View Full Version : the lone ranger

June 30th, 2013, 13:36
today i seen the first lone ranger show and it was how he became the lone ranger. dont recall ever seeing this one.
as a kid i watched this program every saturday and even had a pair of lone ranger guns and a mask, still use the mask, lol.:cost1:
I been watching the lone ranger all day.
hi ho silver ...away

June 30th, 2013, 14:35
I'll be waiting for a while with the "new" version. From all the ads I've seen it looks more like "Tonto...and that other guy".

Kind of ironic. It was fairly standard practice in that era for Caucasians in makeup to play to roll of major "ethnic" characters in both TV shows and movies. The only exception I recall offhand was Jay Silverheels as Tonto. We've come a long way.

June 30th, 2013, 14:46

I too remember as you do as a kid watching the lone ranger on the old admiral B&W TV. It brings back memories watching the episodes again and I liked the film score used in all the drama
scenes. I am enclosing a youtube of the Lone ranger rock. I under stand that there is a subdivision not far from there. It is all in Chatsworth CA.

I also served on The USS Ranger CVA 61 and the William Tell Overture was our theme song that we would play we we broke away from underway replenishment (unreps)
from the supply/oilers. We even had a full scale replica of Silver and the sailor of the month would dawn Lone Ranger Garb and ride Silver (it all was spotted on the bow) as we pulled
into port at Alameda CA. Hi Yo Silver!!!!! The new version looks "interesting"

EDIT: I remember when MAD magazine did a parody of the Lone Ranger and in one of the scenes
you see this guy asking "He left a silver bullet, What does that mean?

In the next block:

"He kills Were-Wolves!"


Paul Anderson
June 30th, 2013, 14:51
Yes, like when David Carradine got the Kung Fu tv series part over Bruce Lee.
I imagine it would have been something entirely different and more exciting.
Perhaps they were going for dull and boring, and don't frighten the white folk.

June 30th, 2013, 14:59
ah lol Kung Fuey ............... grasshopper, never missed a show, it always pissed my dad off

Paul Anderson
July 1st, 2013, 10:25
Think I saw all of them too, long time ago, mostly forgotten by now.
If you need a kung fu refresher (like I do):


July 2nd, 2013, 00:39
It all seems so silly, yet I'm hanging out to see the new movie. What can I say, I'm a Johnny Depp fan.

July 2nd, 2013, 06:03
i like Johnny Depp to,i really like the movie Chocolat',with Julette Binochette,shes a looker still.but that was a good movie and depp acted well,,,i liked him in Benny and Joon as well,and the Pirates movies...ive never understood the hatred for him.i heard last weekend he has severely advanced Macular degeneration in both eyes,he is close to blind now,thats the reason you see him "trying to be cool all the time in his "cool shades"....he needs them for his own protection,i was DX'd with it..(wrongly) so i researched it,and if his is advanced as they said it was this weekend...he will be blind in a few years..David Spade has eye issues aswell...but i forget what now other than he cant be in direct light with out eye protection.

Dain Arns
July 2nd, 2013, 11:41
ME TV (Memorable Entertainment Television) showcases certain shows on Sundays, on June 30th it was 'The Lone Ranger'.
I enjoyed watching Clayton Moore and Jay Silverheels together again, as well.
If you would like to see the Lone Ranger series, leave ME TV a comment in their "Contact Us" area.
ME TV really listens to their fans, they have brought back several shows that folks have requested, if enough interest is shown.


ME TV is about the only network I watch anymore.
Old shows, un-edited in their entirety, complete with credits.
Not chopped like all of those other cable channels that have nothing but commercials with a little bit of show. :violent:

I have thoroughly enjoyed watching the shows 'Combat!', 'Emergency!', 'Mission: Impossible', 'The Wild, Wild, West' again, and many others on this channel.

July 2nd, 2013, 11:46
I watch ME tv more than any other station, hummm why do i pay $160 a month for tv and internet when ME TV is free

I cannot wait until alacart cable comes, lol

July 2nd, 2013, 18:40
Yes, like when David Carradine got the Kung Fu tv series part over Bruce Lee.
I imagine it would have been something entirely different and more exciting.
Perhaps they were going for dull and boring, and don't frighten the white folk.

I remember when I was a little boy and Bonanza had gone into syndication, Marlo Thomas playing a Chinese woman. That's right. That Girl. I watch ME TV, too. Fort Apache stood out in my mind when I first saw it because it had real Indians (Navajos; not Apaches) and John Wayne spoke admiringly of them, especially Cochise. I was used to Sal Mineo, Jack Palance, Chuck Connors, Michael Ansara, or Ricardo Montalban playing the Indians.