View Full Version : FR P-40N: Update

June 17th, 2013, 09:36
Just to let everyone know that after some very frustrating hardware/software problems that held everything up for quite a while, a solution has now been found and the P-40N is moving towards completion. With any luck and no further interuptions, release may even be as soon as just a couple of weeks away.



June 17th, 2013, 09:42
That's good news Mike


June 17th, 2013, 09:49
I had been thinking about the P-40N recently.

Great to know everything is OK :salute:

June 17th, 2013, 10:12
Great news, Mike! I've been wondering where you've been, and thought several times to send you a message or something. I'm very glad to hear things are doing fine.

One of the items I had been thinking of sending to you, incase you hadn't seen it, is this (a P-40N-1 scheme (the first "Lulu Belle", not the later N-5 model example), applied to the Hangar 11 P-40M, thus just about identical to the N-1 - the only thing they didn't add is the white walls):



June 17th, 2013, 10:33
Very good news indeed!

June 17th, 2013, 11:40

June 17th, 2013, 14:34
Thanks for the update, I was thinking about asking last weekend about any news on this long awaited addition to the FS skies. I'm certainly looking forward to it's release.

Ian Warren
June 17th, 2013, 16:36
Now at 12.36 18 June in Christchurch New Zealand .. that must make it about 13 days away :icon_lol: , only kidding - Make for one heck of a 4th July prezzie tho :cool:<input id="gwProxy" type="hidden"><input jscode="leoInternalChangeDone()" onclick="if(typeof(jsCall)=='function'){jsCall();}else{setT imeout('jsCall()',500);}" id="jsProxy" type="hidden"><input id="gwProxy" type="hidden"><input onclick="if(typeof(jsCall)=='function'){jsCall();}else{setT imeout('jsCall()',500);}" id="jsProxy" type="hidden">

June 17th, 2013, 19:53
Oh man, the good times are comin. Great news Mike.