View Full Version : This is baffling

June 17th, 2013, 11:09
Over the weekend I decided to get a few P-51 Mustangs over to my FSX install, so I picked up the Warbirdsim Flight Leader X and spent a good part of yesterday adding repaints and flying around.

Towards the end of the day I decided to add some missing lines to each entry to associate the planes with Warbirdsim and added the following lines for each entry:

ui_typerole="Single Engine Prop"

Today I discovered that this works with only one entry, and all the other entries are still listed as 'Unknown' for some unknown reason. Why would it work for one entry and not the others?? :salute:

Weird. Just plain weird.

June 17th, 2013, 13:26
I've done this exact same thing, and had the same problem. Unfortunately it was user error! I had mistyped and in error copied this entry to all other repaint entries. You'll probably have to closely look at each entry and spot the error.

June 17th, 2013, 14:35
There are 53 entries [fltsim.52]

The changes only affect [fltsim.31], meaning it is the only aircraft that appears under a "Single Engine Prop" or "Warbirdsim".

The additions I made to each aircraft were copied from another, working aircraft.cfg. The only thing modified was for 'ui_createdby='.

I'm still trying to figure out why 1 out of 53 works, but the other 52 do not. If there is a typo, I haven't found it. Sigh. :sleep:

June 17th, 2013, 14:56
You ain't gonna believe this.... but I figured it out. You might want to sit down for this one.

As I mentioned earlier, I purchased the Flight Leader X from Warbirdsim and added a lot of repaints. Well, what I found out is that the entry for [fltsim.31] had a different ui_manufacturer= entry.

Every one of the entries including the default textures had a ui_manufacturer= North American. The only one that showed up properly had ui_manufacturer= North American Aviation (all without quotes, BTW).

As it just so happens my install of the Warbirdsim P-51D also has ui_manufacturer= North American Aviation, so this might have been a factor as well.

Anyways, all I had to do was to make every manufacturer entry as 'North American Aviation' and now all the aircraft are listed under Warbirdsim. :isadizzy:

All I know is that the Mustangs now show under the right creator and role, finally.

Sheesh. I think I need an adult beverage. :guinness: or two.. :guinness::guinness:

June 18th, 2013, 08:35
BTW, just a tip that might save some time and typing in the future...

If you have entries that will apply to every one of the variations, you can simply place that information in the [General] section once, and it will apply to all of 'em!

For example:
ui_type="Citationjet CJ1+"
ui_typerole="Corporate Jet"
ui_createdby="Eaglesoft Development Group"
description="Eaglesoft Cessna Citation CJ1+"
performance=Max Cruise Speed\t 3891 knots TAS @ 35,000 ft\nService Ceiling\t41,000 ft

The four ui_ entries and the description are common to all of the variations, so I placed them in the [General] section. This way, the only entry that is unique to each variant is - not too surprisingly - the ui_variation one...

title=Eaglesoft Citation CJ1+ N900ES
et cetera...

June 18th, 2013, 09:03
Excellent info, Bill ! :icon_eek:

Many thanks for sharing yet another esoteric insight arising from your years of experience as an FS-Insider ! :cool:


June 18th, 2013, 12:56
Thanks, Bill. Good stuff.

The challenges (and learning curve) are coming from adding textures and porting over some aircraft from FS9.

I'm learning that when textures are added to FSX aircraft, not all the readme.txt entries are consistent which in turn caused the issue I first posted.

Same goes for some port-over aircraft from FS9 as the FS9 aircraft.cfg goes by different rules.

June 18th, 2013, 13:09
Thanks Bill! THAT is a GREAT tip! Logged away for future use :)