_1, 21,415,109,96
gauge12=154_B2t!Gear_Ind_2, 350,-2,119,63
gauge13=154_b2t!Predkr, 386,75,41,18 // tu154m!FlapL
gauge14=es_154b2x_1_0!FlapsSpoilersLamps, 233,100,253,20
gauge15=154_b2t!KUS-730-1100, 528,32,97,79

//--------------------- ADI/HSI --------------------------


gauge00=154_b2t!Pkp-1d, 0,1,256,256
gauge01=154_b2t!2pnp-1, 1,249,256,256
gauge02=154_b2t!Pkp-1d, 255,1,256,256
gauge03=154_b2t!2pnp-1, 255,249,256,256

//--------------------- copilot --------------------------


gauge01=Kingair!VSI, 0,0,451,448 // STT_RP_TCAS_V0_19L!IVA_81A
//gauge02=STT_RP_TCAS_V0_19L!TCAS_Sound_Sys, 1,1,1,1
gauge03=154_b2t!2AUASP, 1168,0,232,232
gauge04=154_B2t!US-I-6, 1759,1283,290,288
gauge05=154_B2t!2UV-5, 1598,0,261,256
gauge06=154_b2t!2AUASP, 1168,0,232,232
gauge07=154_b2t!UVID-FK, 0,449,303,288
gauge08=154_b2t!ITE1T-1, 0,739,191,196 // es_154b2x_1_0!ITE_1T_1_c2
gauge09=154_b2t!ITE1T-2, 0,937,191,196 // es_154b2x_1_0!ITE_1T_2
gauge10=154_b2t!ITE1T-3, 0,1134,191,196 // es_154b2x_1_0!ITE_1T_3
gauge11=154_B2t!Agr-72, 1402,0,192,205
gauge12=pnk_154b2x_1_0!USH-3, 1608,1575,440,473
gauge13=pnk_154b2x_1_0!USH_DB, 0,1331,274,275
gauge14=154_b2t!IKU-1A, 854,0,311,346
gauge15=154_B2t!Ups_2, 1862,195,186,194
gauge16=154_B2t!Upz-154, 1862,0,186,194
gauge17=154_B2t!Gear_Ind_2, 663,1723,327,235
gauge18=154_b2t!UVO-15, 1763,996,285,285
gauge19=NN_pnk_154m_v1_36!ISD_2, 425,1374,145,143
gauge20=NN_pnk_154m_v1_36!ISD_2, 277,1374,145,143
gauge21=pnk_154b2x_1_0!RSBN_PPDA, 992,1738,311,311,
gauge22=STT_Clock_V2_0!Clock_M_1, 1828,789,220,206
gauge23=154_b2t!Predkr, 455,404,90,45 // tu154m!FlapL
gauge24=es_154b2x_1_0!FlapsSpoilersLamps, 455,359,450,45
gauge25=154_b2t!KUS-730-1100, 194,739,193,200
gauge26=es_154b2x_1_0!Pressure1Gauge, 97,1611,34,90
gauge27=es_154b2x_1_0!Pressure2Gauge, 133,1611,34,90
gauge28=es_154b2x_1_0!Pressure3Gauge, 169,1611,34,90
gauge30=154_b2t!UM-1K, 291,1520,370,436
gauge31=154_b2t!Eup-53, 305,449,229,228
gauge32=pnk_154b2x_1_0!Tablonn_71, 663,1644,115,77
gauge33=pnk_154b2x_1_0!Tablonn_72, 780,1644,115,77
gauge34=pnk_154b2x_1_0!Tablonn_73, 898,1644,115,77
gauge35=pnk_154b2x_1_0!Tablonn_74, 1016,1660,115,76
gauge36=pnk_154b2x_1_0!Tablonn_75, 1133,1663,115,73
gauge37=pnk_154b2x_1_0!Tablo_1, -10,1732,150,315
gauge38=pnk_154b2x_1_0!Kontrol_Lamp, 141,1705,23,22
gauge39=pnk_154b2x_1_0!Tablo_3, 291,1958,300,90
gauge40=pnk_154b2x_1_0!Tablo_2, 137,1913,152,138
gauge41=154_b2t!Eng1_Revers, 1898,650,150,45
gauge42=154_b2t!Eng1_Revers, 1898,697,150,45 // 154_b2t!Eng2_Revers missing
gauge43=154_b2t!Eng3_Revers, 1898,743,150,45
gauge44=pnk_154b2x_1_0!USVP, 1306,1691,300,361
gauge45=pnk_154b2x_1_0!Tablo_Trim_B, 140,1776,90,135
gauge46=pnk_154b2x_1_0!Tablo_Trim, 3,1641,90,90
gauge47=pnk_154b2x_1_0!Tablo_201, 97,1710,40,22
gauge48=es_154b2x_1_0!LowPressureLamp1, 4,1612,26,26
gauge49=es_154b2x_1_0!LowPressureLamp2, 32,1612,26,26
gauge50=es_154b2x_1_0!LowPressureLamp3, 60,1612,26,26
gauge51=154_b2t!UM-1K, 1851,391,197,197

//--------------------- Lights --------------------------


gauge00=pnk_154b2x_1_0!AZS_RazvKol, 19,789,20,31
gauge01=pnk_154b2x_1_0!AZS_KOLESO, 19,831,19,39
gauge02=pnk_154b2x_1_0!AZS_FARY_Kr, 104,795,16,32
gauge03=pnk_154b2x_1_0!AZS_FARY_F, 135,795,16,32
gauge04=pnk_154b2x_1_0!AZS_FARY_Pol, 164,797,17,37
gauge05=pnk_154b2x_1_0!AZS_LAND_TAXI_F, 135,831,16,32
gauge06=pnk_154b2x_1_0!AZS_LAND_TAXI_Kr, 102,831,16,32

You'll have to locate the missing gauge files in various PT packages... Can't help you more than this, it's been a long time I've hacked this panel...

October 18th, 2013, 20:35
Edit, NM already answered.

October 26th, 2013, 05:21

You just won my coveted "Man of the Week" award for posting about the Suprunov Yak-40 being ported to FSX. I became friends via emails and message board postings with Igor, and was crushed to hear the news of his death. So thanks much for posting this here. :salute:

If anyone is interested, I have 13 additional liveries that are not yet in that FSX port package, plus the English co-pilot callout files and three training videos done by Igor. Drop me a PM with any interest.


October 26th, 2013, 16:59
If anyone is interested, I have 13 additional liveries that are not yet in that FSX port package, plus the English co-pilot callout files and three training videos done by Igor.

Sounds good! Are you sure they are not available elsewhere? I mean the liveries? That would be more convenient... Here some funky liveries included in the package.



The SD Yak-40 at Pecs-Pogany LHPP, a nice freeware airport from Hungary by LH Simulations (lhsimulations.hu).

February 1st, 2016, 01:02
I was about to create a topic, but this one seems to fit perfectly so I'll resurrect it for a while :D

Just like Dandog, I'm looking for nice sceneries to enhance the Russian regions. I'm not interested in major airports for liners. What I'm looking for is mainly landclass, which could eventually be used in combination with OrbX Global (in case I buy that someday...) to make Russia look like... Russia (that would be a nice change, compared to how it looks right now in the sim...).
I have already read the topic, and I know perfectly the FSX Freeware website which lists all of the main sceneries by countries. But this contains mainly airports, not much landclass.
As far as I understood, there is currently no freeware landclasses for Russia, excepted some very sporadic areas, most of them being next to major cities like Moscow, where I'm unlikely to ever fly.

I was wondering about that payware landclass made by SceneryTech. It covers all of the northern Europe/Russia continent. It looks like what I'm looking for, on paper... but concretely, if it's so wide, then probably it's not that precise or reliable, right ?
Also, I know OrbX makes some landclass products, to use with their "FTX Global" product. But did they ever release anything for Russia ?

February 1st, 2016, 02:58
Also, I know OrbX makes some landclass products, to use with their "FTX Global" product. But did they ever release anything for Russia ?

OrbX' OpenLC Europe goes quite some distance into western Russia, but not the complete way to the Ural. In the manual on page 7 you can see the coverage. You can download the manual here: http://fullterrain.com/usermanuals/FTX%20Global%20openLC%20Europe%20User%20Guide.pdf

The rest of Russia should be covered in "OpenLC Asia Maior" in the distant future - very distant future as Asia, Africa and South America should come before, and they need approx. one year for each.