View Full Version : HU: RAZBAM 10 years - 48 hrs SALE

June 10th, 2013, 02:01
Found this on their FB and picked up the Harrier GR7/9:

10 dollars off on absolutely EVERYTHING for 48 hrs, but itīs on ONLY at our online store!, sale starts June 10th, at 00:00 US Eastern Standard Time, right here: http://www.razbamsims.com/store/</SPAN>

June 10th, 2013, 02:44
:applause: :applause: :applause:

Thanks for the H.U. on this wonderful sale !

June 10th, 2013, 04:36
:applause: :applause: :applause:

Thanks for the H.U. on this wonderful sale !

I see that they have a Lockheed Sirius (http://www.razbamsims.com/store/product_info.php?products_id=59{1}9&osCsid=858c6f599d677592a6b69d1bf3f3add7) but I cannot find any screenshots on the site.
Anyone know moe about this model?

June 10th, 2013, 04:52

I've also picked up the Harrier GR7/9.


June 10th, 2013, 08:04
How does their Skyraider compare to Piglet's?


June 10th, 2013, 08:34
How does their Skyraider compare to Piglet's?

Not FsX native for starters.. It's an older model for Fs8/9 and CFS2 and I don't know if it works OK in FsX. If you still fly Fs9 then it's a good buy as you'll get plenty of model variations and paints.

June 10th, 2013, 10:01
How does their Skyraider compare to Piglet's?


I just now purchased the Razbam VOl 2 skyraider and to be honest, I like Piglett's spinning prop animation better then Razbam's. Razbam's prop looks a bit on the chunky side when it spins
unlike Piglet's prop. I did convert all of Razbam's props to where they spin like the ones in Piglets Spad (much better) if you want to know how just PM me. I do enjoy the Razbam
sound by Chris Presley. No wonder I couldn't find his rendition of the single R-3350, Razbam hired him use his sound file.

I had a hellva time establishing a new account with Razbam. Their web page was kinda wierd. When I DID register and I chose what to put into the "CART" it would come up empty and
we would play that same game over and over. It was very frustrating to me to say the least. I eventually got the Welcome email from Mr Razbam and when I clicked on the link they
provided; it was supposed to show me what I just paid for, it would have me log on and every time I entered my email address, that data would disappear and I would retype it again
and again and again. Eventually, the download link appeared and then and only then I could finally get what I paid for. That's progress in this new age of high tech (or so they say):isadizzy:

June 10th, 2013, 15:36
Yea, yea, yea...

I saw their post on Facebook last night, so I picked up their Corsair II Vol. 1 package.

Now I gotta learn an all new set of a/c systems.. Life is tough. :sleep: ... but I like it that way.. LOL

June 11th, 2013, 15:31
Thank you for letting us know.

I pick the GR7/9